Pre-Surgery Diet

Hey everyone just got the phone call today from my surgeon that my date of surgery is set for December 11th when i will be getting the sleeve done. My question is about the Pre-Surgery diet that they put you on the 2 weeks prior to surgery. My parents both had the Lap Band done and their surgeon put them both on a liquid pre op diet and my surgeon wants to put me on a high protein pre op diet. I don't know how I feel about this because i've never heard of anyone being on a high protein pre op diet just the liquid one. Any ways just wondering if anyone else was put on a high protein diet instead of a liquid diet and what kind of foods you ate etc thanks a lot!


  • wink77
    wink77 Posts: 55 Member
    I had VSG on 5/6/13. Welcome to the club. :-) I did two weeks of two protein shakes or bars and one sensible meal a day. I believe they wanted me under 800 calories a day for those two weeks. It seems like a long time, but, it goes fast and once the cravings are gone it's pretty easy. Great way to drop some weight before surgery and it makes your liver less shrink so your surgery is safer.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Hi. I was sleeved 2+ years ago and yes, I was on a high protein pre-op diet. My surgeon's office has a store in it and I got all my food from there for the per-op and post op diet. The cost was about the same as similar things out in health food stores. Anyway, two weeks prior and it actually was so much easier than I had expected. With the amount of protein you will find you really aren't hungry and like Wink said, it does go fast. I'm sure they told you the purpose is to shrink your liver pre-surgery so they can do the surgery laproscopicly.

    Good luck with everything! This is a great tool. I'm not done yet, but then I started out needing to lose 220 pounds, so I'm happy with the results so far and continuing on. This was the best thing I could have ever done for myself.
  • cmorga02
    cmorga02 Posts: 34 Member

    I was on a high protein lots of liquid diet for 5 months prior to surgery. Then 2 weeks prior to surgery I was on clear liquids with 100 grams of protein only from shakes.

    Before that I had to get in 160 grams of protein while trying to stay under 1800 calories, sometimes I was a bit over, but normal sensible portions helped me meet that easy. Lean steaks definately help. Instead of rib-eye I had sirloin.

    Be sure to invest in various protein shakes/mixes. You'll get tired of using the same one over and over again. See if you can find one that has 3 grams of protein to 1 carb. These are the best for you.

    As far as food, baked or grill chicken, steak, pork is best. Stay away from fried versions, this will yeild the best results.

    Now I'll admit, I've never heard of a high protein pre-op diet. Months before the surgery yes, but 2 weeks pre-op no. Usually they want liquids to shrink the liver because it makes the complications during surgery go down significantly. I would ask your surgeon why high protein and not liquids, just to make sure.
  • Hey doll,

    i think you're doing the right thing =] I'm going to be put on the semi-soft/liquid diet for two weeks prior to my surgery. I wish you the best of luck. A FR is coming your way!
  • I just started my pre-op diet yesterday for roux en y on 12/3. I am on a high protein, low calorie liquid diet with the goal being to lose some fat around the liver. From what I've heard from various people, it's very surgeon specific on what you do pre-op, but the goal is the same. Lose weight and make the liver easier to move!
  • caccicoo
    caccicoo Posts: 59 Member
    I just had my surgery on Nov 13th and I was on 2 1/2 weeks of Boost and Glycerna until my surgery date. Yuck.
  • All dr's are different. For example, mine had me on a two week low fat diet only. I opted to include extra protein for the week prior and then went to soft foods two days before and liquids only the day before surgery. I heard horror stories of people having their "last meal" just a couple days before surgery and then not being able to poop after. I didn't want that so I decided going into surgery with a semi empty belly was the best idea for ME.
    Your dr. should always know best so do whatever he/she says...we're just here for back-up. LOL
    Good luck on your journey!