Welcome and what's your ultimate goal

mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
My name is Emilie, I'm a mother of 2 from Ontario canada. If your like me you have great plans to lose weight and work really hard in the begining but never reach your goal. So I decided to start this group so that we can all encourage each other every single step of the way. I have some great ideas for this group to keep it fun soo keep coming back!

My ultimate goal would be to get down to 115-120 pounds and and be fit and strong.


  • bass2be1
    bass2be1 Posts: 17 Member
    my name is bonita and i am planning a half marathon in 2014 with my daughter in law.
    I am excited and excited.
  • nvpixie
    nvpixie Posts: 483 Member
    Hi. I'm Michelle.

    My goal is to exercise more. I don't need to drop pounds as much as I need to get my muscles in shape. I like yoga and stretching, walking and bike riding.
  • yeseniaramos1
    yeseniaramos1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi my name is Yessi.

    My goal is to lose 30 lbs before my 40th b-day in April. I actually would probably settle for 20lb loss but am aiming high....

    I want to be fit and fabulous as I turn 40. I have done this whole losing weigh thing so many times I am tired of it. But I can't keep gaining weight. I have gained 15 lbs in the last year. It is horrible.
  • Hello,

    My name is Sandee, I work FT and am a mother to 4 beautiful kids. I am not trying to get skinny, just want to be healthy! I've lost about 17lbs already and just want to lose about 13-15lbs more but I've fallen of the wagon and need to get back on track! really don't want the scale to see those old numbers again!!
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    Welcome everyone and congrats on taking that first step back into the right direction. Feel free to post anything and have fun!
  • Hi everyone! My name is Erica.

    My ultimate goal is to lose 20 pounds and get back on track with my running so I can run the 5 half marathons scheduled for next year :).
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Hi everyone! Thanks for the group.

    My name is Jamie, and my goal is to get back to kicking my own butt again. I started Insanity at the beginning of September and a really bad cold in mid-October put me on the sidelines for a couple of weeks. Now I can't get back into my groove. I've also been eating like I am working out but not logging 100% which caused me to go from having 3 pounds to go to having 8 pounds to go. People say I'm harder on myself than I am on anyone else, so I need to start doing that again!

    So I want to finish round one of Insanity, start round two, get back to lifting weights, and start running! The running would be new to my repertoire, but it sounds like it would be a fun thing to try.

    Good luck everyone :)
  • pennygski
    pennygski Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everyone, My name is Penny and I have fallen way off the wagon, I am so excited to join the group, I would like to loose 30 lbs lets keep each other motivated.:smile:
  • newtonk520
    newtonk520 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My goal is 30 lbs. Looking forward to hearing from everyone and keeping the motivation going!

  • blackdiamond912
    blackdiamond912 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My name is Mikeyia and my ultimate goal is to get back down to 135 - 150 pounds by the time I am 26.
  • NicolaPopovic1
    NicolaPopovic1 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, living in France not a big network of friends here, I desperately want to step up fitness, No gym or anything nearby although im lucky to have a pool in the summer months.

    I have 2 small dogs so I could use them as my exercise buddies for walking

    10 years ago and 42lb lighter I used to walk 5miles a day and go to the gym so I know it can be done again.

    Today is my first day and I need to loose at least 28lb by next August - a very doable target I know but as the months pass the time is getting shorter.


  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    Thanks everyone for joining. I'm happy that this got a good response, I really need the motivation and love to motivate others aswell.
  • Hi Everyone,
    My name is Anita and I live in Maine. I'm 29 years old and my goal is to lose 40 lbs by the time I turn 30 next June. Ive gained 30 lbs in 1 year, probably from stress of planning my wedding and school, so I would love to lose that 30 lbs plus 10 more! I'm so excited to be in this group and to read about everyone else's goals. This will motivate me even more. :)
  • rockstar53
    rockstar53 Posts: 215 Member
    Hi all,
    I was doing so well over the summer but routines changed when I went back to work in the fall, kids went back to school, ya da ya da ya da, and alas, fell off the wagon. I need to lose around 50lbs. I have my work cut out for me and really need help staying on track.
  • Hi everyone. I joined MFP to lose weight, to live better. Instead, somehow, I gained 22lbs since January. I am scared that I can't lose weight and keep it off. I am scared of continuing to fail. My family is going on vacation in 1 year. I want to lose 50lbs before we go. I can't walk 1/2 a mile without being so winded I feel like I am going to pass out. Please help me be accountable and I will return the favor! I have no friends on here so if anyone wants to add me feel free.
  • My goal is to lose about 50lbs by this time next year. I want to do it right and have it stay off. I've lost about 35lbs so far.

    Good luck to those doing marathons and half marathons! I did 2 5K's at the beginning of this year and I'm back on track for training for another 2 5K's this coming Jan and Feb. I really like the Couch to 5K app on the phone - it's free and fun - give it a try ;) and again Good Luck!!
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    HI...I'm Jen. My Goal is drop 15 lbs.... and break thru this plateau I've been at for 6 FRINKIN' MONTHS! :explode: I've been within 5 lbs for 6 months... I've upped my workouts but (to be honest) I haven't been consistent! My plan is to make a workout schedule for 3 months and see if I get results.... I think consistency is key for results.
  • burlingtongrl
    burlingtongrl Posts: 327 Member
    Hi, everyone. My name is Renee and I live in Ontario. Since mid-September I have really made an effort to get back into shape. I have lost about 20 lbs since then and would like to lose another 20 by the spring. I have not cut out junk food entirely, but have really tried to eat much better. Most of my exercise up until now had consisted of long walks everyday. Now that the weather has started to get colder, I decided I would join a gym. I am hoping that this will keep me from gaining weight over the winter months and keep me moving towards my goal.
    Good luck all.
  • Hello everyone! My name is Christina and I live in Arizona. I recently graduated with my Bachelor's degree and looked at my graduation photos. WOW! Is all I could say when I saw those. After looking at those pictures, I realized it's really time to get back on track. I know we are our own worst critics, but come on that is a little ridiculous. I would really like to start off with 2 goals by losing 20 lbs and working out at least 3 times a week. I have hypothyroidism so I do have a difficult time, but I don't want that to be my excuse anymore either.
    Thank you for starting this group because I know I needed this boost! I greatly appreciate it! :)
  • Hello Everyone, My name is Sonya. I'm a 30 years old stay at home mom with 3 boys. I've started countless plans, but fall short after a while. So I would have to say my ultimate goal is to stay motivated. I've never joined a group before always felt a little nervous, but maybe this is just what I need to stick with it. Thanks for the group...