Saturday 16th November - 9th week weigh in!

Starting weight was 94.4 (208.1 pounds)
Week one weight 91.8!!!! (202.3 pounds)
Week two weight 91.9 (202.6 pounds)
Week three weight 89.9 (198.1 pounds)
Week four weight 89.4 (197 pounds)
Week five weight 89.4 (197 pounds)
Week six weight 89 (196.2 pounds)
Week seven weight 88.3 kilos (194.6 pounds)
Week eight weight 89 kilos (196.2 pounds)
Week nine weight 87.8 kilos (193.5 pounds)

Lost so far: 6.6 kilos (14.5 pounds)

Goal by Christmas 82.4 (181.6)
Ultimate Goal 65 (143.3)

Getting there slowly but surely :) Not liking that the add at the top of this page is for dominos though lol. I have been so good at resisting!!! And I am prod to say I am now down from a size 20 to a size 18 :D


  • lharri0209
    lharri0209 Posts: 128 Member
    Got a big day ahead of me tomorrow with work and errands. I will just check in now. My stats as of starting this challenge are:

    Sw-177 lbs
    Cw- 154 lbs
    Ugw- 130 lbs

    Total loss this wk: -2 lbs
    Total challenge loss: -23 lbs

    Good luck to everyone going into this next week! You can do it!
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    You ladies are rocking it! Way to go!

    Week 1 - 181
    Week 2 - 185 (started a new work out and I am retaining water)
    Week 3 - 182.6
    Week 4 - 181.4
    Week 5 - 181.2
    Week 6 - 181.0
    Week 7 - 179.6
    Week 8 - 179.2
    Week 9 - 178.6

    - 2.4 lbs
  • AnnaZimm70
    AnnaZimm70 Posts: 218 Member
    Christmas Challenge start weight: 183.5
    Current weight: 171.6
    Lost this week: 1.0 lbs.
    Challenge total: 11.9 lbs. lost

    Great job to all!
  • hotmamatodd
    hotmamatodd Posts: 33 Member
    Finally, finally feeling better! Three weeks with this nagging chest/sinus infection. Blah! Pushing through and getting stronger daily. Got in two runs this week and hoping to get in a long run this weekend. Good results team!

    Week 1 - 1.4 lbs loss
    Week 2 - 1.1 lbs loss
    Week 3 - 2.3 lbs loss
    Week 4 - 0.5 lbs loss
    Week 5 - 1.7 lbs loss
    Week 6 - 0.2 lbs loss
    Week 7 - 0.0 lbs loss
    Week 8 - 0.7 lbs loss
    Week 9 - 1.6 lbs loss

    Total loss 9.5 lbs so far!
  • dantanjah
    dantanjah Posts: 100 Member
    Congrats to all for staying with this challenge.

    SW: 212.6
    Challenge goal: 192
    Revised challenge goal: 182
    CW: 187.4
    Total loss: 25.2 pounds
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,611 Member
    W0: 160.3
    W1: 157.4
    W2: 155
    W3: 156
    W4: 150.4
    W5: 148.6
    W6: 147.2
    W7: 146.2
    W8: 144.8
    W9: 144.8

    Total loss of 15.5

    No loss this week. I was bad this week, especially yesterday, and didn't get much chance to exercise with a sick boy and basically no time for myself. I will get my butt in gear and shift these last few pounds. My goal is to be to my target weight and 20 lb lost by December 1. Better get a move on that
  • yorkieII
    yorkieII Posts: 93 Member
    mfp starting weight 217 (1/17/12)
    Christmas challenge
    starting week weight 145.6
    week 1 weight 143.2
    week 2 weight 141.3
    week 3 weight 141.4
    didnt weigh week 4 &5
    week 6 weight 142.0
    week 7 weight 140.8
    week 8 weight 139.6
    week 9 weight 136.4
    challenge goal weight 135.6
    ugw 120-127

    good luck everyone on your weight loss journey!!! Everyones doing great!!
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    Everybody who has stuck with this challenge is totally rocking it! Great dedication, congrats & way to go!

    Week 0: 182.0
    Week 1: 182.8
    Week 2: 180.0
    Week 3: 176.4
    Week 4: 176.8
    Week 5: 176.0
    Week 6: 172.8
    Week 7: 175.4
    Week 8: 170.8
    Week 9: 170.0

    Total lost during challenge: 12.0

    I'm on track to lose more than 15, but not 20. But I knew this coming in to the challenge, as I'm approaching the end of my journey, finally! Next week I will (hopefully) break into a new decade!

    GW: 159.8
  • It is awesome to see the success this group has had! I can't wait to add up our total pounds lost as a group when we reach the end.

    Sw: 184.2
    Week1: 181.3
    Week2: 180.4
    Week 3: 180.2
    Week 4: 179.8
    Week 5: 178
    Week 6: 177
    Week 7: 174.8
    Week 8: 175
    Week 9: 170.5

    Lost 4.5 this week (wowzers - I was in serious disbelief!)
    Total lost 13.7

    I can't wait to see the 160s!
  • Cowgal23
    Cowgal23 Posts: 106 Member
    Well once again this week no loss for me. I'm still at 222.6 lbs for like the 3rd week in a row. Possibly the no loss this week is from being bloated right now.

    Great job to everyone this week. Hopefully next week will be better for me and I can finally break this habit I've gotten into of not losing and just maintaining.
  • meowlymary
    meowlymary Posts: 84 Member
    HW: 200+
    MFP Starting weight: 189
    Challenge starting weight: 185
    Challenge goal: 165
    Overall goal: 135
    Last week: 174.6

    This week: 172.6- down 2 lbs again!

    12.4 lbs total - 7.6 to go by Christmas. I predict I'll get there by 12/10/13 unless Thanksgiving proves to be harder than I'm expecting. It'd be amazing if I can get to 160 by Christmas.

    Way to go everyone!
  • doIlhands
    doIlhands Posts: 349 Member
    Week 0 SW- 179
    Week 1 - 178
    Week 2- 177
    Week 3 - 176
    Week 4 - 174.4
    Week 5 - 174
    Week 6 - 172
    Week 7- 170
    Week 8 - 170
    Week 9 - 168
    Total loss - 11lbs
    Christmas GW- 159
  • SW: 151.4
    W1: 149 (-2.4)
    W2: 148.2 (-.8)
    W3: 148.2 (-0)
    W4: 146.6 (-1.6)
    W5: 144.8 (-1.8)
    W6: ?
    W7: ?
    W8: ?
    W9: 142 (-2.8)

    Total loss: 9.4

    I'm back! I had a rough patch for about 3 weeks where I sort of fell off the band wagon and had a hard time jumping back on. There were some gains in there that I never reported in the weigh in threads in this group because I was so upset with myself. But, I'm picking myself back up, and hoping it's still possible to lose 20 by Christmas ... we'll see. Good job to everyone else. You all rock for sticking with the challenge for this long!

  • SW: 250lbs
    W1: 248lbs
    W2: 245lbs
    W3: 245lbs
    W4: 244lbs
    W5: 240lbs
    W6: 242lbs
    W7: 242lbs
    W8: 240lbs
    W9: 236lbs

    I haven't logged in a few weeks, I'm sorry guys. When I started doing circuit training, I gained weight! I'm told my body was probably retaining water to help rebuild my muscles. Idk... but I'm back on track now. :)
  • tugten
    tugten Posts: 73 Member
    SW 170

    CW 158

    lost 2 pounds this week Yay!
  • Sapphire1812
    Sapphire1812 Posts: 107 Member
    Scales have been a little nicer to me the last couple of weeks... hmm, not sure why... but won't complain!! I shouldn't say that should I, otherwise will go and jinx them!

    Can't believe it's only 5 more Saturdays until Christmas. :noway: It's great to see peeps come back though... let's keep up the great work everyone... you're all doing amazing!! :drinker:

    SW: 183.7 lbs
    Wk1: 180.9 lbs (-2.8 lbs)
    Wk2: 179.7 lbs (-1.2 lbs)
    Wk3: 179.6 lbs (-0.6 lbs)
    Wk4: 178.8 lbs (-0.3 lbs)
    Wk5: 177.7 lbs (-1.1 lbs)
    Wk6: 176.8 lbs (-0.9 lbs)
    Wk7: 175.9 lbs (-0.9 lbs)
    Wk8: 173.4 lbs (-2.5 lbs)
    Wk9: 172.1 lbs (-1.3 lbs)

    Total: -11.6 lbs

    8.4 lbs to go.
    GRTFULDD1 Posts: 47 Member
    SW - 253

    CW- 229

    GW - 190

    Lost 1 pound for the week

    24 pounds so far
  • SW 88.5 kg
    1W 87.5 kg
    2W 87 kg
    3W 86 kg
    4W 85.8 kg
    5W 85.8 kg
    6W 84.3 kg
    7W 84.3 kg
    8W 84.1 kg
    9W 83.5 kg

    Total lost 5 kg, just over 11 pounds which officially puts me just over half way - yeah, happy!!

    It's great reading through how well people are doing, it's very inspiring and definitely helping me not to give up and just keep on doing what I am doing. Here's to next week :drinker:
  • takerbrat
    takerbrat Posts: 81 Member
    Week 0 weigh-in 177.0
    Week 1 weigh-in 176.8 . . . 0.2 lb loss. Alas, the plateau continues . . . kind of . . .
    Week 2 weigh-in 173.0 . . . 3.8 lb loss. Take that plateau!
    Week 3 weigh-in 171.2 . . . 1.8 lb loss. Just about made my goal of 2 lbs/week.
    Week 4 weigh-in 171.2 . . . no loss this week, no excuses, next week will be different . . .
    Week 5 weigh-in 170.6 . . . 0.8 lb loss. Last week wasn't that much different, some nights I swear I hear that Nutella jar calling my name and I never even liked the damn stuff before I started to lose weight! Maybe it's hormonal?
    Week 6 weigh-in 166.6 . . . 4 lb loss, yup it was hormonal! So glad to be back in the 60s
    Week 7 weigh-in 166.0 . . . 0.6 lb loss. How do you eat an elephant . . . one bite at a time! .6 lb by .6 lb I WILL get there!
    Week 8 weigh-in 164.6 . . . 1.4 lb loss. Have added kickboxing to my weekly routine, fantastic cardio and aggressive enough to be quite therapeutic! Bonus!!
    Week 9 weigh-in 163.4 . . . 1.2 lb loss. My son has added another HIIT session to my week, my workout week now looks like this:
    Monday - Group Circuit Training, followed by HIIT session
    Tuesday - day off
    Wednesday - Group Circuit Training, followed by HIIT session
    Thursday - HIIT session during day, yoga in the evening
    Friday - Kickboxing (moderate cardio)
    Saturday - weight training at home (upper body)
    Sunday - weight training at home (lower body) . . . not bad for an old girl!

    total loss this challenge - 13.6 lbs . . . average loss/week 1.51 lbs
    total loss since starting the challenge with my son July 1st* - 39 lbs . . . average loss/week 2.05 lbs (19 weeks)

    * to read about the challenge I have with my son checkout my blog entitled A Mom, Her Son & One Life Changing Wager (
  • Welcome back the couple of people who came back! Five weeks is a long time, so I bet we could all see some great success.
    If anyone is frustrated, seek out some advice here. Everyone is really helpful and I know that advice from this group is what got me on track.

    Good luck!
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Week 0: 195.4
    Week 1: 194.6
    Week 2: 191.8
    Week 3: 191.0
    Week 4: 190.2
    Week 5: 187.8
    Week 6: 186.0
    Week 7: 185.4
    Week 8: 185.6
    Week 9: 183.8

    Total: 11.6 for the challenge!!
  • KnickersInATwist
    KnickersInATwist Posts: 237 Member
    I'm totalling 13lbs lost so far in the challenge! Real push now as things are starting to get harder... So many yummy Christmas treats to avoid!!
  • oreyna
    oreyna Posts: 88 Member
    9/13/13 - 239 (Starting Weight)
    9/20/13 - 238 (-1 lb)
    9/27/13 - 235.4 (-3.6 lbs)
    10/4/13 - 235.4 (Zero Loss this week) :grumble:
    10/11/13 - 231.8 (-3.6 lbs) (Back on track!!!)
    10/18/13 – 230.6 (-1.2lbs)
    10/25/13 – 228.6 (-2lbs)
    11/1/13 – 225.6 (-3lbs)
    11/8/13 – 223 (-2.6lbs)
    11/15/13 – 220.6 (-2.4lbs)

    Total Weight Loss (19.4 LBS) and (0.6 LBS more to GO!!!)
    Goal Weight 220 by Christmas drinker
  • Aurora22
    Aurora22 Posts: 66 Member
    starting weight 8/30/13: 176.5
    week 0: 170
    week 1: 170
    week 2: 168
    week 3: 169.5
    week 4: 167.6
    week 5: 167.8
    week 6: 164.5
    week 7: 163.8
    week 8: Lake Tahoe
    week 9: 165 ugh
    gw: 150
  • MelonGG
    MelonGG Posts: 22 Member
    Okay super late with my weigh-in
    SW: 173.5
    CW: 170.5

    So I think I will adjust my goal to 10lbs by christmas to give myself a better persepective. I've had a challenging fall and after tomorrow I will write my last exam and get back to real life, weigh in's, workouts and holiday plans! YEAH!
  • brittanykira
    brittanykira Posts: 220 Member
    SW: 220 lbs
    W1: 216.8 lbs
    W2: 215.6
    W3: 213.0
    W4: 213.0
    W5: 214.0
    W6: 211.2
    W7: 209
    W8: 208
    W9: 208

    Stayed the same

    Overall Loss: 12 lbs

    GW for Christmas: 200 lbs

    8 lbs to go!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Week 0 - SW 186.6
    Week 1 184.8
    Week 2 185.8
    Week 3 185.6
    Week 4 184.4
    Week 5 Disaster week
    Week 6 186.2
    Week 7 188.2
    Week 8 186.2
    Week 9 187.4
  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 732 Member
    Giving my overview -- I don't think I made on here for last week.

    SW for Challenge = 210
    Week 1 = 210
    Week 2 = 209
    Week 3 = 209
    Week 4 = 209
    Week 5 = 209
    Week 6 = 211
    Week 7 = 212
    Week 8 = 215
    Week 9 = 215
    Week 10 = 214 (I'll post this again once the link is up for this week - I weighed today.)