
lisalisa27 Posts: 75 Member
Greetings! Welcome to the Focus T25 Friends group! I'm so glad you found us.

Since this is a new group, let's start with an introduction thread.

1. Introduce Yourself
2. What do you wish to accomplish
3. WHY are you looking to make this change in your life?

My advice? Take before and after pictures and body measurements. Sometimes the scale is not indicative of your progress.

FYI: There is a daily give away of $500 if you log in your workouts. There are also $1,000 monthly, $,5000 quarterly and even a $100,000 annual giveaway if you submit your before and after photos. Send me message for details on how to enter.


  • lisalisa27
    lisalisa27 Posts: 75 Member
    I'm Lisa... 37 year old mother of 3 kids aged 7, 3 and 1. I work full time and I am a fitness coach on the side. I live in a suburb of Cleveland, OH USA and I love to help people.

    I want to set a good example for my kids, I want to be physically fit and have a nice toned body. I have lost 69 lbs so far and would like to lose about 15-20 more and flatten my stomach. I

    Why do I want to do this? It's time that I focus on my health and take care of my body. I need to do this for me and I love the way I feel after I complete a good workout.
  • sarasharp1
    sarasharp1 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I'm Sara, mom of four: 8,6,3, and 3 months. Doing T25 for variety and to drop some baby flab. I'm a runner by nature, but need a break from the treadmill. I've run several 5ks, 10ks, half marathons, and have 2 full marathons under my belt, but feel like I could be more 'fit' if that makes sense. I feel very one dimensional. I'm looking forward to seeing wha this program can do for me!

    Great to have others in the same boat!
  • Good morning! My name is Kim. Married with no kids (hopefully soon). I hadn't joined a group yet, but this group showed up on the side of the community page so I said what the heck! I'm actually almost done with alpha round of T25. I am a PE teacher and softball coach for a high school. I use to teach middle school, which was stressful and left me little time to do anything. Now that I am getting home earlier I can workout like I have been wanting to. I hope to accomplish getting my weight down and feeling better about myself, which has already been working. I'm looking forward to hitting my goal weight.
  • jennicole4
    jennicole4 Posts: 90 Member
    My name is Jen. I'm a mother of 3 as well - 9, 5, and 5 mo. I'm a marketing director and freelance writer. I started T25 a few months ago, but it caused problems with the quality of my milk, so I stopped. My son has recently started on solids and I am supplementing a little formula each day, so I feel confident things will go much better this time around. During the 2 weeks I did T25 back in August, I had pretty great results!

    I have several mini-goals while doing T25. My husband and I have a friend's wedding to go to the first weekend in December. I am hoping to have lost at least a dress size by then. I've already lost 5 pounds just by watching what I eat and I'm a shorty, so 10 pounds usually equals a size for me. I think this is doable. We'll see!

    In January, I turn 30. :grumble: I'm not really sure when THAT happened. Who said I was ready to be a REAL grown up? Lol. I am hoping to be down 2 dress sizes by my birthday and look fabulous when my husband and I go on our annual ski trip.

    I thought I was going to have some more time to get beach-ready, but my daughter really wants to do the Polar Bear Plunge in February, so I am working towards looking good in a bathing suit by then! I have done the Plunge before. It. Was. Freezing. I said never again, but couldn't turn down my daughter - she wants to do something for charity for her 10th birthday. What a great kid! How could I say no?

    Anyway, I'm not sure if my goals are too lofty. I hope not! It's great to meet everyone and I look forward to seeing all of our results!
  • chrissysue
    chrissysue Posts: 85 Member
    1. Introduce Yourself
    Hello, my name is Chris. I have been married to my wonderful husband for 16 years together 21. We have two fabulious girls Jess 17 (18 in a week :( ) and Amanda 14. I also have a son from a previous relationship who is 24 and a 3yo grandson. Not sure where time has gone, how my kids got so grown up or how they could be old enough to have kids of their own.....wish I could turn back time!!!!! Not sure how people can "wish their kids gone". I never want my kids to leave home. Obviously my son is out and on his own....well he lives with his father. but I dont want my girls to go anywhere!
    I have held several job titles, most recent, I was a certified Lifeguard, Lifeguard instructor and swim instructor. But now work in the IT dept at Corning Inc.
    I was formally a corrections officer. During this "stint" I was hurt on the job and now have an artificial disc at L5-S1 which is when most of my weight was gained. I was beyond sedentary from 2/ 2009-03/2012. I have done just about every program, Hip Hop Abs, Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire, Chalene Extreme, Insanity and NOW T25. I have loved everyone of the programs EXCEPT that it takes an hour to complete. With my 14yo I don't have an hour for ME. I get done work at 5pm run home and inhale something (normally make meal in crockpot) and right back out the door to take her to either cheer practice (she is on two squads) or tumbling. Generally I go to walmart and get odds and ends while she practices because we live 20 mintues outside of town. Doesnt make sence to drive home to turn around and drive back. Waist of gas especiall with my truck (Dodge Ram 1500 with a hemi).

    2. What do you wish to accomplish
    I hope to get myself back in shape so I can walk a flight of steps and not be exhausted at the top. I would like to tone and get rid of the "baby bump".

    3. WHY are you looking to make this change in your life?
    I am tired of seeing what I see in the mirror every morning. People tell me I dont need to lose weight that I look great. Which I appreciate but at 5'6" 183# with a body fat % 40+ yeah need to get rid of about 45#. I would love to go to the beach for vacation and not be one of "those" people that I critique.... You know we all do it.....she would be pretty if... that suit would look better if......

    OK I guess I should be getting back to work! Please feel free to add me as a friend!
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    Hi all! My name is Alison, and I'm 25 and in graduate school. I'm working toward a PhD in industrial engineering and hope to be a professor at small-ish teaching-focused school after I finish. I still have 2 or 3 years left though...

    I have been overweight since college. Before that, I was really active all the time, but when the activity stopped and my food intake didn't, I picked up a lot of weight. I hit my highest weight of 209 lbs last spring. That was my turning point. I changed my life, ate better, exercised regularly, trained for and completed a half marathon, and lost 22 lbs in the process. I was doing really well, and then a lot of issues piled up on at the end of the summer. I didn't handle the stress and pressure well, and I gained most of the weight back very quickly. My life is finally under control again, and I've been looking for something to re-motivate me. I love working through programs, and I think this is really going to help me. Also, last week I signed up for another half marathon in the spring. My last assignments for the semester are due on December 3, so I've decided to start T25 on December 2. I know that sounds like procrastination to put it off, but this is my last semester of ever having to take classes. I want the start of T25 to signify the start of my new "real person" life. Plus, after 10 weeks of T25, I'll have 10 weeks to prepare for the half marathon, which just seems perfect!

    Aside from just being fed up with how out of control I've let my weight get, I'm also hoping to lose weight and be healthier for my future wedding. My boyfriend is currently saving money for an engagement ring, and he and I are both trying to get in shape for the big day. He's going to be doing T25 with me!
  • hello people im ken im 19 i just got out of high school i h ave been over weight my whole life. im on my 2nd week of alpha. im trying to loss weigh so i can enlist in the army i have always wanted to join i just never felt good enough. but latly its all i can think about is joing the amry and it seems like every were i go i see something army related. so im thinking it is a sighn wish me luck
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    1. Hi all, I'm Jake and I'm a food addict!! I am married with 2 boys ages 7 & 4. We are big into team sports. My 7 year old plays football and soccer. My 4 year old wil start soccer this year. We are avid Geocachers. Its an outdoor game. We aso like biking, hiking, and camping. I am on week 4 round 2 of T25 Beta. Prior to that I completed Power 90.

    2. I have a goal of weighing 180 pounds and then maintaining that weight indefinatly.

    3. Little over 2 years ago I steped on the scale and tipped it at 290 pounds. It was a large reality check that gave me a big scare. Since High School I put on 120 pounds in a little over 13 years give or take. Every male member of my family has developed Diabetes by age 35. I developed sleeping problems (Sleep Apnea), knee issues, was tired and depressed all the time (in comes anti-depressents). I was unable to run around with my son for fear of anxiety/panic attacks. I have a goal to run a Biggest Loser 5k event. I believe the next one near me is in February.

    I find daily accountability and posting has been instrumental over the last 18 weeks and hope to share, motivate and learn from each member of this group.
  • SlytherinBat
    SlytherinBat Posts: 53 Member
    Hello, I'm Stefani . I just started T25 this morning. I've been married for 12 yrs and have three children (9 yr old and 7 yr old twins). I've always been pretty active but I became addicted to Netflix over the summer and binged on one to many series. Consequently, I gained about 10 pounds. I'm looking for motivation and accountability. I must be back in shape by March. I run a 1/2 marathon every year and if I don't get my act together I'll have to drop out.
  • Hello, my name is Graciela. I weight 150 lbs and I'm 5'5 . I recently broke up with someone after a loooonnng term relationship. I have more time in my hands now, so I'm addressing the issue of losing weight. It's been always in my mind, I just needed the motivation. I would like to drop about 20 lbs.
  • Hello-

    My name is Cory Bastine and I recently just purchased T25. I have completed P90X and dropped 30lbs with that.

    A little background, in 2010 I hit my heaviest weight of 305lbs and new I was in trouble. I lost 35lbs really quick but soon found out what the term plateau meant. At the beginning of this year, I decided that I wanted to run a Warrior Dash in June, so to prep for it I purchase P90X. When I started I was 265lbs, and I finished in at 235lbs (in 60 days). I felt great, and looked much healthier. After I completed this goal I entered and completed a couple of 5K's and took the plunge with my wife on a Half Marathon. My fastest 5k was 24:24 and my half marathon turned out to be 2:03:23. Extremely excited about both. Through my long training hours and miles for the half marathon, I dropped an additional 25lbs to get down to 210 lbs, which has been my lowest weight in probably 8 years. I have hit another plateau and know I needed to change something. My wife saw this program and thought that it will be much easier to fit a 25 minute workout in a day rather then the hour you needed with P90X. So we are both very nervous but know we can do this, and I look forward to living this journey with everyone!!

    My goals (during/after T25):
    ~ Drop below 200lbs
    ~ Eventually hit 190lbs
    ~ Run Spartan Race in 2014 at Fenway Park
    ~ Run Tough Mudder
    ~ Complete full marathon in October
    ~ Be in the best shape of my life before my 26th birthday in March :)
  • QueenMother14
    QueenMother14 Posts: 438 Member
    Hi Im Aimee. I am 39 years old. I have 4 kids, work full time and am in school. I have recently lost 24lbs (most of which was gained after a major surgery which kept me down for 3 months). I want to lost another 15 and tone up all this flab. I have got to lose this stomach, my bat wing arms and tone up my butt and thighs. I used to be an athlete, I want to look like it again. I have declared the next year the YEAR OF AIMEE! I have given to others my entire life and before I hit 40, I plan to give to myself. I did day 2 of T25 last night. So far, so good.
  • jennicole4
    jennicole4 Posts: 90 Member
    1. Hi all, I'm Jake and I'm a food addict!! I am married with 2 boys ages 7 & 4. We are big into team sports. My 7 year old plays football and soccer. My 4 year old wil start soccer this year. We are avid Geocachers. Its an outdoor game. We aso like biking, hiking, and camping. I am on week 4 round 2 of T25 Beta. Prior to that I completed Power 90.

    I love Geocaching! So fun!
  • Hi! I'm Tess, mom of two: 8 and 2. This is my first foray into the world of exercise, i have always been natrually slim with a high metabilosm, that is until i had kids. i started at 140lbs, 2 kids later i am now 207lbs, right now i'm, heavier than my pregnancy weights. I'm doing T25 for several reasons - 1: to drop the fat!, its not babay fat anymore! ( need to get down to at least 160lbs). 2: to get into shape overall, building stamina and stuff like that. 3: so that my kids especeially my daughter could have to good example to follow. Right now i'm on day 2 of Alpha, not as horrifying as i thought it would be, so we'll see how it goes.
  • BrandiL83
    BrandiL83 Posts: 100 Member
    1. Introduce Yourself

    Hi I'm Brandi. Married to my hubby for almost 3 years, but together 9 as of last month. We have 3 girls ages 7, 4, and 5 months and one angel baby. I started my weight loss journey a little after having my miscarriage in February of last year. Since then I have lost about 70 lbs (with having a baby in between). I have been having a hard time getting back on track but am determined this time.

    2. What do you wish to accomplish

    I want to get more fit, less flab. I don't want to be skinny but healthy.

    3. WHY are you looking to make this change in your life?

    For my kids and myself. I want to show them that being healthy is the best thing they could ever do for themselves. I want to be a good example to my girls and I can't do that if I am unhealthy.
  • Carrie_P81
    Carrie_P81 Posts: 151 Member
    Hi guys, my name's Carrie and I'm married with 2 kids-a 4 year old son and 2 year old daughter. I live in WI and I'm a lab technician. I used to be really skinny and in good shape but got lazy, had kids, etc and now I've been overweight for several years.

    My long term goal is to lose 50 lbs, get strong and be able to wear my old clothes again! Short term goal is to lose 8-10 lbs by the end of the year.

    I want to do this to get healthy again, so I have more energy to play with my kids. To set a good example for them and feel good about myself again.
  • Hi everyone. My name is Missey and I am a happily married, 46 year old, mother of 3 children, ages 24, 17, and 12, and the Nana of 2 grandchildren. I live on a farm in Western Kentucky where we have a few Boer goats. I am a stay-at-home mom and the Queen of hobbies – genealogy, quilting, making Barbie furniture & clothes, just learned how to finish drywall, woodworking, sewing, gardening, and anything else that catches my eye.
    I started my journey about 1 year ago, no fads this time just a change in a lifetime of bad eating habits. I did pretty well until school let out for the summer then I maintained but didn't manage to lose much. My goal is to lose about 30 more pounds and hopefully reshape a few body parts.
    What prompted me to make these changes? I am tired of looking in the mirror and being ashamed of what I see. I am tired of wearing sweatpants and over-sized t’s and pretending that I am not as big as I am. I am tired of staying home because I am embarrassed of how I look. Mostly though I feel the need to be healthy so I am able to take care of myself as I become older. I added weight lifting a few weeks ago (right after I found out my mom has osteoporosis in her spine and hips) and I love it!!
    It’s good to meet everyone and I wish everyone the best of luck in meeting their goals!!!
  • Glampinupdoll
    Glampinupdoll Posts: 234 Member
    Hi all! I'm amber 26 year old business owner. No kids, just my husband and 3 dogs ( 2 mini schnauzers and and Airedale terrier). Just completed 40 days or so of logging Food and 30 day shred. My results were great so just decided to stick with something short but more intense :) I did take before pics, I don't tend to weigh but I enjoy taking measurements. Honestly, I am doing this bc I'm young and I want to be hott while I still can! I also work with youth athletes and feel it's important to eat a good example for them! Currently I am running 1 mile per day- started at a 12 min mile 40 days ago and this morning ran an 8:30. I lift heavy with my husband 1 area each day, and I do 25 min of T-25. Sometimes I'll take a Zumba class when I feel like dancing. I'm currently in week 2 day 3 and I'm surviving. Definitely not nailing it yet. I eat at least 1500 cal per day and usually eat my exercise cals back. I'm 5'6".
  • dallyho
    dallyho Posts: 11 Member
    Hello my name is bev. I am married, have 3 children and work in education. I turned 50 this summer and feel like i have reached a turning point in my life.

    i want to lose weight (obviously) . i recently underwent spinal surgery and have excess weight i need to lose - but enforced inactivity this year has just meant that i have piled the pounds on and i am having real trouble shifting them as my activity and stamina is limited. a veteran yo yo dieter i have never found it this hard before.

    i am looking for a change for all the aforementioned reasons but also as a recent conversation with my employer seemed to put me on the scrap heap and quite frankly it ticked me off big style. i am not ready to be put out to pasture yet and joining this support group is my first step toward my fight back:smile:
  • deedee85
    deedee85 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi my name is Deidre I am 28 .
    I want to lose at the least 40lbs get in shape and feel good about my self again. I am on day 2 of T25. What motivated me the most is that I looked at some old pictures of me in my early 20's and I was like wow look at how small my face, all looked. So my ultimate goal is to find that SEXY beast in me.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: