New and looking for support

I joined MFP forever ago and was doing great with watching what I was doing. Unfortunately I made the mistake of starting to work third shift at a daycare and I would munch on junk food just to stay awake while the kids were sleeping. After I hit 350 I stopped looking at my weight.

A couple weeks ago my sister came downstairs complaining about being fat (she needs to lose about ten to fifteen pounds I think), so I asked her if she wanted to go the gym with me that I'm paying for and not going to. I started going with her when we can find the time, which isn't as often as I'd like, but better than nothing. I'm watching what I'm eating better as well. I also work at a daycare chasing after kids, so I'm more active than I was working third shift. The other day I sucked it up, and got on a scale, so I could see how much I need to lose. I was amazed to see that I was back where I started when I first joined the site. I am currently 340 lbs.

While some might be frustrated, I'm pretty excited. I lost that weight without realizing that I was actually doing something right. Now I'm trying to lose the weight again, but I'm afraid of failing. That's always what's stopped me before. I joined this group today in hopes of finding support from people that understand where I'm coming from. My biggest friend needs to lose maybe 50 lbs. Yea, I understand that's a lot, but I'm sitting here wanting to lose 150+, so she can't understand what it is I have to do with, not only with other people, but with myself.


  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    I'm Lew... Been at this 16.5 months and I've dropped 200.2 pounds... Anyone is welcome to add me.