I tried something new...

camcguire63 Posts: 8 Member
I had a mountain of reading/studying to do and just couldn't get my motivation up. I've been struggling with getting exercise into my day, eating poorly - resulting in low energy levels. Plus there's always things like housework and laundry that get neglected. So I set my iPhone time to 30 minutes and read until alarm went off. Then for 5 minutes I would either work out with weights, run laundry, run up and down stairs. I repeated this cycle throughout the entire day (strictly! When that timer went off I responded. And the breaks have to be strictly maintained too). I got all my schoolwork done and tons of housework, a good amount of exercise, and my energy level has increased! Sometimes it's just easier to attack small jobs than mountains. Holds true for getting back into exercise too. Five minutes or just three sets of curls is so much easier to accomplish than thirty minute workouts all at once. I hope this helps some struggling nursing students out there. The times are subjective-you can pick whatever intervals work for you. These days it seems my mind gets fuzzy after 30 minutes of reading so that's why I picked that number.
