Important stuff will go here one day.
Is anyone still here?
Just thought I would check and see if anybody was still here because I noticed that the newest post was like six months ago or more.
I tried something new...
I had a mountain of reading/studying to do and just couldn't get my motivation up. I've been struggling with getting exercise into my day, eating poorly - resulting in low energy levels. Plus there's always things like housework and laundry that get neglected. So I set my iPhone time to 30 minutes and read until alarm went…
Help Me Please!!! Stress Eater!
So I have a nursing student., a just finished Pharmacology. Week after spring break I start Med Surg, I gained 6 lbs this 8 weeks....I stress eat. Ant tips on reducing stress eating while under tons of stress?
Great link to help study for tests
I found this link today to practice for the TEAS test: Here is the main link to the home page: Thought I'd share for anyone that didn't want to spend $100 for the book from
Hey Fellow Nursing Students
I am glad I was able to find some people sharing the same pain as me... I decided this semester to make more time for "me" and not let nursing school consume every aspect of my life. I hope you are all coping well with school and your weigh loss goals!
DX imbalanced nutrition, more than body requires
Weight gain and nursing school go hand in hand. That's how I got here! I gained almost 20 lbs last year in my first year of nursing school in the RN program... So here I am, a sophomore, and I am on the downward slide... six pounds gone, 15 to go. I have different theories about why exactly nursing school make you fat. 1)…
Has anyone went to baker to get there nursing degree? really curious cuz im thinking of going there seems faster then having to be stuck on a waiting list forever as some other college. If you did...did you take the COMPASS test? Is there set requirements that you need to get on it to get in??
Any other CNAs or former CNAs in nursing school (or planning
Um, the question pretty much sums it up! :) I'm a CNA and hope to start nursing school in the fall. Wondering if there are any others in the same shoes?
LPN Student...almost done!
Hey all I am an LPN student starting my 3rd out of 4 semester program in a week. 2nd semester was a very stressful semester with 7 weeks of clinicals arghh! The coolest thing about this rotation was that I was able to care for my first state and federal prisoners, wound care for a diabetic foot ulcer the size of a…
My biggest stress right now is the TEAS. I am applying to Georgia State's highly competitive program in March for next fall. I'm scheduled to take Anatomy 1 during the spring and Anatomy 2 during the summer. Though I've already taken Microbiology, I opted for Biology (you can pick Chem, Bio, or Physics at GSU - why, I will…