Weight Loss Success?

I am down 75 lbs now (yay from a bigger 28 to a smaller 24)
it's weird to see my body change
it's weird to see bones poking out here and there
to feel ribs when I'm laying against my boyfriend
It's hard to know that none of my clothes fit right
and even new ones don't fit for long.
I don't know I thought weightloss would be more exciting, and make me happier
I mean I've had my moments where I'm thrilled
(like when I tried on a dress in an XL and it fit)
but... mostly I just find it weird, and feel like I don't know my body.
Does anyone else feel like this?


  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    Hi! Well, first of all CONGRATULATIONS!!! Great work staying committed!

    Annnnnndddd YES! I do not what you are talking about. At one point I lost 66lbs. I'm 5'10 so at that point I was 275 and wore a size 18-20 (from a size 26). It was completely weird for me because I had never been that small in my adult life (That was more me in JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL!). And so with the loss came allll of these emotions and things that I had never felt/experienced before. I mean, like you said, some of it was good...like being able to run stadium steps for an hour and some of it was bad...like the unwanted attention I got from men that made me uncomfortable.

    I think what I'm learning is that this is all more PSYCHOLOGICAL than physical. There are a lot of complex factors that go into making us who we are...what we are...and our physical bodies are connected to all that. When we lose weight it's not just simply "losing weight"...just like gaining weight is not simply "gaining weight"...there are psychological factors involved and we have to do the hard work of gaining perspective in order for long term success and happiness.

    I don't know if all of that makes sense to you but...LOL.
  • SucculentGoddess
    SucculentGoddess Posts: 42 Member
    Feeling happy or content with your body is never actually about how it looks

    what you feel is what you feel
    And how you look is how you look

    It is like people who buy something to make themselves feel better, new shoes, new hairstyle, new car even
    that is just a temporary bandaid over a hole in their soul

    You are doing great work with your physical body
    Also remember to invest in your head and self love
    that are not inclusive