November chat

Hi all,

Did not see a start to this months chat, so thought I would get it going.

As some of you know, I won tickets to see Vince Gill this past Wednesday and meet him! The show was amazing, he was on stage for 3 hours straight. The band took a half hour break so he could just sing by himself with is guitar. After the show we did the meet and greet and had our pic taken with him. He was so friendly. I told him I saw him in 1998 and had just lost my brother and he sang his song, "Go rest high up on that mountain", he hugged me and said, "that is what that song is for".

Halloween is still a little hard on me, as I lost my Dad 2 years ago on Halloween, but it is getting easier, I feel by next year, I will be ready to decorate again and celebrate.

Don't forget to set the clock back an hour tomorrow night at bed time or get up at 2AM to do so. LOL

Happy November everyone, I am so ready for turkey day!


  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure. -Author Unknown
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    Well I went to see Last Vegas. The theatre had an issue with coordinating the sound and video, so they delayed the filming for about a half hour. The staff handed out free passes no expiring, for any show, any time. So I got a two for one deal today. Nice way to start out November. The movie is really a good one, lots of laughs but some very sweet, heartfelt moments as well. How could they lose with that cast?

    Yesterday I was hungry all day long, I ended up slightly over my cals. so I decided to remove myself from home for the afternoon. Thus the movie. I did not have any popcorn or soda, which used to be very hard for me, in fact,I gave up my soda addiction about 10 years ago, but movies still equals popcorn and movie pop corn is the worst. So I had a LARGE chicken salad with lots of greens before I headed out. Didn't miss the popcorn at all. And oddly, I don't remember smelling it in the theatre either. Maybe I have learned to focus on other things in a theatre now?

    I went to TJMAXX afterwards and couldn't believe the amount of people out doing what sure seemed to be Christmas shopping, guess they wanted to get a head start. This year, we are doing all our giving to my sister who is now in another home after the Colorado floods. Everyone else in the family will just have to suck it up. Sis comes first and foremost this year. Oh and we will also give double our Dec. donation to the Foodbank since the food stamps programs got cut today and many of the flood victims still need additional help due to businesses closed and not able to get back to their normal lives yet.

    Hope everyone survived their Halloween ok. And please consider giving to your local food donation programs, there is a huge need now, and not just for holiday meals.
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member

    I am hopefully going to see that movie tomorrow. I love the cast and the previews on TV sure do look good. Glad you got out and what a deal getting the free pass!

    You were wise to feed on the salad first then go to the movie. I don't get popcorn when I go there because I have just read too many things about theater popcorn. lol I gave up drinking diet cokes 2 year ago when I started this life changing event going on here. I tried one a few weeks back and it was yuck. I have to admit though, I do like the taste of A&W diet root beer and did have one a while back.

    I am so sorry your sister was misplaced in the floods. How wonderful of you to think of her by giving all your giving to her and the food bank. You are a good person!
  • jeanmrob
    jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
    We have such lovely and thoughtful people on here.... Happy November to everyone....x

  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    Just found a posting about this little gem that lets you get your MFP data (cals and macros) exported into a spreadsheet so you can find your average cals etc. Check this out, so easy and really nice to look at the data this way. It exports your data to a cvs that any spreadsheet program can read.
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member

    Ain't it the truth :laugh:
  • marise1113
    marise1113 Posts: 82 Member
    so cute!
  • marise1113
    marise1113 Posts: 82 Member
    Happy November:happy:
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    I have been thinking about dry weight vs. cooked weights a lot lately. Found a discussion about penne pasta. Some one actually weighed out the 2 oz serve, dry wt., that the package had for it. She then cooked it and drained it, so it was ready to serve, re-weighed it, and it was right on 4.2 oz.

    I like learning these things :love:
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Veteran's Day 2013

  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    I think I can safely say that we are having our first measurable snowfall of the season. The grass and trees are turning white. It's really pretty, but it can stop any time now. Can you tell I'm not really a fan of winter even though I've spent my whole life in the Midwest? I think I'm getting too old to enjoy it.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    I'm with you. When I first moved to Colorado the snow fall was so romantic and charming. I am pretty much over it entirely. If I have the fireplace lit, wine and cheese handy with no place else to be, I can handle it for an evening.
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    I love the snow gently falling and the quiet peacefulness it brings. I don't like the ice on the roads though. So far we are having a very warm fall here in Reno.70 yesterday and gorgeous. We need snow on the Sierras soon!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    I love the snow gently falling and the quiet peacefulness it brings. I don't like the ice on the roads though. So far we are having a very warm fall here in Reno.70 yesterday and gorgeous. We need snow on the Sierras soon!

    Our Rockies need more snow. After the flooding in Sept. everyone was "we don't need any more moisture!" but we do need it in the mountains away from the Front Range.

    I love the Reno area, similar in many ways to the Front Range area. We have had several upper 60s sunshine days, it is brilliant outside right now. Humm, maybe I should go out and do some walking??
  • Mrsmartin61
    Here in Texas we have rare glimpses of snow. But I do have some great memories of my travels in Montana and Northern California. It may, in fact, up to 70s and 80s this week here. I milked the goat this morning actually wishing for a bit cooler weather. We had a cold blast for one or two days last week....I had fire in the fireplace.

    I still don't know which of my family kids are coming for Thanksgiving. But , I am trying to plan a lite version of the traditional meal. Some of the old traditional fare are just more calorie laden than I prefer for a one day meal and I surely do not want left-overs hanging around for a week.

    I sold the treadmill that I had at the antique store.....lady seriously wanted it...and now her sister tells me she's only used it once. I thought of buying it back.....or perhaps I will just take my stationery bike up there since it will take up less room.

    Enjoy your week and don't stress. Blessings to all! :happy:
  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    Brrr.. I hate all this talk of snow,we are due for our first blast of cold weather this week. It had been pretty mild up to now, although I have had to clean ice off the car windscreen a few times over the last few weeks. Just as I am getting back into going for an early morning run before work at silly o'clock. I won't run on frozen pavements, not worth the risk.

    Of course we don't get anything like the amount of snow or cold temperatures that you get in Canada or other places, but that means we are also not geared up for it when it does happen. I suppose it is not worth investing a lot of money in something that only happens infrequently!
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    We had our first snow today. I went out and it was 32 degrees.I have to find my gloves! The Sierras are blanketed in white and so beautiful.By Thanksgiving it will be back in the 50's. I wish everyone a happy and healthy holiday!!!
  • 2marsuccess
    Thank you and same to you. It sounds beautiful there and the 50's is a nice comfortable temperature! We just left western Massachusetts, where we enjoyed a beautiful fall, with great leaf scenes, mountain views (hills compared to the Sierras), nearby farms and fun hiking and biking. Once the temps got into the 20's at night, however, we left for our seasonal trip to Florida. An entirely different world from our Northampton home, but each good in its own way.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    Well there was snow here yesterday so hopefully this is our Thanksgiving season snow storm, we always have one around Thanksgiving time. Either just before or just after, oddly rarely on the Thursday. It is just cold today, I hate shoe size temps and that is what we are getting, it is about 11 now was down to 8 over night, UGH.

    I kept wanting to bake ARGH. I do not need any baked goods floating around the house right now.

    Found out that my brand new 5th Generation Ipod shuffle is defective, so have an appt at the Apple store to get a replacement tomorrow. I had worked of hours getting iTunes installed, duplicates removed, etc. (I hate iTunes software!!!! ) Then the device was not recognized by the pc nor iTunes. I did find a bunch of 120-180 bpm workout mixes to walk, hike, and dance to, so all was not wasted. If you haven't worked with those before, you might want to check out :
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    Had enough snow and cold for a while, thanks Mother Nature, now can I get my sunshine back?

    Enjoying all the Dr. Who stuff for the 50th year celebration.

    Decided on lamb shank for Thanksgiving, not going to go out. No turkey either. Hubby and I are pretty much over turkey. Too much of it over the years. Chicken, lamb, fish, lean pork, bison, and an occasional steak is pretty much it for meats for us now.

    And we decided to make Christmas extra special by having Fondue, since we both love it and don't eat it, it will be our holiday treat meal. I will be doing some serious portion control because it isn't easy to fit into my cals. Using veggies to dip will help tremendously, I have been calculating what I can and can not have with it. And yeah it will be cheese for entree and chocolate for dessert. I plan to do extra exercising as well.

    Anyone else trying to find out how to be naughty but nice for Chrissy?