Double Day Friday and STATurday



  • Dawn_Snowden
    Dawn_Snowden Posts: 111 Member
    So so happy with this week's STATurday results! Scales down by 3.2lb and lost a total of 6cm :) good lick to everyone else today!

    Awesome job!! Keep it up!
  • Dawn_Snowden
    Dawn_Snowden Posts: 111 Member
    Good Morning all!

    Day 12/70 T25 Doubleday Friday! AAAHHHHHH! My two worst! Lower and Abs! I was not feeling motivated this morning when I woke, but walked to the gym at 5:45 am and the cold air must of did me good. I finished my elliptical and circuit training, walked home and pushed play! When I heard Shawn T's voice, I hit it into high gear and NAILED the Lower body workout! Was almost ready to give in, but pushed play again and struggled through the Abs.


    STATurday tomorrow and don't think the scale has moved, but I feel better! (still working on my macros)

    Thanks for all the encouragement! I hope that everyone has a great day!

    Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can. Lets do this together!

    GREAT ENCOURAGEMENT!!! Let's do this everyone! We are in it to win it!
  • dsearle67
    dsearle67 Posts: 50 Member
    hi All!

    Week 3 day 6 T25 Ab Intervals (left over from yesterday doubleday Friday) I FINALLY NAILED IT!!

    Wasn't feeling good yesterday, so I skipped the gym at 5am and did my T25 Total Body at 8am.

    WAs not on my game with my eating yesterday and didn't even log. Got up today refreshed and Nailed my ab workout as well and walking to the gym to cycle for 20 min and circuit train for 30! I feel great today!

    STATurday Week 3: CW 255 (TOM) , up 3 lbs, BUT lost over 2 more inches!

    "Success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion, You have to learn how to set yourself on fire."

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Dawn_Snowden
    Dawn_Snowden Posts: 111 Member
    Another STATurday!!!

    I love seeing all the successes here. It's okay to have those bad days where you can't give your workout your 100% effort. Just take it one day at a time and do your best to stick with it! You WILL get out what you put in.

    I highly recommend the stretch workout for tomorrow (Sunday). It not only gives your muscles the attention they need, but it also keeps your body moving every day. It is the one workout I look forward to every week.

    You are all rock stars!