Quick or make ahead breakfasts for kids? No leftovers

mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
I have 5 kids (3 bio and 2 of my sisters living with me for the forseable future). The oldest will be 6 in a few weeks. Cooking in the am before school is NOT an option, lol! They wont (usually) eat leftovers.

My kids are used to eating (mainly) primal. My sisters kids are not. They are used to things like cereal, granola bars, pop tarts, toast, etc.. Grain city. I made the mistake of catering to those eating habits when they first came to stay with us (long story vut they have had a rough time and I wanted to make the transition easier on them) and now my kids and hers dont want anything but junk for breakfast.

Right now all I can get them to eat, that I feel is healthy, is smoothies. But those are getting old!

Any ideas? Something quick or that I can make a bunch of on the weekends?



  • Kaelitr0n
    Kaelitr0n Posts: 151 Member
    I make tons of egg cups to store for up-to 3-4 days in the fridge. They heat-and-eat super quickly and are in convenient serving sizes.

    Beat 6-12 eggs (depending on how many cuppies I want--6 eggs usually makes 12 cuppies with lots of veggies)
    Add in another pre-cooked protein source (bacon, sausage, etc)
    Mix in chopped veggies (I like onions--sauteed or raw, bell peppers, pickled jalapenos, and sauteed spinach)
    Fill greased muffin tins 2/3 to 3/4 full
    Bake in pre-heated 350F oven for 15ish minutes--just make sure there are no jiggly eggs on top
    Cool, toss in a container, and store in the fridge.
    Heat 1-2 cuppies per child each morning... they're also good cold :)
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    In our hose the hardboiled eggs are the most consumed made ahead protein. You can buy egg-mold for a few bucks, which are little plastic things that press cute pattern on the egg and kids usually love those: bunny, teddy bear, or just heart, stars etc. You cook the eggs at the evening, take off the shell, and put them into the molds in the fridge, and you have cute eggs for breakfast. Somehow if an egg has a bunny face on it , it became yummier ;)
    I also like to make colored egg triangles. I mix few raw eggs,a few tbsp thawed frozen spinach in a blender, and fry it in a pan without stirring, so it will be just a plain round green egg "tortilla". Cut into triangles and my son loves it even cold. I may have told him that incredible hulk maintains his green skin color because he eats a lot of those ;)

    I make egg fritattas, but my son doesn't like those , but yours might.

    I also bake paleo almond lour (mini) muffins. It is not the best food because of the high (natural) sugar content, but it is still waaay batter than any grain baked product, and it is a has the advantage to look/taste like the traditional SAD breakfast. Even my non-paleo husband would it that for breakfast every day if I let him.

    Also just various nutbutters with apple slices is a quick filling food. Or "ants on a log " ( celery , nutbutter, and raisins)
  • kristinL16
    kristinL16 Posts: 401 Member
    I was going to suggest egg cups as well. I like more veggies in mine, but my kids prefer just eggs and maybe a little cheese (I'm just starting to dabble in paleo). I figure that it's a start and at least it isn't a pop tart. :)
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    What about pancakes made with coconut/almond flour, eggs and almond/coconut milk. Serve with a fruit purée/sauce or bananas/berries. You can premake the pancakes and just warm them through, they can add there own fruit might be messy but fun.
    I too really struggle with my children they were both weaned on good healthy fruit and veggies but now just want processed crap. I just made homemade tomato soup and my daughter said it didn't taste like tomatoes it had 8 whole tomatoes and 2 tins of plum tomatoes in it how can it not taste like tomatoes. She means it isn't the same as tinned soup . I despair of them my son eats next to nothing and is so underweight and my daughter only eats processed crap and is piling on the pounds. I will change it though. I try not to stress but it is so hard, I lead by example but it gets me nowhere.
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    It so hard! But my teen just reassured me that even though I still buy some junk food for them, "we don't eat as much sugar and junk as most families do!" So that's saying something.
  • blgerig
    blgerig Posts: 174 Member
    I eat at my office so usually grab something from my fridge as I rush out the door in the mornings - Hard boiled eggs, apples with nut butter, "pancakes" made ahead (I do two eggs to one banana and add cinnamon and/or nut butter) and Larabars are my standbys!