Coming back to MFP and OA

GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
Hi all,
I've been a way for a while because I saw myself becoming obsessed with counting, measuring, posting, and using MFP as my primary source of OA instead of going to meetings. I am regrouping and approaching the tools in a more sane way. Just thought I'd say howdy and that I will be looking for and providing support. My first goal for today is to head to a meeting!


  • saralikn
    Hooray! So glad you've decided to go back to meetings! I just started going back myself, about 4 weeks ago. I was out of OA for about the last year, and of course, the food crept up on me and I was right back into my disease again. MFP is a great tool for keeping myself accountable, and staying honest with myself, but I know how the calories and weighing in etc can be a little crazy-making. The other great thing is that we have each other !Glad you're here, keep coming back, it works if you work it!
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    Thanks a bunch, it feels really good to be back. I am back into my meeting grove and reconnecting with old friends and making new ones. It really does feel like home! I plan to log a few times for a baseline, but don't plan on logging long term. Thanks for the friendship!
  • racheltwoshoes
    racheltwoshoes Posts: 11 Member
    I tend to have the same problem with getting a little obsessed with counting, etc. So far so good at the moment - I'm approaching it as more obsessed with reaching my weekly goals rather than daily limits. But obsessed works for me because I tend to blog a lot more when that happens haha