
  • nonnalynn
    nonnalynn Posts: 651 Member

    Anyone else THANKFUL that we do not have to go so hard this week? ALL of my fingernails broke. I am sore, bruised, swollen. My hands are cracked and scratched. Today was FRIGID. And know what? I feel waaaaay better than if I had sat on the big comfy couch watching reruns of The Middle! Now, if the swelling goes down, maybe the scale will too.

    Also, I wanted to know how many Sharks are not Americans this Thanksgiving week. Just curious since I know we have a Brit from Mali, an Irelander, an Ontarioan, and Kylie is an Aussie. Any others?

    Edited to Add: I shoulda gone with "SHARX" so it would fit!
  • nonnalynn
    nonnalynn Posts: 651 Member
    :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: WEEK 8!!!:smile::smile: :smile: :smile:
    (Stolen from DEVLe)
    :heart: Workout: 3 days + Thanksgiving for a minimum of 120 min total. 20 MUST be on Thanksgiving and be a specified workout not getting ready for family invasion.

    :drinker: Bonus this week is water like before and also For Thanksgiving day 10 pts if you w/0 40 min, 20 pts if you work out 60 min, 50 pts if you w/0 with a family member for at least 45 min. (Examples given on main topic)

    :bigsmile: Reps: 500 total for the week in no less the 25 at a time. 100 of any kind on THANKSGIVING day.

    :glasses: Flex goal of 8 min on 4 days - work on our stretching also not just our flexibility.

    :flowerforyou: Personal - To be listed on the main topic
    #1 2x this week list a physical personal trait we like about ourselves
    #2 List a Pay it Forward we did this week.

    :love: Also if anyone is cooking or taking an item to a gathering this week she wants us to put how we are making it healthier on the main topic.
  • kvonjohn
    kvonjohn Posts: 569 Member
    I :heart: The Middle!! Makes me thankful for my children :laugh:
  • nonnalynn
    nonnalynn Posts: 651 Member
    I :heart: The Middle!! Makes me thankful for my children :laugh:
    Poor Sue!
  • pamcuster
    pamcuster Posts: 770 Member

    workout: 95 minutes (30 min. FitnessBlender; 65 min. yoga)
    calories: 429
    reps: 100
    stretch: 8 minutes

    Oh, and I posted one of my positives and entered my stuff on the chart!
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    I just :heart: :love: :heart: what Pam wrote as her positive physical attribute, so I am going to copy it on our page here too so none of you miss it! Here is what she wrote on the main page:

    OK, for a positive physical attribute, I'm going out on a limb and naming my stomach. My tummy is my LEAST perfect feature (by far,) after four babies, a tubal reversal, and hernia surgery. So, I have decided to claim it as a positive, just because I care enough about it to take care of it and work on it...

    Pam - YOU ROCK! Thanks for making me think more positively too :flowerforyou:
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    My heart sank when I read Sheri’s challenge for this week yesterday morning. I had got up very early that day to get a quick workout in before a hectic day of food prep. We were celebrating my daughter's 14th birthday (which is actually later this week, but since it is the last big birthday any of my kids will have in Mali - by the time my son and other daughter celebrate we will be back in the UK - we decided to have a big celebration yesterday, Sunday). So family and some of my daughters’ friends were all coming round for a big meal. I knew as soon as I read the challenge, that as a non-American, this day would come as close as I would get to a Thanksgiving! So my heart sank as I tried to figure out how to get another workout in! (Having only done 30 minutes that morning - and I am after LOTS of points ) Anyway, I DID IT

    My daughter had 5 friends here for the day (in addition to family) and I had told the parents we would get them home. I decided that instead of driving them all home, Abi and I would walk them home! Abi, my daughter, is used to the strange ideas Mum has when Sheri sets her challenges but I'm not quite sure what her Malian friends made of the weird white woman who OWNS a car and doesn't use it and makes guests WALK home!

    So all that to say that Abi and I took a 50-55 minute walk around town "dropping" her friends off, so I have written to Sheri to ask if I can count my Sunday as my “thanksgiving” and get my workout with family points! I also got 150 reps in before bedtime too - so think I max-ed out on the Thanksgiving points, if she does count my Sunday as your Thursday!

    Not quite sure how she wants me to enter this on the chart. Do I put it all in on Sunday, even though Sheri will be looking at Thursday for Thanksgiving workouts and reps? I have asked her to let me know, but for now it is on the chart as Sunday workout. I can change it later if I need to.

    When I logged on yesterday I was feeling virtuous for having got up early to get a workout in, and then I saw that if I was going to do this properly I had to get MORE in that day!!! Glad NOW that I did do it though!

    So my SUNDAY:

    WORKOUT: 80 minutes (30 minutes circuit training and then 50 minutes walking)
    Calories burned: 505

    REPS: 150 (50 sit-ups, 50 chest presses with hand weights, 50 chest flies)

    STRETCHING: 8 minutes done

    And got the 45+ minutes in with a family member - as long as Sheri counts that as my Thanksgiving Day!


    I also just put my first positive physical attribute on the main page. This is what I wrote:
    “I love the way my arms are beginning to look. All this circuit training and weights work has made me see muscles in my arms that I never realised were there. The flab is beginning to go and I am wearing sleeveless T-shirts often right now (Yes, I live in Mali not a cold UK at the moment :bigsmile: )”
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member

    Anyone else THANKFUL that we do not have to go so hard this week? ALL of my fingernails broke. I am sore, bruised, swollen. My hands are cracked and scratched. Today was FRIGID. And know what? I feel waaaaay better than if I had sat on the big comfy couch watching reruns of The Middle! Now, if the swelling goes down, maybe the scale will too.

    Also, I wanted to know how many Sharks are not Americans this Thanksgiving week. Just curious since I know we have a Brit from Mali, an Irelander, an Ontarioan, and Kylie is an Aussie. Any others?

    Hope you get to rest those muscles up this week! Is the fence finished now? If so, we'd love to see another photo!!!

    I think you are right that we have quite a high number of non-Americans on our team! Maybe that will help us for the weigh ins this week :happy: . I know I was up weight-wise this morning after our big day yesterday (sneaky step on the scale this morning was NOT a good move!) - but I get the rest of the week to work it off! It's horrible that Thanksgiving is Thursday just before weigh in day! BUT I know you SHARKS ROCK! So enjoy your time with family and friends. Have a fun Thanksgiving and work harder than those 120 minutes to do some damage-control :bigsmile:

    And thanks SO MUCH for posting that summary for us Nonna!
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    Forgot week 7 points! Melissa (barkingbetty) sent me hers by PM. Don't forget to note them here or send me yours so we can put them on the chart. SO GLAD we don't need to be remembering these this week!

    My week 7:

    Water: 5 points x 7 days = 35
    Sodium: 5 points x 7 days = 35
    Workout minutes: 60 minutes on 6 days = 60 pts
    Positive posts: Every day = 7 pts
    Smack talk: (to Tigers) = 5 pts
    Bad Habit +25 (5/7 days)
    Good Habit +25 (5/7 days)
    TOTAL: 192 points

    And even though we don't need to do the daily encouragement this week, I still want to post this as we get ready to face this new week:


  • nonnalynn
    nonnalynn Posts: 651 Member
    30/35 H2O Su M T W F Sa
    35/35 Na Su M T W Th F Sa
    60/60 5/Su 10/M 10/T 10/W 10/Th 10/F 10/Sa (so 60 I guess and toss the Sunday 5?)
    BH yes all days +25
    GH no on Saturday.... -10
    5/7 Support Post 5PTS.
    5/5 Smack Talk to Tigers (posted Su) 5PTS.

  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    30/35 H2O Su M T W F Sa
    35/35 Na Su M T W Th F Sa
    60/60 5/Su 10/M 10/T 10/W 10/Th 10/F 10/Sa (so 60 I guess and toss the Sunday 5?)
    BH yes all days +25
    GH no on Saturday.... -10
    5/7 Support Post 5PTS.
    5/5 Smack Talk to Tigers (posted Su) 5PTS.


    Yes, I make that 150. Posted to chart! By the way I love that "toss the Sunday 5"! Sharks go over and beyond the minimum!!! Well done Nonna! Bet that fence looks GREAT!
  • pamcuster
    pamcuster Posts: 770 Member
    Wow, Ali...good job on your Sunday!

    I sure didn't feel like I "rock[ed]" when I wrote my positive! I don't feel good about my stomach AT ALL...I am trying to find a way to make peace with it, so to speak! So, like I said, I wanted to 'claim' it as a positive simply because it's *mine*'s what I have to work with, and by George, I'm gonna make the best of it! (I can say that AND claim it as a positive AND still acknowledge that at present, it looks pretty terrible!)

    And for points...(not pretty either - I had a hard time with the habits this week)

    Water: 5 points x 7 days = 35
    Sodium: 5 points x 7 days = 35
    Workout minutes: 60 minutes on 6 days = 60 pts
    Positive posts: 7 pts
    Smack talk: 5 pts
    Bad Habit: -10
    Good Habit: -10
    TOTAL: 122
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    ^^^^ That is exactly what I meant Pam - claiming it as a positive. That is the first step to MAKING it one :heart: You have the right attitude, hence you ROCK :laugh:

    And Sheri just told me my Sunday definitely counts! She said to put it all in as Thursday though, and then whatever I do on Thursday will go in to the Sunday spot. So I have just changed the chart to reflect that! (In case you wonder why in Mali we have already "done" Sunday :laugh: )

    Feeling relieved that my hard part of the week is out of the way. Now rooting for you all to get yours done too :flowerforyou:

  • kristinc06837
    kristinc06837 Posts: 630 Member
    35/35 - water
    5/35 - sodium
    30/60 - Work out
    BH + 25
    GH + 25
    2/7 Support Post 2 points
    0/5 - smack talk :(

    Total - 122

    Sorry for posting so late its been a hectic weekend!
  • pamcuster
    pamcuster Posts: 770 Member
    Not much to report for oldest son has a cold and I'm not feeling too good - I'd BETTER not be getting it!!! :angry:

    Reps: 100
    Stretch: 8 minutes

    ...and my company is coming in tomorrow...
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member

    WORKOUT: 30 minutes circuit training +20 minutes aerobics + 10 minutes lower body workout = 60 minutes total
    Calories burned: 582
    (Still need to get in 2 more workouts of at least 20 minutes , although have covered the total minutes required already :bigsmile: Can go easier now!)

    REPS: 50 sit-ups and 25 press-ups = total 75
    (Still need to get in another 325 reps)

    STRETCHING: Did 10 minutes (yes, 10!!! Can't believe I did 2 more than I needed to! Guess I am finally getting into this stretching business :laugh: )

    Water: got 10 glasses in.

    Posted one positive physical attribute (still need to post another one, and a pay-it-forward)

  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    Not much to report for oldest son has a cold and I'm not feeling too good - I'd BETTER not be getting it!!! :angry:

    Reps: 100
    Stretch: 8 minutes

    ...and my company is coming in tomorrow...

    REALLY hope you are feeling better today :flowerforyou: Enjoy your company too!
  • barkingbetty
    barkingbetty Posts: 347 Member
    Great job, Ali, on your "Thanksgiving" accomplishments! I love that we have people from different parts of the world on our team. I am one of the Americans here, and I'm struggling with self-discipline this week. I have friends in town and there has already been lots of drinking. :drinker: Yesterday I had an encounter with late-night pizza too! Today will be a better day :blushing:

    Here are my Sunday - Monday results:

    Rest day, but I did my water, posted a positive physical attribute and a "pay it forward" event on the main page, AND posted a healthy alternative for Thanksgiving food.

    Workout: stationary bike 45 minutes
    Calories: 361
    Water: +5
    100 reps: 50 abs, 50 upper body
    Stretch time: 10 minutes (this has definitely become a habit!)

    Have a great day everyone :laugh:
  • kvonjohn
    kvonjohn Posts: 569 Member
    Hi guys! I can see we have some busy team members this week!

    I'll post last week's points later. I kinda fell off the last couple of days as far as tracking those points. Let's hope I can recall!

    1. No workout
    2. 150 reps- 25 each squats, military press, upright row, reverse flys, fire hydrants, rear leg lifts
    3. No stretching

    1. 32 mins, 166 calories Zumba
    2. 225 reps- 50 JJ, 25 each front, side, back, swing kicks, knee strikes, elbow strikes, jump squats
    3. 8 mins stretching done

    1. 29 mins, 246 calories PlyoX
    2. 175 reps- 25 each upright row, military press, triceps kickbacks, shoulder raises, bicep curls, hammer curls, quad extensions
    3. 8 mins stretching done
    4. 1 positive posted
  • kvonjohn
    kvonjohn Posts: 569 Member