
meesh109 Posts: 189 Member
Here we can all introduce ourselves and post our starting measurements, etc


  • RemyaUnnikrishnan
    RemyaUnnikrishnan Posts: 89 Member
    Hi..i'm Remya. I'm from India. Working as a web developer.

    Current wieght: 141 lbs.
  • meesh109
    meesh109 Posts: 189 Member
    Welcome Remya.

    I'm Michelle from Aberdeenshire, Scotland. My current weight is fluctuating between 140 - 142lbs.

    I've done the 30 Day Shred 3 times now. I started Ripped in 30 a few months back, but I only did Weeks 1 & 2.

    I work out Mon - Friday. I started Week 2 on Monday, but won't manage to get a workout in Thurs or Fri, so I intend to continue with Week 2 next week as well.
  • hopperem
    hopperem Posts: 228 Member
    Hi! I'm planning on starting Level 1 on Monday. Did 30DS in September and did one week of Ripped after that but then drifted off! Have been trying to increase the amount of time I run a week - but with bad weather and dark mornings and evenings - think I may get back in front of the ipad!

    Weighing in at 157 this week...Would love to be 140 in the new year sometime!
  • MicheleStitches
    MicheleStitches Posts: 306 Member
    Hi ya'll! My user name here is actually "MicheleStitches" but the last few letters get dropped under my avatar. I am a former Southern gal (eastern North Carolina) who moved to the land of the cowboys -- Cheyenne, Wyoming -- this summer. I am a 47 year-old wife and a mother of 7 kids. (Yeah, I'm crazy) Most of them are now grown up and moved out. I currently have a teenager and a 12 year old at home. I still haven't decided what I want to be when I grow up, so I am going to be going back to school in January to work on a college degree. :laugh:

    Now on to the nitty gritty. Measurements are in pounds, feet and inches:

    Height: 5 ft. 5 inches

    Weight: 135 lbs. (I've already lost 14 lbs.)

    Bust: 35

    Waist: 27.5

    Abdomen (2 inches below belly button): 35

    Hips (at widest point): 39.5

    Thigh: 23

    Calf: 14.5

    Upper arm (held straight): 11

    Upper arm (flexed): 12

    And here is a grainy photo of me taken a few days ago (Nov. 18, 2013):


    I took it as a joke to send to a friend because we have a saying: "Leggings AREN'T pants!" :happy: But anyway, it gives a general idea to my shape and proportions.
  • Hello.. I am Cassandra. Going to start week one today. I have two small girls and I have not gotten rid of my baby fat. I have a wedding coming up in June and already have my dress. I bought it big but it barely fits me now. I want to make good alterations not make it bigger. Some days I have no energy and extremely tired. I am ready to get my life and body back . Since I have been on here I have lost Six pounds but I have alot more to get rid of. This website is awesome with the help and friends to keep you going. I am excited to lose this weight. Usually I go to sleep when the little ones take their nap but I have not been.

    current weight is 205
    goal weight is 170.

    I would also love to get rid of these stupid "love handles" that I have acquired since I have been with my man.
  • hecham
    hecham Posts: 118 Member
    This group was exactly what I'm looking for! I am going to start 30DS on November 23rd, which will make my last day Christmas day. (10 days on each level, plus 1 rest day between levels).
    I am 5'3 currently 134, looking to lose 6-10 lbs and continue challenging my fitness. I am an avid runner, but due to an ankle injury, I can't run the distances I'm used to. So, I thought 30DS would be a good alternative while I recuperate and recover. I am also going skiing after Christmas and do NOT want an ankle injury to keep me from that.

    I imagine 30DS will be my only workout some days, but I will continue other videos or walking/jogging (as able) to my exercise routine as well.

    I've done all levels of this video before, but never as a 30 day commitment. Looking forward to the challenge!

    Anyone feel free to add me as a friend, also!
  • mellyish
    mellyish Posts: 253 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is Melissa, call me Melly.
    Right now I'm on Week 2, Day 4 of Ripped in 30, I started on November 8th and am literally doing each level for a week with 5 - 6 workouts per week so more like Ripped in 28, but I'll probably do that last level an extra couple days to even it all out.
    I have done 30 Day Shred in the past successfully, and a few months back got to week 2 of Ripped in 30 but then life got in the way and for some reason I quit. Whatever, that's then this is now.

    Here are my stats
    Age: 20
    Height: 5'2"
    SW: 183lbs
    RI30 SW:155lbs
    CW: 156.6lbs
    LW in the
    journey: 142.2lbs (mid-August)
    GW: 120 - 125lbs

    Yes I realize I have gained but I am also doing Couch to 5k and am currently on Week 4 of that. The gain doesn't bother me because A) My endurance has improved amazingly since I started running again, and B) My muscles are obviously going to retain water/ lactic acid while they rebuild and repair. In fact the last time I did 30 Day Shred over the course of an entire month I didn't lose a single pound according to the scale but my mirror said differently.

    From June 23 to July 24 I stayed 147.6 with fluctuations in-between, there is obvious fat loss, but I gained muscle which is alas why I stayed the same.
    I think the July 24th picture I was midway through Week 3 of 30 Day Shred and Week 5 of Couch to 5k which I unfortunately never completed which is why I had to start over.


    Whoops that was a long introduction xD

    Oh and before I forget, this is what I look like now. Falling off the wagon sucks but as long as you get back on all you can do is get better.

  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Hi, I'm Moosie and I have 30DS and RI 30 in my rotation of workout dvds. I completed both back in the spring, but am currently trying to do weeks 1-4 on four days of the week (Mon is week 1, Tues week 2, Thurs week 3 and Fri week 4). I did that last week and am doing it this week as well. The week before that, I think I did 30DS levels 1-3 on three days. I do it differently than most, because I don't like doing the same workout every day. I also use 9lb hand weights whenever possible, I only switch to the 3lb if I can't do the 9lb (like anterior shoulder raises).

    I'm basically at maintenance or slight gain right now. I am focusing on strength right now, and then will switch to endurance in the spring.
    Current stats:
    Height: 5'3"
    HW: 154
    LW: 111
    CW: 112.5
    Bust 32
    Waist 24.5
    Hip (widest) just under 34
    Thigh (fullest) 19.5
    Calf L 13.25, R 14 (the R calf has always been bigger)
  • MickeyBoo
    MickeyBoo Posts: 196 Member
    Hi, I hope it's ok to join here, I just saw these DVD's mentioned on another post and thought I might give them a go, anything will help at the moment! Although I have no idea what I am getting myself into, as I don't know what the workouts are like other than they are intense.

    I'm starting tomorrow at 105.8kg (233.2pds) and would love to be closer to 100kg (220pd) or past it by Xmas time.

    I'm also continuing with my current 5 day a week gym routine so hopefully this gives me a bit of an extra boost. :)
  • chocciechip
    chocciechip Posts: 207 Member
    Hey all,

    My intro is a bit late - I've also discovered that my ripped in 30 dvd is missing, so I've been doing 30ds until I can find my ripped in 30 or get another copy.. woops!!

    current weight: 166lb


    Waist: 90
    Underboob: 84
    across chest: 104
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    Hi I'm Dawn.

    Just finished the RI 30 about a week ago and starting it again tomorrow morning .. I loved it! I'll let you know how it goes for me the 2nd time around. I did most all the modified moves so I'll see if I can move up to advanced for at least some of the reps this time. :wink:
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    Hi I'm Dawn.

    Just finished the RI 30 about a week ago and starting it again tomorrow morning .. I loved it! I'll let you know how it goes for me the 2nd time around. I did most all the modified moves so I'll see if I can move up to advanced for at least some of the reps this time. :wink:

    Ooops for got my stats . .

    I'm 56
    Weight 179
    Waist 39

    FYI I dropped a full dress size the first go around. Dare I drop another? Let's go!
  • umekanzah
    umekanzah Posts: 94 Member
    This is an awesome group! I am a mother of a 4.5 girl and 1.5 year old boy living in the land of corn, Iowa. I have been overweight for most of my adult life and keep yo-yoing. Anyhow, this is another attempt at losing weight but i feel like i need more support and this group seems to be the perfect thing!

    Anyhow, i am 5' 5.5" and currently weight 184.5 and a size 14/16. Hoping to squeeze back in my 12s atleast by the end of this round of RI30 if i can keep working out and keep my snacking in check.
  • 1knowright
    1knowright Posts: 18 Member
    Hey guys!

    5 days late but still would like to join in on this challenge!

    My name is Sam, I'm from Toronto.

    Height: 5'5
    CW :128
    GW: 120 (tight and toned)
  • leahhugh
    leahhugh Posts: 144 Member
    Hey all :)

    My name is leah, 22 years old, will be 2 in March. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Ripped in 30 and this is my 3rd time doing it. I haven't worked out since August to bascially, progress lost.

    CW: 145
    GW 130-135

    I'm hoping to lost a few inches this round :)
  • I'm Jennifer and I live in Georgia. I had my 3rd - and I think final - baby last November. I have been busy with kids and homeschooling and I have let myself go. I currently weigh 147 and I'm at the point where I have to either buy bigger clothes or lose weight. I don't care about my weight but my measurements decreasing will make me more comfortable in my clothes and save us money so I do t have to buy a whole new wardrobe. I'll start tomorrow - yes, on thanksgiving!!
  • meesh109
    meesh109 Posts: 189 Member
    Welcome onboard all! :flowerforyou:

    Good luck with RI30, remember to take before pics and measurements. Don't be too disheartened if you gain weight in the 1st week or 2, that's normal!!

    No pain, no gian!!!!!
  • Dboggs166
    Dboggs166 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi Everyone! I am starting RI30 today. I just finished the 30DS yesterday and I had awsome results. I am really excited to move on to this new workout and continue to see improvements in my weight and fitness level. I had a baby in September and I am working on building strength back up in my core. Good luck to everyone!!!
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    Welcome Dboggs! If you liked the shred, you love Ripped in 30! A lot more variety so it feels as if it goes by quicker.
  • sdkyne
    sdkyne Posts: 77 Member

    Just started today and would like join the group. I recently finsihed up 2 months of 30DS, and love the results. Can't wait to see what I can achieve with Ripped in 30.

    CW- 158 (I gained 5 pounds last week, hoping this comes off fast)
    GW- 147