

  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    My first positive physical attribute is that I love the way my arms are beginning to look. All this circuit training and weights work has made me see muscles in my arms that I never realised were there. The flab is beginning to go and I am wearing sleeveless T-shirts often right now :bigsmile: (Yes, I live in Mali not a cold UK at the moment :bigsmile: :bigsmile: )
  • Sheri869
    Sheri869 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I haven't had a chance to read through everything...and at work now...but a couple questions to answer....

    The POINTS - it is 10 Or 20 for the extra workout and the 50 adding family in for at least 45 minutes - so you'll have to shoot for the 20 points (60 minutes) anyway. hehehe....or add 5 extra minutes if you only go for the 10 pts (40 minutes)

    and the 120 minutes is Total REQUIRED for the week....that does Not Mean You Shouldn't Push to Do More!!! Especially if you have the Thanksgiving Feast!! But I KNOW how busy many of us will be with family and such...so I kept it to a "vacation" lightness so many wouldn't get totally overwhelmed....Spending time with loved ones at the holidays (and all year) is most important!!

    Though, obviously to get the extra points plus the required days you'll be putting in Far More than 120 this week! But I have Faith you all Can Do It!!! It's still not tooooo bad!! And will give your bodies a bit of a break before next week....!! Mwaaayyyyhhhahahahaaa :devil:

    And no there are no good habit / bad habit point either this week (though please feel free to do them!!!) This week is kind of a break from it all...and some people's good/bad habits are more time consuming than others...with change in schedules and entertaining...thought I'd give a break to all to keep it a little more fair.

    I think that was most of the questions....I hope!
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,808 Member
    So my first personal physical attribute I like about my self are my eyes. They really pop. And depending on my mood they REALLY pop. People say they can tell if I'm upset or mad by my eyes. They are this amazing blue so when I wear certain colors blue of course but even browns they really stand out.

    My Pay it forward: This happened Sunday before I really looked over the week, Sorry try to keep it short. So I'm in Wal-mart. HATE Wal-mart this time of year. But I'm trying to get just a couple things I HAVE to get or I wouldn't of been there. And I notice this woman in a motorize wheelchair cart with two tanks of oxygen in the basket. She had to only be in her mid 50s if that. I help her get a couple items she needed off the higher shelves and go on about me shopping. In checkout I end up directly behind her in line. I asked her if I could assist by unloading her cart that is was having a hard time doing. (The employee what just standing there looking feed up with her - no customer service at all from this lady). After unloading her cart, picking up her payment card she dropped and reloading her cart with her bags she left. I paid for my items and headed out. ITS COLD here windchill 6F. So i notice her pulling up to a van. I walked over and told her here I'd load her van for her. Here 70ish year old mom got out of the van to unload. Seriously get in the van and stay warm. The women the cart was sooo appreciative of all the help I had given her. And I felt great doing it. After they were back in the van I then walked my 5 rows over to my car that I had already parked out the farthest I safely could, left over habit from a couple Sheri challenges back. :laugh:

    Though I hate Wal-Mart this time of year. I am so glad I was there to help this lady out. No one else in the store was going to from what I saw. It is so sad that the world has come to.

    Everyone have a great week.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    OK, for a positive physical attribute, I'm going out on a limb and naming my stomach. My tummy is my LEAST perfect feature (by far,) after four babies, a tubal reversal, and hernia surgery. So, I have decided to claim it as a positive, just because I care enough about it to take care of it and work on it...

    I love this! My stomach is cover in stretch marks and scars too and sometimes I feel like all the work I do is for nothing because I will never be able to change/remove these ugly scars but still I keep trying. I actually made a deal with my husband that if I ever get to 140lbs he will get me a stomach tattoo that will cover some of them.

    This is a quote that someone shared with me a long time ago that helped me feel better about my tiger stripes ...

  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Devle, I love your pay it forward. People really don't stop to help others who are struggling to often any more. Its amazing to me how lazy and inconsiderate people can be.

    I just started working at an Eagles Club ( a private club for mostly older people). When I started I was told the tips aren't great because the elderly just don't tip. Well.... come to find out.... no one was providing these people with true customer service. I had people absolutely flabbergasted that I came out from behind the bar to serve them at their tables!!! I mean really!!! These are little frail bodies that can hardly get around as it is and other bartenders were expecting them to make their way up to the bar to order their drinks. Needless to say, my tips are pretty good because they appreciate me for taking the extra steps. I actually got tipped yesterday for helping to clean up a spill :noway: . I feel like I'm just doing my job but they think I'm some sort of super woman:bigsmile:

    My favorite physical attribute... I was gonna say my legs but I think it might actually be my tush. The ladies in my family all have fairly big butts and as we get older they tend to get a little flabby. I did the squat challenge last month and I can tell mine has toned up a lot. Not the prettiest thing bare but in a good pair of jeans, its looking pretty nice:wink:
  • weefreemen
    weefreemen Posts: 652 Member
    My pay it forward;

    Have started volunteering for a couple of hours a week, starting this week to one of our local food banks and homeless shelter, the Mustard Seed. It's quite an eye opener and a harsh lesson in how very lucky most of us are.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I REALLY do find it hard to see beauty in myself because I just do NOT see myself as beautiful but I will say my "physical" attribute would be my fit body! I KNOW I am fit and being fit is being beautiful, right?
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    I REALLY do find it hard to see beauty in myself because I just do NOT see myself as beautiful but I will say my "physical" attribute would be my fit body! I KNOW I am fit and being fit is being beautiful, right?

    You do have a rockin' body but I stalked your profile and your second picture is gorgeous! You have a beautiful smile and your hair has so much umph... coming from a person who has dull, lifeless hair I would love to have hair with even just a sliver of personality like yours :smile:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    That is sooooo nice of you!!! As for my hair.... I have to straighten it cuz it is the frizzy curly stuff! With lot's of beauty supplies I can manage it! sort of!:grumble: It is pretty long now but it looks way shorter when I do not straighten it! I need a new photo put up but I do not know how, my son put these up for me!
  • twinmom_112002
    twinmom_112002 Posts: 739 Member
    My first of what I hope will be many pay it forwards this week: I took my mom in for her foot surgery yesterday. We got to hang out and talk without my kids running around and then while she was in surgery I walked over to the mall and got her some of her favorite chocolates.
  • usernamekelly1
    usernamekelly1 Posts: 1,941 Member
    My first positive this week is how strong my legs are.. I love running and was doing intervals speed work, doing it at 7mph - now I've only ran 7mph once before, so I thought this was ace, so I'm thinking I bet I could go faster, so did the next at 7.5mph and the last 2 intervals at 8mph (they were 1 min intervals) - I have a fitness bucket list and one of them is to run speed intevals session at 8mph so I'm getting closer to crossing it off!!!!

    As we don't celebrate Thanks Giving in the UK, I decided that my workouts were to be done in the evening for 3 days this week, which is hard time / get the motivation to not say I just want to put my pjs on / juggling stuff wise and I normally have to workout early morning before my brain catches on what I'm doing - I took a spinning class this evening and I'm so glad my legs are strong as it was tough...

    My PIF was I complimented one of the other ladies in the class, I actually don't like when we have to do the pay it forward / compliment people etc as I'm not fond of doing this sort of thing if I'm told too... some how it makes me feel like I'm being fake, so this was something I did without thinking and afterwards I released I could use it as my PIF.. so I was happy that it was a genuine compliment.
  • kvonjohn
    kvonjohn Posts: 569 Member
    Can you say collarbone???!!! Hey there stranger! Where've you been all these years?

    I :heart: :heart: :heart: that I can see definition there again.
  • lostgurl55
    lostgurl55 Posts: 155 Member
    My pay It forward. My little sister is having a hard time this holiday season, and Christmas won't be any better. Her DH has left her and the children, and money is really tight for her.
    Since, I got sick a few years back she has helped me beyond measure. She has helped me get thru these last few years. I honestly don't know how I would have survived with out her...So, I bought all her Thanksgiving this year. It's a small gift that I can give her, and her children. But, these babies are also my world.
    Hope every one has a Blessed Thanksgiving~~
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    Second (and even third!) positive physical attribute: I have always loved my blue eyes - even if they sometimes scare children over here! Definitely makes me stand out (as if I don't already over here :laugh: ) From a more fitness related perspective though, I love that my legs are beginning to look better. I have always hated my legs and am still glad that here you can't go out without completely covering them, BUT I do admit that they are now looking less flabby than ever before AND they are certainly getting strong :happy:
  • usernamekelly1
    usernamekelly1 Posts: 1,941 Member
    My 2nd, I would of said my red hair but I believe I said that last challenge, so I'll do a different one... I like my shoulders and top of my back, if I flex I have a slight definition, which I love - I'm looking forward to lowing my BF% so I can see more.
  • scythswife
    scythswife Posts: 1,123 Member
    First positive physical attribute would be my legs. While my thighs are still ugly and flabby I can feel them getting stronger and that makes them a positive.

    Pay it forward would be that I am sick and really want to do nothing but I am helping out a friend and making her a set of rolls that look like a bunch of roses in a circle for Thanksgiving since she can't bake and doesn't like store bought.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Okay, so far this week I have....

    1) Donated to a fundraiser for a friends daughter who was given the opportunity to become a student ambassador and travel to Washington DC. My daughter got to visit Australia through this organization so I know how impressive this trip is. I also shared her fundraising effort with everyone on my friend list through facebook just to help get the word out.

    2) Went to the store yesterday and bought a nutritious lunch for the homeless lady standing at the entrance to the parking lot.

    3) Stepped up to help out in another challenge. The organizer needs a week off and ask for a volunteer... its big shoes to fill but I'm gonna give it a shot.

    4) Today I am going to clean out my hall closets and take extra coats, hats, gloves, and blankets to the homeless shelter.

    5) I was put in charge of desserts for our Thanksgiving dinner. Being that most of my family can stand to lose a few pounds, I found 3 delicious dessert recipes on skinnytaste.com to make.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Second physical attribute.... easy way out would be my eyes. They are a unique shade of green and I get compliments on them often but I think I'm going to say my upper abs. They are starting to get some definition. If I were to cover the lower half someone might actually think I have a nice stomach.
  • fang19423
    fang19423 Posts: 1,407 Member
    Positives / Physical attributes.

    I think women have been programmed to be dissatisfied with how they look. When did this happen? Ever since I can remember, I have been unhappy with the way I look (with the exception of my blue eyes which I do love) .... even when I was younger and not over weight at all I have to admit ...:blushing:

    But I have come to realise that my body tells a story.

    I don't like my less than toned arms ... yet not once have they let me down, I have always been able to carry my shopping every time, I have never dropped my babies, I have been able to hug and cuddle my children and husband. :heart:

    My thighs are flabbier and more dimpled than I would like, but my legs have got me up every stair I ever tried to climb and supported my body on every step I ever took. :smile:

    My belly and hips have more layers than I could ever want, yet they too tell a story, the loss of tightness and the caesarian scars tell the story of yes the food I have over indulged in, but also of the 3 wonderful daughters I have been blessed to bear and watch grow into lovely human beings.

    So while my body may not be as beautiful as I would wish, it does a tell many beautiful stories and I am trying to be proud of the wonderful body I have and enjoy working to change it, only so that I can nourish it's ability to allow me live many more beautiful moments and uncover many more beautiful stories.

    :smile: I have always loved my lips by the way .... and yes they could tell a story too but best not go there :laugh:

    P.S., I have been making progress during the course of this challenge on all the areas I am not so keen on. I have lost inches all over to the tune of 16.25 inches. This includes 7 inches from my thighs, 3 from my upper arms, 1 from my waist and 1 from my hips to name but a few problem areas that are now changing. So thank you Sheri.:smile:
  • barkingbetty
    barkingbetty Posts: 347 Member
    For my second positive physical attribute, I will say my arms. They are strong and help me move and carry heavy objects. I had started to take my arms for granted, which meant that they got shapeless and flabby overnight! When you are shopping for clothes, you don't expect to focus on ARMS with all the other areas that are staring you in the face :laugh: Anyway, I like the way my arms look now, thanks to all the upper body reps we have been doing in this challenge. I know now that arms need work too if they are going to stay strong and toned.