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No kids...



  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    If you are serious about the nutrition, and getting fit then research is your answer. I do a zone diet which is very easy. I still have a cheat day also. As for cooking for one its really not that difficult. I cook what I need for me. You can use regular recipes, cook them on Sunday and break them up in individual meals.
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    we are quite happy with our 1 fur baby dog and 1 independent Cat :wink:

    That's exactly what we've got. :flowerforyou:

    Life is just better with pets! :heart:
  • I'm 43, no children who don't have fur (but one who does!), and a husband who eats totally differently from me. I'm not big on cooking, so I tend to do quick, simple things that don't require a lot of prep. I'd love to meet new people, so friend me if you're interested.
  • I was so happy to stumble across this thread! I, too, am married and childfree. I have nothing against people with children, but when it comes to lifestyle and trying to fit in diet, exercise, cooking (for 1 or 2), it's just easier to connect with people who are like me. I just (re)joined MFP today, however the first time I really only tracked my calories and didn't use any other parts of the site. I feel like it is time to get serious and seek the support of a larger community. I'm not one for asking for help, but according to my last blood test results, I have high blood sugar and close to being pre-diabetic. It scared me enough to finally ask for some help! Looking forward to coming back to this group for inspiration, motivation, etc. :wink:
  • WallyH4EverVersion
    WallyH4EverVersion Posts: 172 Member
    I'm 46, no children who don't have fur :happy: and a future husband who eats totally differently from me. He likes to cook a lot and tries to make things that are appetizing for me and somewhat healthy :bigsmile: I like to cook too but not as often as he does.....I'd love to meet new people, so friend me if you're interested.
  • Mollypol
    Mollypol Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, have just started on my lifestyle change journey today. I'm 42 and have no children.. but a cat! Love to hear from any like minded people. I have about 3 stone to loose and live in the UK.
  • Hi I have just joined mfp and from the UK, I do have a son every third weekend as he's 17 with other interests, I'm single and in the past been very fit....rugby, the odd triathlon, swimming , cycling, squash and badminton.

    Happy for invites for mutual encouragement......my diary is open to all so there is no hiding !!.

    Personally I have found I have 3 types of meals :

    In work basic granary sandwich with fruit,
    Salads with chilli peppers Toms and olives.....lemon or mustard dressing (with chicken or fish)
    Weekend main meals a roast or casserole.....I know if I stick to basics midweek then I can relax a bit for a day at the weekend. This also stops cravings and acts as a treat :-)

    Happy to say hi add or be added :-) Brian
  • Solar07
    Solar07 Posts: 83 Member
    Married without human children, one gray furry baby, and just turned 42 in December. I'm with a lot of you that have different eating habits then significant other. Starting husband on a healthier eating path is almost impossible. Trying to eat more protein, veggies, and fruit, and limiting the white carbs. Hoping to get support and maybe some recipes. Lately I've been into cooking but when there's only two of you its a little frustrating. Good luck all in your journey and feel free to add me as a friend.
  • crunchergirl
    crunchergirl Posts: 184 Member
    Just getting started on this site. I'm 41 and have no kids. I'm also looking for friends to support and get support from.

  • hollyj365
    hollyj365 Posts: 21 Member
    I am 47 with no children in the home (they have lives of their own). I am re-starting this weight loss thing............again. Being alone is definately a challenge for me. My meal time preperations generally include the words, "What am I hungry for and feel like driving to". Up until very recently (like today as a matter of fact) my mind set was "It is only me in the house, why cook?" I had, at one point, lost 30 or so pounds but then just gave up and gained it all back. Well, I am back to being tired of being uncomfortable in my own skin, I have raised my children and now it is MY TURN (sorry if that sounds selfish).
  • ProudAirforceWife
    ProudAirforceWife Posts: 38 Member
    Hi there, I am 43, been with my common-in-law for 16 years and we are proud parents of furbabies. Also looking for friends/support with people with same interests, etc. I log on everyday and always willing to support people down this weight loss path. Please feel free to add me. Cheers, have a great week everyone!
  • girlpaint
    girlpaint Posts: 43 Member
    Married but no kids. We live in Santa Fe, NM, one of the most amazing places for outdoor activities -- challenging to say the least at 7500 feet above sea level (that's about a mile and a half!). My husband and I nearly died the first time we played tennis here, and that was for about 15 minutes. 10 years later and we can play for a little over an hour without getting too tired. We've both shaped up quite a bit in the past couple of years. Now I'm looking to ratchet it up a bit, be more accountable and lose those 10 pounds I seemed to have found last fall.

    Join the Condo and Apartment-Dwellers' group: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/19640-condo-apartment-dwellers-unite
  • zornig
    zornig Posts: 336 Member
    You're totally right! When I cook, i still make the recipes mom taught me, but they serve four, at least! Some nights I don't want to cook, and the leftovers are great, but there are nights where I'd rather just grab a sandwich because it's easy, and I'm tired. If I HAD to cook for a family, I would, but just for myself, I go, "eh, whatever." I know lots of singles who do this too.

    I'm right there with you. Especially in the summer (I'm in TX) and it's just to hot to turn on the oven, the sandwich is my best friend !!

    I'm in South Florida, which is also ungodly hot. During the summer I live on salad, and stuff like guacamole and hummus!
  • KudraM
    KudraM Posts: 73 Member
    Hi there. Im 44, married, and happily child free with three furries. What a joy is is to see so many other like minded people!
  • lisaanne1369
    lisaanne1369 Posts: 377 Member
    Hi I am 44 and have one smart beautiful 18 year old, I am about to be an empty nester....I think that counts?
  • Lorichr
    Lorichr Posts: 54
    Just saw this! I am in my forties, happily married for a long time and no kids. Anyone feel free to add me.
  • Guinivere
    Guinivere Posts: 357 Member
    So great to hear so many people are like me without kids.

    I like kids most of the time but have zero desire to have any of my own - never have. I'm 41 and about to get married (in August) and I have two fur babies (kitties).

    My man is very slim and eats whatever he likes without putting on a pound! He often eats what I prepare and supplements it with additional sandwiches or cereal if he hasn't had enough carbs. Luckily he doesn't really do sweet things so I don't have them in the house, but he drinks a lot of beer. I don't drink at all now.

    Feel free to add me and I'll message you to add you.
  • Single and am an empty nester. I guess that'll make me qualified. lol
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    44, married, no kids. Wanted to have kids, but couldn't. Now we just enjoy each other's company. We go out. We travel. Life is good. As I'm getting older, I've notice the body slowing down so I'm fairly active. I bike to work, run, and recently started strength training. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    I'm 43 and have a step daughter, but no kids of my own. She does not live with us during the year.

    I hope this topic picks up again. I don't know about you, but I found that without having kids, I started the peri-menopause earlier than average. I am battling some serious hormone issues and have put on the weight around the middle. I used to have a flat stomach, but no more.

    Anyone else out there having some of these challenges? What are you doing to help get rid of the middle section?