Tablets sucrose

fatsork Posts: 82 Member
The tablets i take contain sucrose and lactose, how do you take this into account on keto or do you ignore that? Any advice welcome


  • Roze_Lintje
    Roze_Lintje Posts: 57 Member
    I don't know what kind of tablets you take, but maybe you can change brands? It could make a difference. I just add my supplements to my diary. But there are a couple of supplements I can't find any information about, so I can't add them.
  • fatsork
    fatsork Posts: 82 Member
    Hi there, there antibiotics and i will be on them for at least 3 months , unfortunatly no alternatives to the ones im taking :-((
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    You can create your own food entries on MFP. Just find out how much sugar and carbs are in each tablet and enter that data in your new food entry. If the data is not written on the bottle, then call the company up (either their customer service tel number is on the bottle or their company logo, which you can then research on the net). Another alternative is ask you pharmacist how many carbs and sugar grams per tablet.
  • lebowski8
    lebowski8 Posts: 55 Member
    personally, i would ignore it. however, if you had to know, you could weigh the pills on a scale in grams. the maximum grams of carbohydrate, if they were made of pure sugar (which they aren't), would be equal to that.

    so for example, i just weighed 10 big vitamins. they came to 8 g. So, I know each tablet is less than 1 g of carbs.
  • fatsork
    fatsork Posts: 82 Member
    Never thought of those options , good thinking thanks guys!!