Week 1



  • MicheleStitches
    MicheleStitches Posts: 306 Member
    So week 1 day 5 done today. I'm really loving it, don't want to take a day off! What's the general consensus, it's only a 30 minute workout, do we really need a rest day? What's everyone else doing?

    Everything felt easier today, went straight from one move to the next - usually I take sips of water to give myself a 5-10 second breather between sets!!

    It may only be 30 minutes, but some of it is intense. Whenever you do something strenuous, your muscles need an opportunity to recover or you may end up with injuries. Jillian says to take at LEAST one day off a week. Who am I to argue with THE BOSS? :laugh:

  • umekanzah
    umekanzah Posts: 94 Member
    Well, i didn't intend to take a rest day yesterday but i just had to. I got busy with studying and just didn't have the time to squeeze a workout in. Today was day 4 for me and i got it done earlier than my usual time in case i get lost in working on my paper again. I must say the rest day was nice to my sore muscles and i wasn't that sore today. I was a bit better on the running man today which i was having trouble with. Hopefully i will be able to do that and regular pushups by the end of the first week.

    Not sure if this is the appropriate group but i am curious, how many calories is everyone eating? I am confused as to how much i should be eating so i am going with a number given by most calculators and not eating exercise calories since the no seemed a bit high. I am 5 5.5 and weight 185ish lbs and eating 1600. Like i said, i am not eating back my exercise calories at this point.
  • olalola1981
    olalola1981 Posts: 125 Member
    So week 1 day 5 done today. I'm really loving it, don't want to take a day off! What's the general consensus, it's only a 30 minute workout, do we really need a rest day? What's everyone else doing?

    Everything felt easier today, went straight from one move to the next - usually I take sips of water to give myself a 5-10 second breather between sets!!

    It may only be 30 minutes, but some of it is intense. Whenever you do something strenuous, your muscles need an opportunity to recover or you may end up with injuries. Jillian says to take at LEAST one day off a week. Who am I to argue with THE BOSS? :laugh:


    Hahaha now I'm afraid Jillian's gonna get me!!! Ok, so is a rest day a proper rest day, as in no exercise at all? I could do yoga or something, yes?
  • TheMOC
    TheMOC Posts: 74 Member
    Snap. D3L1. Found it hard to get up today but actually really enjoyed the workout. Like the middle strength section which makes it go faster I think!
    Me too! I lurrrrve te deadlifts!!!!
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    Day 2 of week one done! As I have mentioned before, I finished Ripped in 30 about 10 days ago and I'm repeating it again with you ladies. Let me tell you that the first time I did it, I could barely keep up with Shelly. This morning I kept up with Brusheera, even with the military push ups. Say what??? Who am I??

    I'm curious to see how I do in the coming weeks :smile:
  • margherlong
    margherlong Posts: 21 Member
    Hi guys!! I am new here. I am so glad I found this group. I workout from home and was looking for a way to stay motived. I started my new healthy lifestyle change/challenge 17 days ago - lost 3 pounds but looking for that extra PUSH! Have been doing random videos online but didnt really have a focus point so was feeling kind of lost - especially since its getting too cold to run here in NYC !!!!

    I am about to do week 1 day 1 in a little. Scared! Will check in in a bit.
  • ritornare
    ritornare Posts: 42 Member
    Took a rest day yesterday, after my week 1 day 5 on Wednesday (and 20 minute of Yoga Meltdown which were... a bad idea). I thought I'll be doing one more of the first week first today and start with week 2 tomorrow, whoop whoop! This is going fast!
  • MicheleStitches
    MicheleStitches Posts: 306 Member
    Hahaha now I'm afraid Jillian's gonna get me!!! Ok, so is a rest day a proper rest day, as in no exercise at all? I could do yoga or something, yes?

    My understanding is that a "rest & recovery day" means taking a break from strenuous activity. So it all depends on your personal fitness level. A nice walk, jog, leisurely swim or bike ride would be okay if you are moving in a pleasant and comfortable fashion. You want to give your muscles a "rest" so that they can rebuild. So don't do anything intense. Yoga would probably be a great activity for someone who finds it relaxing and not demanding on their muscles. But if you are usually worn out and sore after a yoga session, I would say that it does not qualify as a "rest day."
  • MicheleStitches
    MicheleStitches Posts: 306 Member
    After a few days off, I did my 5th day of Level 1 today. I also followed that with 25 minutes of jumping rope. I have to burn off all that gravy and stuffing and mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie and...:tongue::tongue: :tongue:
  • olalola1981
    olalola1981 Posts: 125 Member
    Hahaha now I'm afraid Jillian's gonna get me!!! Ok, so is a rest day a proper rest day, as in no exercise at all? I could do yoga or something, yes?

    My understanding is that a "rest & recovery day" means taking a break from strenuous activity. So it all depends on your personal fitness level. A nice walk, jog, leisurely swim or bike ride would be okay if you are moving in a pleasant and comfortable fashion. You want to give your muscles a "rest" so that they can rebuild. So don't do anything intense. Yoga would probably be a great activity for someone who finds it relaxing and not demanding on their muscles. But if you are usually worn out and sore after a yoga session, I would say that it does not qualify as a "rest day."

    Ah perfect, yoga is my favourite! Obviously I can make the session more or less strenuous but generally I do it for the de-stress so feels like a good rest day activity for me.
  • olalola1981
    olalola1981 Posts: 125 Member
    So did my Week 1 Day 7 today and kind of sad it was the last one although it has started to become easier so might be the right time to move on! Nervous/excited about starting Week 2 tomorrow :bigsmile:
  • So, I did start on thanksgiving! I started with 30DS week 1 and then yesterday did ripped in 30 week 1. I don't like repetition much so I think I will switch around what I do quite a bit...but plan to stay in JM territory.
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    So did my Week 1 Day 7 today and kind of sad it was the last one although it has started to become easier so might be the right time to move on! Nervous/excited about starting Week 2 tomorrow :bigsmile:

    Take a rest day, olalola:smile: You earned it. Give those muscles a chance to mend and grow!

    I was super sore yesterday, probably from doing the RI30 and being on my feet all day since I hosted Thanksgiving for the fam. Therefore yesterday was my rest day. Just completed day 4 this morning.
  • umekanzah
    umekanzah Posts: 94 Member
    Well, i hope all the American pals had a great thanksgiving. We had a great weekend but i just couldnt get in the workouts for 3 or so days. So this morning, i popped in the dvd first thing in the morning before the kiddos were up. But for some reason, might be the lack of sleep all weekend long, my heart just wasnt into it. I kept getting winded up and out of breath and after taking several breaks, i just called it quits in the middle of second circuit. Feel bad about it but my body just wasnt keeping up. I am hoping i will have a better day tomorrow and will get a crack at it again. So technically it was day 5 for me today, but i might not count it as day 5.

    olalola, sooo proud of you for sticking through it for the whole week! Way to go! Hope to see you in week 2 soon.
  • agentace
    agentace Posts: 6 Member
    Hi All! I did my first ripped in 30 workout yesterday. I am using the Xbox one fitness app and am very motivated by the competitive aspect of it! I also appreciate being able to check my form. I love how sore my entire back is after this workout. I am using 5 lb weights at the moment. Looking forward to my second workout tonight!
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    Hi All! I did my first ripped in 30 workout yesterday. I am using the Xbox one fitness app and am very motivated by the competitive aspect of it! I also appreciate being able to check my form. I love how sore my entire back is after this workout. I am using 5 lb weights at the moment. Looking forward to my second workout tonight!
