

  • weefreemen
    weefreemen Posts: 652 Member
    For my 2nd positive this week. I like my hands, I have lovely, long and now slim again fingers, on which I get a few compliments. I'm also thankful for not looking my age, a curse when you are 18 , but oh so lovely at 55...;)
  • khadijaasafi
    khadijaasafi Posts: 49 Member
    I love the way my hair looks some days (not always).

    My pay it froward was contributing to the Philippines Typhoon relief fund.
  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    My pay it forward was pretty simple- allowing an older couple with just a few items to go before me at the grocery store and then giving my cart to another older woman in the parking lot. That store charges a quarter to rent the cart- so I think it's appreciated to not have to find one!

    A second positive attribute would be my cheekbones and jaw line. I've always been complimented on them. :)
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I give THANKS for YOU & this CHALLENGE.
    Thank you SHERI for these challenges & for EVERYone in the group who push me to be more healthy!!
    My prayer is for you is to have a HAPPY & HEALTHY day!!!!
  • nonnalynn
    nonnalynn Posts: 651 Member
    2nd physical attribute is my nails. They are strong and grow easily (raw milk is great for hair and nails!) All of my nails have broken and chipped these past few weeks working on building a fence all around my property. But I know they will grow back fast and be strong and long soon enough. I will get compliments on them again in no time!

    I love reading the pay-it0forwards and the self-approvals. So proud of y'all!
  • SIimMama
    SIimMama Posts: 131 Member
    I like my smile and blue eyes!
    I also have a nice shaped behind (just want it a little smaller and tighter)

    Pay it Forward:
    A week long reunion for Thanksgiving this week. I have really tried to encourage everyone here AND I've stepped in and played mediator when the inevitable drama started (Inevitable when we had 31 people living together for a week, many with very strong personalities!) We love each other but there are a couple who always have a bit of tension!
  • kvonjohn
    kvonjohn Posts: 569 Member
    My second physical attribute that I love is my feet! I love, love, love my feet. I think they are pretty :blushing: This summer I took a huge leap and got my husbands name tattooed on my right foot. I know some of you are all :noway: We've been married for almost 13 years and he and my son share a name so there's that :laugh:

    For my pay it forward, we did a spaghetti dinner at our church Wed. night. I cooked the majority of the meal and then when backup arrived I was able to direct the serving of the meal. No, it wasn't a traditional thanksgiving meal but isn't the whole point really fellowship? Those that came really enjoyed it and I enjoyed giving my time and efforts.
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,808 Member
    My second trait Was rather hard for me. physically there isnt much i like. But i like I am genuinely caring. I truely and deeply care for those in my life. And I will go out of my way to help these ones. Usually this means putting myself on the back burner. This why my one personal challenge this go around was find 5 minutes a day for myself.

    And if that won't count for the challenge this week....... Then I guess I can honestly say I'm starting to like the figure I have again. I used to be a true hourglass and its starting to come back. Still a ways to go but it's starting to appear again.
  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    My pay it forward: I have been trying to turn out cupboards (part of my personal daily challenge!) and have ended up with boxes of stuff here that I need to give away. Yesterday I took all my son's clothes and distributed them to various "garibouts" (street kids who beg outside our front door each day :cry: ) I never give them money (knowing it goes straight back to the religious leader they live with) but often they get food we have left over. However, I realised that many of them are in DESPERATE need of clothes, so the box I had turned out of my son's old things was perfect! They were so grateful, and I felt quite bad, almost guilty, about the fact that it was stuff I had too much of and just needed to give away. A very humbling experience. How to work out who to give the rest of our "stuff" to! Never a shortage of need here :brokenheart:
  • FindingSamMon
    FindingSamMon Posts: 825 Member
    Physical Attributes: I like that muscle definition I'm starting to see in my arms. I've never had it before and I didn't know what it was at first :laugh:

    Another thing I like are my dimples and freckles. I hated them for a while because I felt like they looked weird and made me look like a cabbage patch kid (especially when I was heavier and had chubby cheeks). Now I think they gave me a youthful appearance as I get older:wink:
  • pamcuster
    pamcuster Posts: 770 Member
    I was having a hard time with a second physical attribute, and this morning my husband told me that he has been noticing definition in my triceps lately when I'm just doing regular things around the house! This was nice to hear because I always hate my upper arms; they always seem too big even when I lose weight...also nice to hear that he's still checking me out after 25 years! :heart:

    As far as a kind deed this week, I'll have to go with waiting on my oldest son while he was sick and then hosting and cooking for my dad and stepmom (Tuesday-Saturday.) I just haven't been out-and-about to interact with others...
    I'm with Kelly as far as these kinds of requirements seeming put-on if someone else *tells* me to do it...but it does make me realize that I should be more aware of complimenting and thinking of others on a day-to-day basis - even if it *is* just my family. They don't see a lot of outside folks either, so they really need these things from me!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    2nd Physical Attribute:
    Since I just can not say anything is beautiful about myself I can say I look darn good for being "just about" 55 years old!!

    Another pay it forward for me this week was:
    I bought a floral centerpiece for my one and only assistant! I appreciate her soooo VERY much. When I do not have her for a day, I realize just how great she is!! I tell her that often but now when she looks at the flowers hopefully she will think of the my words of thankfullness!
    I also fed my grandson (11 months old) and later bathed him (cuz I love to & it gave mommy a break)and also did all the clean up and dishes after last nights dinner at my sons family home!
  • khadijaasafi
    khadijaasafi Posts: 49 Member
    2nd attribute: I like my smile:smile:
  • hypallage
    hypallage Posts: 624 Member
    Physical attributes...
    I like my eyes, I like the colour and I like how expressive they can be.

    2nd attribute...
    I like the muscle definition that is starting to show in my legs and arms.
  • fang19423
    fang19423 Posts: 1,407 Member
    2nd attribute - My ankles are becoming more shapely :smile:
  • hypallage
    hypallage Posts: 624 Member
    Paying it forwards...
    Whilst doing my weekly shop I decided to spend as much on food to go to the food bank as I did on myself. I ended up spending slightly more.
  • scythswife
    scythswife Posts: 1,123 Member
    Don't remember if I posted the 2nd positive or not so going to do it now.

    oh so I really am having a hard time right now thinking of another one. I guess my arms since they are stronger and are used for supporting things I do and for carrying around my youngest and to cuddle my kids when they want it and to hold my husband when things are rough.