Low self-esteem and upset

Mooar Posts: 4 Member
So last night I ate some bad food even though I knew not to. I don't sleep well so when I was awake from 2am-7am I continued to eat badly. I then hate myself and beat myself up. I am not trying to get sympathy I just need help and advise.


  • painauxraisin
    painauxraisin Posts: 299 Member
    I can't help but just want you to know that I know that feeling and I'm thinking of you. x
  • Mooar
    Mooar Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you. It's nice to know I am not alone.
  • TonyTrink
    TonyTrink Posts: 38 Member
    Definately not alone. I've done the same thing here as well, many many many times. I've been listening to podcasts, lately, from an Overeaters Anonymous group in LA. It's been really helpful to hear other people who've done the same thing and gotten better. Check some of them out if you want, they've helped me. You can find them as: http://www.oalaig.org/speakers-podcasts/oa-speakers.html