New to IIFYM & need friends :-)

MeganMcBane Posts: 54 Member
I have been wanting to try counting macros for a while and finally decided to give it a shot. So far, it has been tricky, I am only on day 2 so far and I am sure it will get easier. It makes so much sense to count macros instead of calories and I am surprised more people are not doing this. Last night I found that I did not have much fat left but had protein and carbs so I made myself egg whites and wheat toast which helped but all together I went over my fat by 3g, went over my fiber by 13g, I had 14g carbs left, 60g protein left, and -2 cals left. Its hard balancing everything. If I would have had more protein, my fat and calories would have went up to. I have been told to focus on protein the most so that is what I am trying to do today. Any suggestions? I had my macros calculated for me and I was told to start out reverse dieting. My calculated macros are: Protein: 150g Carb: 122g Fat: 36g Calories: 1,413.


  • MeganMcBane
    MeganMcBane Posts: 54 Member
    Also- MFP will not let me add my exact grams for my macros which is super frustrating lol.
  • MeganMcBane
    MeganMcBane Posts: 54 Member
    Also- MFP will not let me add my exact grams for my macros which is super frustrating lol.
  • She_Hulk
    She_Hulk Posts: 277
    Hi Megan! I'm sure there are others on here that could help you out better than I can, but I'll give it a go! Your protein macro needs to be around your body weight or slightly less. Your lean body mass. Fitness Frog has a calculator to help you figure that out. Your fat macros need to be about half your weight (or slightly less). The rest can be carbs. In order to lose weight, you cannot go over your calories. It's okay not to hit your carb macros, but you must hit your protein macros. Otherwise (I believe) you start burning into your muscle. Try to hit your fat macros, too. Just try not to go over in your calories. It's perfectly fine to go over in proteins and fats, just not calories. If you only have 2 cals left and you didn't hit your macros, you need to call it a day. Start fresh tomorrow and work at getting your protein in. I hope this makes sense. I know it's frustrating in the beginning. :smile:
  • She_Hulk
    She_Hulk Posts: 277
    Megan, to be a little more specific, it's .4-.5 grams of fats per body weight. Take care!
  • pdxchic
    pdxchic Posts: 4 Member
    Hey Megan! I would suggest getting your numbers from a coach, or using the calculators on I agree with what Lori said about protein being 1-1.2g/weight. I weigh 121 and set my protein to 1g/lb so I eat 121 per day. Next is fats at .4/lb. the rest I fill with carbs. Do not be afraid of carbs!!! Your body needs plenty of carbs to effectively burn fat and build muscle.

    As far as balancing it all out, try to have a serving of carbs and protein with each meal. That makes it a lot easier to stay on track during the day. I always use my last meal to fill in the blanks and usually do not go over or under by more than 2grams. It does take creativity sometimes but the better you become at reading labels and intuitively knowing what nutrients are in the foods you eat, the easier it becomes. Don't give up! It takes time but is worth it :)
  • pdxchic
    pdxchic Posts: 4 Member
    Also- MFP will not let me add my exact grams for my macros which is super frustrating lol.

    Yep, this frustrates me too. I just keep a note on my phone with what my actual target numbers are and use it as a reference throughout the day.
  • JoJo__Fit
    JoJo__Fit Posts: 258 Member
    HI megan :)

    I've been doing IIFYM for a little over 20 days and I love it!!! This is the best thing I've done for myself mentally and physically. My current stats are

    Start weight : 137.6 lbs
    workout 5-6x

    Calories: 1868
    Carbs: 220.4
    Protein: 138.7
    Fat: 47.9
    Fibre: 27-34

    I'm doing the suggested ratios, When i started I wish I could of checked my bodyfat. Last time I checked I was at 20% in July weighing 144. I managed to go down to 140 in August. I started August 26 with IIFYM, I checked my bodyfat on Saturday Sep 7th and I'm at 16.4% weighing 137.4. Within 2 weeks of tracking all my macros and sticking to the plan I was seeing changes, my body composition was changing big time. I have much more definition and I can lift a lot heavier now. I only 2 HIIT session a week that it's for 20 mins. :) I will continue to stick with my ratio for 10-15 more days then start to increase my carb intake by 5gs.

    You have to play with your macros, try to stay no more or less then 10g from your grams of protein, carbs and fat. & keep your fibre at no more then 50g.

    Are you doing 1.5g of protein for your bodyweight?

    A good way to hit the fat is with omega's, I make sure I take 4-8 caps a day that helps me hit my fats or oils & almond butters too.
  • bkap93
    bkap93 Posts: 1
    i've found it useful to disregard the calorie numbers that myfitnesspal gives you. disregard how many you have remaining, that is.
    Myfitnesspal does provide you with your macro totals, so just go by that! Sometimes you have calories left, even when myfitnesspal is telling you that you don't.

    Carbs = 4 cals/g
    Protein = 4 cals/g
    Fat = 9 cals/g

    Use those numbers to work out how many cals you're on! :)
  • Momieof2girls
    Momieof2girls Posts: 79 Member
    How do you know what ratios to use??
  • If you login to MFP through the web you can change your macro's in 5% increments under the Goals area... mine are only like 1-2g's off on each category for protein/fat/carbs... just make sure you don't log you calorie burn into MFP because otherwise it re-adjusts your total allotted calories allowed. Macros already include your exercise... :)

    Also- MFP will not let me add my exact grams for my macros which is super frustrating lol.

    Yep, this frustrates me too. I just keep a note on my phone with what my actual target numbers are and use it as a reference throughout the day.
  • Hi, I'm new to this too.
    I'm going to go through and add all of you.
    If you login to MFP through the web you can change your macro's in 5% increments under the Goals area... mine are only like 1-2g's off on each category for protein/fat/carbs... just make sure you don't log you calorie burn into MFP because otherwise it re-adjusts your total allotted calories allowed. Macros already include your exercise... :)

    Also- MFP will not let me add my exact grams for my macros which is super frustrating lol.

    Yep, this frustrates me too. I just keep a note on my phone with what my actual target numbers are and use it as a reference throughout the day.
    Ahhh excellent idea. I wrote mine down in a journal but I know I'm never going to look at it.
  • Hi, I'm new to IIFYM as well. I used their website to calculate my marcors and have been using MFP to track them only for the past 2 weeks. I used the custom setting and got within 1g or my recommended breakdown from IIFYM. I love it so far but still trying to figure out how to balance out my meals and what my body needs and how and when to adjust (increase) my marcors. I hope it's okay if i add some of you as friends.

    I'm 35 years old 5'3 and currently at 140lbs trying to reduce fat. I run about 3 miles 2x a week and do weights 3 days.


    I welcome constructive feedback and recommendations, still learning. Oh...and I'm coming off of a "clean" eating "binge" eating cycle that apparently did not work out well for me.
  • hbic_crystal
    hbic_crystal Posts: 1 Member
    I am new as well to IIFYM and macros. I have been having a hard time meeting protein as well. Its a lot lol!
    I have reaching for more protein bars, Fage yogurt and just ordered some protein powder to make some shakes with. My carbs are right on just about but I need to reduce my fats and increase protein. A lot of my fat was coming from nut butters ( I LOVE ) so I am going to reduce that a bit and increase protein. It is like a juggling act but I think once we figure it out it will be easier.

    I am going to add you guys too! I would love to have more encouragment on MFP!
  • missyjane824
    missyjane824 Posts: 1,199 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me. Been doing iifym for awhile and really getting the hang of it.
  • If your a big nut butter fan like me but need to decrease your fats, I recommend PB2! If you haven't tried its its pretty great! Dehydrated peanut butter that is a powder. You can mix with water to give a creamy consistency or sprinkle on ice cream or add to shakes! Lots of recipes!!! It comes in chocolate too! Only 1 gram of fat per serving!!!
  • I set the cals to 0 so that my P/C/F would all be at zero and the last row wouldn't confuse me with what I had left. Only thing is you need to memorize your P/C/F numbers initially. Hope that helps. :)
  • Erod1972
    Erod1972 Posts: 34 Member
    Her is a script that I got from another IIFYM friend that changes goals in 1% increments, hope this help everyone!
  • immarungirl
    immarungirl Posts: 35 Member
    I am super frustrated. I went to the IIFYM caculator I am 4' 10, 49 and weigh 163 workout 4x a wk my breakdown is:

    Carbs - 46.5
    Protein - 163
    Fat - 65.2
    Calories - 1425

    Why is are my carbs so low compared to others I see?
  • pilotem
    pilotem Posts: 2 Member
    Hey guys!

    Also new to flexible dieting/IIFYM for the last 2-3 months & absolutely loving the mental relief. I feel saved. Coming from someone with past eating disorders & most recently binge eating, this is the first time in my life that I can actually honestly believe myself when I say that food no longer causes anxiety & that I'm LOVING cooking & creating. No more 'meal plans' or 'clean eating'!! It gets easier to track and organize as well, don't worry. You'll get the hang really quickly.

    I'm looking for friends though, so add me!!! :):)
  • Hello all.. i've been around MFP for a while... just now finding groups. Looking for motivation and lots of info on IIFYM