Saturday, November 30th -- 11th week check-in

AnnaZimm70 Posts: 218 Member
Christmas Challenge start weight: 183.5
Current weight: 169.4
Lost this week: .2 lbs
Challenge total: 14.1

5.9 lbs to go for the challenge.

Not much of a loss this week, but I believe some of it is simple the lingering effects of Thanksgiving. I was down about 1.7 lbs. Thursday morning, and am assuming I'll be back there in a day or two as my one day of indulgence clearly didn't cause a permanent weight gain of 1.5 lbs.


  • I can't believe we're here first. Hang on - I gotta put my big girl pants on...

    Sw: 184.2
    Week1: 181.3
    Week2: 180.4
    Week 3: 180.2
    Week 4: 179.8
    Week 5: 178
    Week 6: 177
    Week 7: 174.8
    Week 8: 175
    Week 9: 170.5
    Week 10: 169.8
    Week 11: 170.5

    I have been up nearly 3 lbs most of the week. Some finally dropped yesterday and today, but I am still up for no reason that I can pinpoint. I'm just going to keep on going and maybe this week will be extra good. I really want to make it to 164 by Xmas!

    Good luck everyone and great job, Anna!
    GRTFULDD1 Posts: 47 Member
    SW -253

    CW -228

    GW -190

    1 pound gain for the week

    total so far 25 pounds

    Little bummed no after food workout on turkey day got a chest cold that wont quit !!! Back at it tomorrow hopefully.
  • Cowgal23
    Cowgal23 Posts: 106 Member
    SW 234 lbs
    CW 221.6 lbs
    GW 210 lbs by X-mas.

    Total loss this week is 0. Hopefully next week will be better since I went and bought an exercise bike finally and will use that to start working out more. Plus Thanksgiving was just too much eating and not enough exercise this week.

    Great job everyone who lost weight and keep your heads up if you gained any weight you will be able to lose it again in no time.
  • dantanjah
    dantanjah Posts: 100 Member
    Congrats to everyone for staying with this challenge.

    SW: 212.6
    Original Challenge goal: 192
    CW: 186.0
    Revised Challenge goal: 182
    Total Loss: 26.6 pounds
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    Wow, it's usually page 2 before I can get my check-in posted!

    Week 0: 182.0
    Week 1: 182.8
    Week 2: 180.0
    Week 3: 176.4
    Week 4: 176.8
    Week 5: 176.0
    Week 6: 172.8
    Week 7: 175.4
    Week 8: 170.8
    Week 9: 170.0
    Week 10: 170.0
    Week 11: 166.8

    Total lost during challenge: 15.2

    My body is weird (or is it just me weird in general?). It will chill out at the same weight for several weeks then just drop like crazy - over the course of 4 days this week, I dropped 7 lb??? But yay! finally I've achieved my 15 lb lost goal. Highly doubt I can lose 4.8 pounds in 3-1/2 weeks, especially considering the number of parties I have to attend, and vacation. But the 20 lbs goal was always aggressive for me considering I'm ~10 lbs away from the end of my journey.

    As we roll in to December - keep up your exercise, your logging, and try to balance your food choices with all the temptations out there!

    GW: 159.8, will see how I feel in the 155-157 range ish
  • Sapphire1812
    Sapphire1812 Posts: 107 Member
    1.3lbs down this week... lol, was hoping to reach the 160s, so near... so hopefully next week!! I've ordered an elliptical trainer / exercise bike combined... hubby's Christmas pressie to me! Gotta wait to 13th Dec for delivery... but can't wait for it to arrive. Then will have no excuses but to exercise!

    Congratulations everyone for sticking at it... hard work, but just look at what we're accomplishing and I know for me, keep being accountable to you all is helping with motivation.

    Keep up the great work everyone! :smile:

    SW: 183.7 lbs
    Wk1: 180.9 lbs (-2.8 lbs)
    Wk2: 179.7 lbs (-1.2 lbs)
    Wk3: 179.6 lbs (-0.6 lbs)
    Wk4: 178.8 lbs (-0.3 lbs)
    Wk5: 177.7 lbs (-1.1 lbs)
    Wk6: 176.8 lbs (-0.9 lbs)
    Wk7: 175.9 lbs (-0.9 lbs)
    Wk8: 173.4 lbs (-2.5 lbs)
    Wk9: 172.1 lbs (-1.3 lbs)
    Wk10: 171.5 lbs (-0.6 lbs)
    Wk11: 170.2 lbs (-1.3 lbs)

    Total: -13.5 lbs

    6.5 lbs to go.
  • mira2602
    mira2602 Posts: 78 Member
    Week 1:172.5 pounds (-4.5)
    Week 2: 174 (+1.5)
    Week 3: I didn't weight myself
    Week 4: 169 (-5 pounds)
    Week 5: 167 (-2 pounds)
    week6: I didn't weight myself
    week7: I didn't weight myself
    week8: I didn't weight myself
    week9: I didn't weight myself
    week 10: I didn't weight myself
    week 11: 170.2 pounds (+3 pounds)

    So after 5 weeks of not checking in, I gained 3 pounds. Total lost of 7 pounds. I guess I have seriously step up next 4 weeks.
    I guess I have to watch my food:(
  • Very late check in this week, as I am running a workshop all weekend, great news though it has kept me away from food:bigsmile:

    SW 88.5 kg
    1W 87.5 kg
    2W 87 kg
    3W 86 kg
    4W 85.8 kg
    5W 85.8 kg
    6W 84.3 kg
    7W 84.3 kg
    8W 84.1 kg
    9W 83.5 kg
    10W 83.5 kg
    11W 82.8 kg

    Total loss 5.7 kilos or 12.5 pounds - 7.5 pounds to go!!! I can do this

    Finally a loss this week again, so I am very happy. I can see the difference now and feel it in my clothes and people are finally starting to notice, hurrah!!! It is keeping me motivated to keeping on going..!

    Next week is going to be better yet!
  • tugten
    tugten Posts: 73 Member
    SW 170 pounds

    CW 155 pounds

    I lost two pounds this week. I think I am going to make the challenge or come real close. Happy to be part of this group and sticking to it.
  • doIlhands
    doIlhands Posts: 349 Member
    Week 0 SW- 179
    Week 1 - 178
    Week 2- 177
    Week 3 - 176
    Week 4 - 174.4
    Week 5 - 174
    Week 6 - 172
    Week 7- 170
    Week 8 - 170
    Week 9 - 168
    Week 10 - 166
    Week 11 - 166
    Total loss - 13lbs
    Christmas GW- 159
  • Only one page so far! Come on, folks! I had a crap weekend (goodbye Chinese food craving, hello water retention) and I am here. I'm kicking my own *kitten* and back to good nutrition today.

    Zanne!! Wow - kicked some serious *kitten*!

    Congrats to everyone for sticking it out here and to those who have made goal.
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    I am working hard but forgot to log. I am on my last 5 pounds. I want to be done by New Year's! Who wants to challenge me?
  • lharri0209
    lharri0209 Posts: 128 Member
    Hi everyone! When I began my weight loss journey back this passed July, I was 202 lbs. I joined mfp in early August. I have been working 6 days a week for 2 months now and am tired. However, with great determination I have stuck with my diet and exercise plan...not that I haven't been tempted. lol Here are my stats as of starting this challenge:

    Sw-177 lbs
    Cw-149 lbs
    Ugw- 130 lbs

    Total loss this WK: -2 lbs
    Total challenge loss: -28 lbs

    Congrats to everyone on making it to/through the 11th WK of the challenge. You all are doing so awesome! See you next week! ;-)
  • meowlymary
    meowlymary Posts: 84 Member
    HW: 200+
    MFP Starting weight: 189
    Challenge starting weight: 185
    Challenge goal: 165
    Overall goal: 135
    Last week: 172.4

    This week: 174.4

    Gained two pounds but I also took a break in logging this weekend! Right after Thanksgiving we took a weekend away and we pretty much just ate and walked around the city the whole time. I am not surprised about the gain but hoping some of it is water weight. Gonna hit the gym hard this week!
  • bottemil13
    bottemil13 Posts: 21 Member
    I havent checked in for weeks but im trying to hold myself more responsible for my weight!! SO:

    SW sept 14th- 172.0

    CW Nov 30th- 162.6

    the same 2 pounds keep coming and going the last couple weeks. Of course Thanksgiving did not help that! here to a new week!

    Keep up the good work everyone! ONLY three and a half weeks til Christmas!!
  • Hi everyone! When I began my weight loss journey back this passed July, I was 202 lbs. I joined mfp in early August. I have been working 6 days a week for 2 months now and am tired. However, with great determination I have stuck with my diet and exercise plan...not that I haven't been tempted. lol Here are my stats as of starting this challenge:

    Sw-177 lbs
    Cw-149 lbs
    Ugw- 130 lbs

    Total loss this WK: -2 lbs
    Total challenge loss: -28 lbs

    Congrats to everyone on making it to/through the 11th WK of the challenge. You all are doing so awesome! See you next week! ;-)

    What an inspiration! Congrats on your determination - it shows in your great success!
  • MelonGG
    MelonGG Posts: 22 Member
    Okay was having a fabulous week until Sunday, so I'll post Saturday's weight (from before Christmas party)
    SW: 173.5
    CW: 169.0
    Total loss 5.5 during challenge, and with my pcos that's fabulous! however Sunday morning was a big gain, so now back on track and looking for a loss by next Saturday!
  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 732 Member
    I'm going to just carry over my last week weight of 214 for this weigh in. I did not have access to internet or a scale over the long holiday weekend. End of this week will be sure to get the new weight in.
  • oreyna
    oreyna Posts: 88 Member
    9/13/13 - 239 (Starting Weight)
    9/20/13 - 238 (-1 lb)
    9/27/13 - 235.4 (-3.6 lbs)
    10/4/13 - 235.4 (Zero Loss this week) :grumble:
    10/11/13 - 231.8 (-3.6 lbs) (Back on track!!!)
    10/18/13 – 230.6 (-1.2lbs)
    10/25/13 – 228.6 (-2lbs)
    11/1/13 – 225.6 (-3lbs)
    11/8/13 – 223 (-2.6lbs)
    11/15/13 – 220.6 (-2.4lbs)
    11/22/13 – 219.6 (-1lb)
    11/27/13 – 219 (-.6lb)

    GOAL ACHIEVED!!! New Christmas Goal…”30 POUND LOSS”
    Total Weight Loss (21 LBS) and (9 LBS more to GO!!!)
    Goal Weight 210 by Christmas drinker.
  • charlottemilton
    charlottemilton Posts: 144 Member
    SW 283
    CW 259

    Total loss 24 lbs since I started this challenge. Current challenge is to lose 30 by Christmas. I am horrid about posting and logging on this board but I'll try to do better.
  • takerbrat
    takerbrat Posts: 81 Member
    Week 0 weigh-in 177.0
    Week 1 weigh-in 176.8 . . . 0.2 lb loss. Alas, the plateau continues . . . kind of . . .
    Week 2 weigh-in 173.0 . . . 3.8 lb loss. Take that plateau!
    Week 3 weigh-in 171.2 . . . 1.8 lb loss. Just about made my goal of 2 lbs/week.
    Week 4 weigh-in 171.2 . . . no loss this week, no excuses, next week will be different . . .
    Week 5 weigh-in 170.6 . . . 0.8 lb loss. Last week wasn't that much different, some nights I swear I hear that Nutella jar calling my name and I never even liked the damn stuff before I started to lose weight! Maybe it's hormonal?
    Week 6 weigh-in 166.6 . . . 4 lb loss, yup it was hormonal! So glad to be back in the 60s
    Week 7 weigh-in 166.0 . . . 0.6 lb loss. How do you eat an elephant . . . one bite at a time! .6 lb by .6 lb I WILL get there!
    Week 8 weigh-in 164.6 . . . 1.4 lb loss. Have added kickboxing to my weekly routine, fantastic cardio and aggressive enough to be quite therapeutic! Bonus!!
    Week 9 weigh-in 163.4 . . . 1.2 lb loss. My son has added another HIIT session to my week, my workout week now looks like this:
    Week 10 weigh-in 161.6 . . . 1.8 lb loss. So glad to have been able to stay on program (food and exercise) with travelling for work and volunteering for Grey Cup!
    Week 11 weigh-in 159.0 . . . 2.6 lb loss. Yeah!

    total loss this challenge - 18 lbs . . . average loss/week 1.63 lbs
    total loss since starting the challenge with my son July 1st* - 43.4 lbs . . . average loss/week 2.06 lbs (21 weeks)

    * to read about the challenge I have with my son checkout my blog entitled A Mom, Her Son & One Life Changing Wager (
  • Hi y'all :flowerforyou:

    I haven't been able to log because I was on vacation and without internet :frown: ...

    MFP 09/06/2013 SW - 131.5 :explode:

    20lbs By Christmas Challenge - SW 128.5 :mad:

    W 1 - 127 :laugh:
    W 2 - 126 :laugh:
    W 3 - 126 :laugh:
    W 5 - 125 :laugh:
    W 6 - 124 :laugh:
    W 7 - 123 :laugh:
    W 8 - 122 :laugh:
    W 9 - 122 :grumble:
    W10- 122 :mad:
    W11- 119 :laugh:

    Total loss 9.5 lbs :laugh:

    Taking a step at a time to reach my goal always :flowerforyou:
  • I forgot to log this week.
    MFP SW 279.2
    Challenge SW 264.8
    CW 238.6
    Loss this week 2.8
    Total loss for this challenge 26.2
  • smiley13000
    smiley13000 Posts: 142 Member
    Nothing too interesting happened with my weigh-in :P I'm still at 164
  • phiwi
    phiwi Posts: 15 Member
    How do I keep missing my Saturdays???

    Sorry I'm late (My Saturday got crazy busy)

    Week 1: 160lbs
    Week 2: 157.2
    Week 3: 158
    Week 4: 156
    Week 5: 155
    Week 6: 155
    Week 7: 154.8
    Week 8: 153.4
    Week 9: 155.4
    Week 10: 153
    Week 11: 151.8

    Total Loss: 8.2 lbs

    Okay, it's official. I'm not going to meet the goal by the deadline. I think that this slow down is due to my new, tougher, work out routine. I'm fine with this, I just dropped a pants size this morning! I'll keep going. Congrats to all further along than me.