5/3/1 max out question

GuitarJerry Posts: 6,102 Member
So, I think I may have topped out on OHP.

Yesterday, on my 5/3/1 day, I couldn't hit my 1+. I couldn't get 140 over my head. So, I backed it to 135 for 2 reps. Which is weird. I should be able to get 140 up.

Anyway, how would you handle this for the next cycle? Should I use the same progression for the next cycle and try for 140 for 1+ reps. Or, should I go with 5 lbs more through the next progression? Or, should I back off, and calculate my 1RM for OHP and start from there. The latter is what the book says to do. But, because I was so close to being able to do it, I want to try again at the end of the next cycle.

Sounds like a bit of a silly question, but just wonder how some of you might handle this. Also, I might use this advice for other lifts as my progressions are getting much tougher than they used to be. So, if you can't hit that 1+, do you try again, if you almost hit it? Do you stick with the book and reset your training max? Or, do you just progress and try more later at the end of the cycle?

I also realize that some days, you're just stronger than other days, and on some other day, I might have pushed it up. So, there is always that factor. My instinct is telling me to try through that same progression again. In other words, don't add the 5 lbs, and see if I can hit it next cycle. But, wanted your insight.



  • anastasiaBH
    anastasiaBH Posts: 268 Member
    Bump for answers to exact same question.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    I'd do the same progression again. Depending on what spreadsheet you use, it might recalc for you based on your last cycle's best lifts.

    Like you said, it could be just a bad day. A couple weeks ago I only got 1 rep of 360 on squats, when I was expecting to get at least 3. The following week I got 2 reps of 370. Go figure...

    I reset 5/3/1 one time after 6 or 7 cycles. As my bodyweight went down, so did my lifts. I took my numbers from my ending cycle and used them as the basis for starting a new one. I've lasted only 3 cycles this time and I'm already struggling. I'm hitting the rep targets but barely, when I feel I should be getting at least 2-3 reps more. I'm at the point where I'm going to change to a 3x5 routine and reset back to some lighter weight and build back up over the next few months again. The weight loss is really affecting me more and more. Even though my weight hasn't dropped a whole lot, the closer I get to my goal weight the more I struggle with weights that I was having no problem with before.
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  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I'd do the same progression again.

    ^^this is what I would do also.