New Girl, Needs Support!

Hey all,

I'm glad I found this group. Turns out very few people empathize with your fitness challenges when you're already at a "healthy weight". Anyway, I'm on a journey to tone up and drop Body Fat %. My goal is to "Look Impressive" and shredded, much like a fitness model. Each day is different, there's a ton of competing information and some days are better than others. I could use some help getting through the rough days and staying focused and would love to celebrate milestones with other ladies on this journey. I like to mix things up between the varied workouts at the gym (cardio + strength training), swimming, yoga and whatever else to keep things interesting and see faster results. I also tweak my diet from time to time. Any support would be greatly appreciated. If you're on a similar journey and would like to support each other add me as a friend, reply to this post., reach out in some way to say Hi so we can power through winter and be super bad *kitten* come summer 2014 :) Would love to hear from you! By the way, I'm 27 yrs., 5' 4", 123.5 lbs.


  • xmashalffast
    I literally just joined and I totally get what you mean when you say that you want to "look impressive" . I am also a healthy weight but
    just want that perfect body. The diet I'm on with my fitnesspal restricts me to 1200 calories a day. That's because I'm short so I guess I shouldn't take in that many calories, but I am sure I ate over 1200 today. I could also do with the support of being in this group. I'm glad you posted your "New Girl, needs Support" thing thanks :)
  • caitlinashe511
    caitlinashe511 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey! I'm right there with you. Looking toned and fit like a fitness model is my goal as well! What BMI are you shooting for?
    Here's to looking and feeling strong....but most importantly being strong!!!

    To xmashalffast --- If you went over, work out extra hard now and/or "self correct" tomorrow... eat less than you did on the day you went over so that you can make up for the overage. Ya know what I mean?
  • lilb90
    finally, found a group that fits me! Very new girl over here. Trying to catch up with the whole system. Looks pretty hard to register everytime you eat something. Here same thing, just trying out this app to look the best way i can. Any tips and tricks?
  • helpmeet2day
    helpmeet2day Posts: 33 Member
    Add me if you like, I'm petite in the classic sense--not tall, but not fat. Want to keep everything in proportion to my height. It's so easy to look heavy when not tall, and not to look like a little elf or something. (No winter boots outside the pants legs for me!)lol!
    I'm in the healthy weight margin, but like you think I can look better. Few people can relate to this. Best of luck!!
  • jessicameechi
    jessicameechi Posts: 1 Member
    I feel the same way, and I need friends and support just the same! I've let myself go more these days with the "happy life". In other words, I'm not going through a break-up, job loss, or depressing life change, which is when I thrived at looking my best. I'm tall, 5'10", so I can get away with carrying a little extra weight and no one notices. So just the same, when I say I want to lose weight and get in shape I hear, "Where can you afford to lose weight, you're so thin!" Gets old.

    So with that said, get it girl! We've been blessed with potential, let's not waste any time letting ourselves go to waste! Let's get those heads turning again!
  • Helen71017
    Helen71017 Posts: 30 Member
    I have been using myfitnesspal on and off for several months. I am finding it hard to stick to an exercise and diet program. Part of the problem is that I am considered normal weight. When I talk about losing 5 pounds my friends warn me about becoming anorexic. I don’t want to be anorexic; I just want to be able to wear tight shirts without an obvious stomach bulge. I am also short, so maintaining a 1,200 calorie diet is a challenge. I was hoping to find a support group to help stay motivated.
  • insanecatlady
    insanecatlady Posts: 7 Member
    I never thought there is this thread! Glad to join :) I am also new. I also have similar goal to look like fitness model! hooray! looking forward to the day I can see even better muscle definition, run even faster than before, and fit into jeans one size smaller for having lost the stubborn fat around my back thighs and butts!
    I am petite here with not so delicate body frame, so gaining even a little weight shows. My problem is, I often binge. even though I don't gain any weight from the binge (thanks to years of persistent exercise and good genes), it prevents me from reaching my goal :( Need some support here, feel free to add me!
  • brisfresh
    Yah!! I also want to look like a fitness model! Don't really care about the scales, just about what I look like in the mirror and how much weights I can lift :D Would love some supportive friends
  • thom2369
    thom2369 Posts: 271 Member
    Anyone add me too! I am looking to lose about 15 more pounds and get this body looking nice for once in my life!
  • Mona90Alien
    Mona90Alien Posts: 13 Member
    New here and looking for some friends with similar goals! Feel free to add me so we can support each other X
  • Fitmom4boys
    Fitmom4boys Posts: 36 Member
    Yes, this is me too! I am a comfortable size 8, feel fit, look decent...but really determined to tone so I look great! I am going to focus on BF% since my scale has stayed the same for a looong time but i know i have gotten leaner..and stronger. Needing to be consistent with the workouts!
  • Thumarnic
    Same here, new to this group! I'm 5'4, 135 lbs, size 4/6, but I really want to tone up and just feel healthier. No one understands why I'm eating differently & working out since I'm not overweight. Looking forward to participating here and getting to know people, feel free to add me too!