how much weight have you gained



  • Jem411
    Jem411 Posts: 46 Member
    I've gained a lot of weight in the short 12 weeks that I've been pregnant. I think a lot of it is due to the fact that I ate only around 1000-1,200 calories before being pregnant. After I found out I stopped counting calories. And I really haven't been eating that great either but its hard to find foods that will stay down. It has been slowly getting better and I have been able to return to eating healthier foods. But so far I've gained about 18lbs.. :(

    Sounds like you needed it.
    That's the way my pregnancy goes, too. I start gaining from the moment I conceive because I develop an unsatiable appetite that first trimester. I go back to 'normal' after that, but by then, my body's metabolism has changed with the pregnancy, so I just continue to gain.
    But, with breastfeeding, it all melts off within the first 8 weeks, so I figure my body knows what it's doing/what it needs in order to survive those demands of early motherhood.

    That's me too :) . I gained around 10 lbs by the end of the first trimester and was still working out and lifting. I actually leveled off when everyone said I would gain the most (happend with my first as well). So now at 37 weeks I have gained a total of 31 lbs and managed to maintain a good amount of muscle tone. Now I am just ready for this baby to come out!! LOL
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    Prepregnancy weight: 163.8
    Weeks 1-8: Continued to lose
    Weeks 8 - 19: 159.8
    20 weeks: 162.2
    22 weeks: 164.6
    23 weeks: 165
    25 weeks: 166
    28 weeks: 175

    Goal: Just stay under 200!

    Getting kind of scared by the weight gain, but I am logging every bite. Even though I am gaining 2lb per week, I am not eating 7000 additional calories per week (or anywhere near that).
  • Height 5'5"
    Start: 126

    Weeks 10-13: 128-129
    Week 14: 128

    Somehow no gain over Thanksgiving. The fact that I finally pooped yesterday probably helped!
  • ashlbubba
    ashlbubba Posts: 224 Member
    19+3 here... 10.6 lbs gained

    199.6 SW

    210.2 this morning

    A bit more than I'd like but my appetite seems to be calming down a bit after 3 weeks of unending hunger!!
  • pammyxjean
    pammyxjean Posts: 21 Member
    Ok Im still in my first tri but I have gained two pounds, guessing its mostly bloat. I weighed 125 at the Docs at my 8week check up, my 12 week is coming up, we will seee!!!!
  • pammyxjean
    pammyxjean Posts: 21 Member
    Btw… with my first born I gained 45lbs! And my second 40lbs. My largest was 178 with baby. I felt so horrible, never doing that again.
  • ksnel3
    ksnel3 Posts: 107 Member
    Starting weight: 200lbs

    6 weeks: 200
    8 weeks: 197.6
    10 weeks: 197
    12 weeks: 196
    14 weeks: 194
    16 weeks: 193.8
    18 weeks: 195
    20 weeks: 192.4

    -7.6lbs right now

    Gained 30-35lbs with my first 2 kiddos. Doing much better this time! I'm sure a lot of that is due to the fact that I wasn't sick in the 1st tri, so I've been able to walk almost every day since I found out I was pregnant.
  • lolablitz
    lolablitz Posts: 38 Member
    16 weeks pregnant, 5 pounds gained

    Started at 128 and dropped to 126 via morning sickness. Now at 131.4
    I gained 65 lbs with my first lovie, 26 lbs with my second. It did take me a long time to finally get back to my original pre-pregnancy weight after that first crazy weight gain, but I finally did it before I got pregnant with this little one. I think it's hard to let go of my anal tendency to try and not gain weight after I've really taken to the MFP diary-keeping. But I'm afraid of going overboard if I'm not watchful of what I eat. It's a tricky balance.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Soooo...had the dreaded weigh in yesterday morning and at 20 weeks, I've gained a total of 11.5 pounds (146pds total). To me, this sounds like A LOT considering I have 20 more weeks to go but my doctor seemed like it was completely normal since I started off at a healthy weight (135). I have been logging my food intake (probably eating less than before) and working out 5-6 days a week so I'm not really sure where all of the weight is coming from. Ultrasound showed that Cruz is only weighing 1 pound right now. :) Anyone else gained around this amount at 20 weeks? My BF% is fairly low still but for some reason the number on the scale drives me crazy!
    I beleive i was up about 12 lbs at 20 weeks and i gained a lot of weight in my 2nd trimester (2 lbs in 1st trimester and 17 lbs in the 2nd trimester) Once i hit my 3rd trimester it slowed down majorly. I maintained for about a month and then am slowly gaining about a half a lb a week. I have been logging my food intake throughout this pregnancy and working out 4-5 days a week.

    I haven't weighted myself since 12.5 weeks, and I was up about 10lbs then! I'm now 21 weeks, and I don't think I've gained much more. I was quite bloated for the first trimester, and I felt nauseous until week 14, and the only thing that helped was eating. I had loads of fruit as I really craved it, and I think that contributed to the bloating!

    I was a healthy weight to start with, so I won't be disappointed with 35lbs by due date. With baby, placenta, extra fluid, extra blood flow etc, I think that's normal. I think weight gain does level out after the first trimester, unless you overeat and don't exercise.
  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    Height; 5'9"
    Starting: 204.6 (4w) BFP

    5w: 204.6 (0)
    6w: 206.8 (+2.2)
    7w: 205.6 (-1.2)
    8w: 204.8 (-.8)
    9w: 201.6 ( -3.2)
    10w: 202.4 (+0.8)
    11w: 202.4 (0)
    12w: 200.8 (-1.6)
    13w: 198.0 (-2.8)
    14w: 201.2 (3.2)
    15w: 203.2 (2)
    16w: 201.6 (-1.6)
    17w: 202.2 (.6)

    Total: (-2.4)

    I missed logging last week. DH almost cut his finger off and had surgery to repair it. It's been a little crazy. My 16w appt was cancelled and I went last week instead. I've lost 4lbs according to my doctor's scale since 8wks ( I got at night so I weigh much more than I do in the morning when I usually weigh myself). She wasn't too concerned, but wanted to make sure that I am eating and said it was normal to lose at the beginning, but I'll want to start gaining soon. I'm sure that won't be a problem, lol. I have seemed to pop overnight. This is my second and I expected to show earlier than with my first (not until 7 months). 18 wks tomorrow and will weigh in when I get to work in the morning.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Well, I am currently at -14lbs from prepregnancy weight. I am just hitting end of first trimester and morning sickness is fading quickly. My last 2 weigh ins were gains, yes! I am on my way back up now!
  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    Height; 5'9"
    Starting: 204.6 (4w) BFP

    5w: 204.6 (0)
    6w: 206.8 (+2.2)
    7w: 205.6 (-1.2)
    8w: 204.8 (-.8)
    9w: 201.6 ( -3.2)
    10w: 202.4 (+0.8)
    11w: 202.4 (0)
    12w: 200.8 (-1.6)
    13w: 198.0 (-2.8)
    14w: 201.2 (3.2)
    15w: 203.2 (2)
    16w: 201.6 (-1.6)
    17w: 202.2 (.6)
    18w: 199.8 (-2.4)

    Total: (-4.8)

    Lost again this week. I don't really have an appetite, but I do eat. I'm sure I'll start gaining soon. Congrats to all the ladies who are doing well keeping their weight on track and exercising. I haven't been exercising at all. :( I really should get my treadmill in a spot that I can use it. Maybe I'll work on that this week.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Starting weight : 165 (height 5'7")

    6w : 165 (0)
    7w : 165 (0)
    8w: 166 (+1)
    9w: 166 (+1)
    10w: 167 (+2)
    11w: 169 (+4)
    13w: 171 (+6) <----WTF! Come on! I'm still working out and eating the same lol

  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    Starting weight : 165 (height 5'7")

    6w : 165 (0)
    7w : 165 (0)
    8w: 166 (+1)
    9w: 166 (+1)
    10w: 167 (+2)
    11w: 169 (+4)
    13w: 171 (+6) <----WTF! Come on! I'm still working out and eating the same lol

    I bet you will even out in the 2nd tri. I wouldn't worry too much. If you gain the same amount in the next two tri's you'll be at 18lbs and that is pretty good. Are you eating enough? Sometimes eating too little can make you gain since your body wants to hold on to whatever it can. Wait and see what next week brings.
  • ksnel3
    ksnel3 Posts: 107 Member
    Height; 5'9"
    Starting: 204.6 (4w) BFP

    5w: 204.6 (0)
    6w: 206.8 (+2.2)
    7w: 205.6 (-1.2)
    8w: 204.8 (-.8)
    9w: 201.6 ( -3.2)
    10w: 202.4 (+0.8)
    11w: 202.4 (0)
    12w: 200.8 (-1.6)
    13w: 198.0 (-2.8)
    14w: 201.2 (3.2)
    15w: 203.2 (2)
    16w: 201.6 (-1.6)
    17w: 202.2 (.6)
    18w: 199.8 (-2.4)

    Total: (-4.8)

    Lost again this week. I don't really have an appetite, but I do eat. I'm sure I'll start gaining soon. Congrats to all the ladies who are doing well keeping their weight on track and exercising. I haven't been exercising at all. :( I really should get my treadmill in a spot that I can use it. Maybe I'll work on that this week.

    You're doing great! I can related to not having an appetite. I've made it a point this week to make sure I eat something small every few hours. Otherwise I honestly just forget to eat, except once or twice a day. I make sure I do my treadmill 30 mins a day (minus weekends, because I'm usually out and about with hubby). I've got my treadmill next the the TV in our bedroom. It's my 30 minutes of guaranteed "me time" a day.
  • MSpradling18
    MSpradling18 Posts: 49 Member
    Height: 5'7"
    starting: 140.8 lbs
    cumulative gain:
    10 weeks: - 3.4 bs
    11 weeks: - 3.8 lbs
    12 weeks: - 4.6 lbs
    13 weeks: - 4.2 lbs
    14 weeks: - 4.6 lbs
    15 weeks: - 4.0 lbs
    16 weeks: - 2.2 lbs
    17 weeks: - 4.4 lbs
    18 weeks: - 1.0 lbs
    19 weeks: - 0.4 lbs
    20 weeks: - 0 lbs
    21 weeks: +1.2 lbs
    22 weeks: +2.4 lbs
    23 weeks: +2.6 lbs
    24 weeks: +4.6 lbs
    25 weeks: +5.8 lbs
    26 weeks: +7.8 lbs
    27 weeks: +9.2 lbs
    28 weeks: +10.8 lbs
    29 weeks: +10.8 lbs
    30 weeks: +9.8 lbs (currently 150.6 pounds)

    I started tracking my calories again at 26 weeks after I was gaining too much too fast and now I seem to have stalled. I had a doctor's appointment today and she is unconcerned saying weight gain comes in spurts but it just feels like I should be higher at this point. I am much smaller with this pregnancy than I was with my first. With my first I had already gained 20 pounds and was consistently gaining 1.8-2 pounds a week. Plus my belly was about 2.5 inches bigger around. I have my calories set to gain a half pound a week and I often go over when I'm hungry so I'm not too concerned, I guess I'm just shocked. I didn't track calories last pregnancy and I suppose that's the difference.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Er, not. I just went in for an appt today and have actually lost more.
  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    Er, not. I just went in for an appt today and have actually lost more.

    What are your stats? Are you of "average" size? I am overweight and know that losing a few pounds isn't going to be a problem. Are you underweight and still losing? Was your doctor concerned about your loss? I'm well into the 2nd trimester and I am still losing at this point. I would try not to worry too much. If you are eating good, whole foods I think you will be ok. Just don't try to stuff a bunch of junk into your meals to get the extra calories. Maybe try a protein shake if you find that your fluid intake is healthy and it's just the solid foods that are preventing you from getting enough.
  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    Height; 5'9"
    Starting: 204.6 (4w) BFP

    5w: 204.6 (0)
    6w: 206.8 (+2.2)
    7w: 205.6 (-1.2)
    8w: 204.8 (-.8)
    9w: 201.6 ( -3.2)
    10w: 202.4 (+0.8)
    11w: 202.4 (0)
    12w: 200.8 (-1.6)
    13w: 198.0 (-2.8)
    14w: 201.2 (3.2)
    15w: 203.2 (2)
    16w: 201.6 (-1.6)
    17w: 202.2 (.6)
    18w: 199.8 (-2.4)
    19w: 202.8 (3)

    Total: (-1.8)

    Looks like I may actually be back to my starting weight by 20wks. Can't believe I'll be half way through next week. It's unbelievable that the time has gone by so fast this time around. How is every one else doing?
  • momRN2B
    momRN2B Posts: 247 Member
    I haven't updated in a while. So here are my stats 5''2 pre-pregnancy weight 125 lbs.I gained about 2 lbs in the first trimester. About 18 lbs in the second trimester. Now in my third trimester i maintained for a month and then this past month i gained about 2 lbs. I am up a total of 22 lbs and hope to only gain another 2-3 lbs in my last month. One month to go...its getting close. I just wanted to put this out there that everyone gains differently. I was frustrated in my second trimester because i gained so much weight but now in my third trimester it slowed down tremendously. Just keep eating healthy and exercise and you will be ok. I have been logging my food intake and working out 3-4 days a week and I am very happy with my results so far. Good luck ladies!
  • Starting weight 60Kg week 26 64.Kg although not gained anything for the last 7 weeks, keep waiting for the scales to go nuts but nothing so far!
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Starting weight : 165 (height 5'7")

    6w : 165 (0)
    7w : 165 (0)
    8w: 166 (+1)
    9w: 166 (+1)
    10w: 167 (+2)
    11w: 169 (+4)
    13w: 171 (+6) <----WTF! Come on! I'm still working out and eating the same lol
    14w: 171 (+6)
  • MSpradling18
    MSpradling18 Posts: 49 Member
    Height: 5'7"
    starting: 140.8 lbs
    cumulative gain:
    10 weeks: - 3.4 bs
    15 weeks: - 4.0 lbs
    20 weeks: - 0 lbs
    21 weeks: +1.2 lbs
    22 weeks: +2.4 lbs
    23 weeks: +2.6 lbs
    24 weeks: +4.6 lbs
    25 weeks: +5.8 lbs
    26 weeks: +7.8 lbs
    27 weeks: +9.2 lbs
    28 weeks: +10.8 lbs
    29 weeks: +10.8 lbs
    30 weeks: +9.8 lbs
    31 weeks: +12 lbs (currently 152.8 pounds)

    Been eating A LOT of Christmas cookies this week. I'll be traveling for the next 2 weeks which makes logging calories really hard. I'm happy with my weight gain so far so I'm not too concerned about the holidays but hopefully I don't go overboard.
  • ashlbubba
    ashlbubba Posts: 224 Member
    SW: 199.6
    CW: 214.8

    21w 2d: + 15.2

    I've been going cookie crazy, hopefully I don't gain anything else for a few weeks LOL!
  • 27 weeks pregnant today and weigh 130.4. Starting weight was 115 @ 5'4 so my bmi was 19.8ish. Is 15 pounds at 27 weeks about normal? I see alot of people that are gaining way less, but I know it all depends on your bmi before pregnancy. Hoping everyone has a fun and safe Christmas :)
  • momRN2B
    momRN2B Posts: 247 Member
    27 weeks pregnant today and weigh 130.4. Starting weight was 115 @ 5'4 so my bmi was 19.8ish. Is 15 pounds at 27 weeks about normal? I see alot of people that are gaining way less, but I know it all depends on your bmi before pregnancy. Hoping everyone has a fun and safe Christmas :)
    you are doing great! You seem to be right on target for the recommended 25-35 lb gain.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Er, not. I just went in for an appt today and have actually lost more.

    What are your stats? Are you of "average" size? I am overweight and know that losing a few pounds isn't going to be a problem. Are you underweight and still losing? Was your doctor concerned about your loss? I'm well into the 2nd trimester and I am still losing at this point. I would try not to worry too much. If you are eating good, whole foods I think you will be ok. Just don't try to stuff a bunch of junk into your meals to get the extra calories. Maybe try a protein shake if you find that your fluid intake is healthy and it's just the solid foods that are preventing you from getting enough.

    5' 6" - 184lbs
    Overweight but not obese
    Doctor is a little concerned but says he will be happy as long as at my next appointment (3wks from now) I have gained.
  • WickedZoey
    WickedZoey Posts: 401 Member
    A little over 39 weeks and I've gained about 30 lbs. Doc says I'm right on target so I'm trying not to stress :)
  • 28 weeks pregnant today and currently weigh 132.4. Starting weight was 115 @ 5'4. Looking at a gain of 17.4 pounds at 28 weeks. I jumped up two pounds from last week yikes. My weight is all over the place
  • Momma2CharlieJane
    Momma2CharlieJane Posts: 142 Member
    Height; 5'9"
    Starting: 204.6 (4w) BFP

    5w: 204.6 (0)
    6w: 206.8 (+2.2)
    7w: 205.6 (-1.2)
    8w: 204.8 (-.8)
    9w: 201.6 ( -3.2)
    10w: 202.4 (+0.8)
    11w: 202.4 (0)
    12w: 200.8 (-1.6)
    13w: 198.0 (-2.8)
    14w: 201.2 (3.2)
    15w: 203.2 (2)
    16w: 201.6 (-1.6)
    17w: 202.2 (.6)
    18w: 199.8 (-2.4)
    19w: 202.8 (3)
    20/21w: 202.8 (0)

    Total: (-1.8)

    I didn't go into work last week so I didn't weigh in, but no change from last week. I have an appt tonight with my MW. I am up a little since my last visit with her so hopefully I'll at least stay the same based on her scale and she'll be happy that I am not losing still. I'm still under my pre-pregnancy weight so I am happy with that as I am not feeling hungry, but am able to eat more of a variety now than I was before. Can't believe I am half way through already. It seemed to go by so crazy fast!!! How is everyone feeling?