
tanigrrrrr Posts: 137 Member
Hey everyone,
Stepped on the scale this morning and im like 2lbs heavier than I was two days ago. NO CHANCE ive eaten that many calories.. but havent eaten much sodium or have any real reason why my body would hold onto water.. im hoping this will go away by the end of the week.. but curious.. how big are your fluctuations usually?
Ive only ever had 100g here or there.. never 800g..


  • FXOjafar
    FXOjafar Posts: 174 Member
    I sometimes plateau and fluctuate in a 1-2kg (2.2-4.4 lb) range. It's normal.
  • Niccidawn092
    Niccidawn092 Posts: 64 Member
    The one thing I love about keto is that I never fluctuate- if I go down, it stays down. The only time the scale has jumped up it was due to alcohol.

    Bodies are weird, especially us girls. It must just be water weight, and like you said will go away soon.
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    Up 3 pounds today. Thanks hormones!
  • LisaOnAMission007
    I wouldn't stick to the numbers, esp if you weight daily. There are so many reasons why weight fluctuations. For instance, I learned this morning that even if the area you live in is experiencing "low pressure" weather, the scale will go up! Who would have known that? Just keep plugging away, and you'll do fine.
  • hereisgone125
    hereisgone125 Posts: 79 Member
    I weigh daily, and have noticed I usually fluctuate .8lbs either way. When I have something carby it's up to 3lbs, when it's near TOM it's as much as 8lbs of water weight. If I have something carby AND I'm near TOM, well, then I just hide the scale till it's over.
  • bunnies26
    bunnies26 Posts: 149 Member
    I fuctuate up to 5 pounds daily, normally 3 pounds daily. It sucks
  • lebowski8
    lebowski8 Posts: 55 Member
    If you scroll down this page halfway: http://eatingacademy.com/weight-loss/got-grit

    there's a chart showing a patient's progress on a keto diet over a period of 7 months. You can see the fluctuations, as well as the downward trend. The patient averaged 69 grams of fat loss daily.
  • FXOjafar
    FXOjafar Posts: 174 Member
    If you scroll down this page halfway: http://eatingacademy.com/weight-loss/got-grit

    there's a chart showing a patient's progress on a keto diet over a period of 7 months. You can see the fluctuations, as well as the downward trend. The patient averaged 69 grams of fat loss daily.

    Well said. There is a saying in my Industry, "Trend is your Friend!". I think that also applies here. As long as your weight loss trend is down, you can ignore the "noise" of small fluctuations.
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    "Trend is your Friend!". I think that also applies here. As long as your weight loss trend is down, you can ignore the "noise" of small fluctuations.

    Amen. Also, scales lie. :)

    Women definitely have it harder than men when it comes to body recomposition; your biologies make it harder to burn fat, and you naturally want to retain water more on some days of your cycle than on others.

    Luckily, from what I've read (I'm not a woman, so take it with a grain of Morton's Lite Salt), Keto sometimes has a side effect of limiting the amount of hormones your body releases during your month, possibly leading to a longer cycle or stopping you from menstruating entirely. Ketogenic lifestyles adapt your body to being in a sort of starvation, by lowering the amount of leptin floating around in your system. (Oddly enough, the opposite of this may be why a large percentage of uh... larger women are uh... overly libidinous, from an imbalance of hormones.)
  • tanigrrrrr
    tanigrrrrr Posts: 137 Member
    Thanks for the replies.. I havent been discouraged by it.. but i was just curious..huggee weight swings are soo odd.. i know it was water.. for example.. ive had over four lbs hanging around because .. of well you know why.

    bacitracin.. thats so interesting.. not that I am.. but do you think if you were trying to conceive on a keto diet you may have more trouble?