Waite-ing for Tarot

grannelle Posts: 18 Member
edited February 8 in Social Groups
What can the cards tell us about our efforts to achieve then healthy body we want? Today I drew Death, reversed.

I need to get rid of what is no longer useful to me, and overcome my tendency to hold on to things.
Old habits, hungers, attitudes, papers, books, clothes, weight, all must go.


  • grannelle
    grannelle Posts: 18 Member
    So, I did go through some old papers yesterday, and made fireplace fuel out of half a box. And threw out some bread tthat didn'turn out right. Birds will enjoy.
  • grannelle
    grannelle Posts: 18 Member
    Today, the page of cups reversed tells me to be more aware of feelings and psychic undertones, and to listn with my inner as well as outer ears, or I might miss something important. Also, I need to drink more water, duh.

    What are the cards telling you today?
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