Vacation in NYC

Good morning Keto friends, this will be my first time going anywhere for an extended period of time while doing Keto. I'll be in NYC for a week! Most of the time, I'm eating food as normal. My concern will be eating out. Sushi is easy to calculate, as I eat only sashimi. Any tips you have, are much appreciated :-)

Also, I'm in need of some keto buddies!


  • lebowski8
    lebowski8 Posts: 55 Member
    The most difficult thing for me when eating out is to get an idea of portions (and i have to eat out a lot because of work).

    If eating at a chain restaurant, that info is published on the company website. But I rarely eat at chains, so I still struggle with figuring out the approximations. And then the questions: Is that 3 ounces or 5 ounces of chicken on top of that salad? How much dressing is here? 2 tablespoons or 3 ? Does the dressing have sugar?? At independent restaurants, the cooks don't often know either.

    so, when travelling, I think the best guidance will be keto sticks and/or blood monitoring. if you stay in keto, you might not lose, but you are unlikely to gain.

    otherwise, my basic plan is to eat salads and grilled meat. i ask for substitutions, and avoid all starchy sides. breakfast is the easiest meal out for me. time limited lunches are the hardest.
  • Bunny1177
    Bunny1177 Posts: 32 Member
    The great thing with NYC is that it was Dr Atkins' home town, and it shows in grocery stores and restaurants. I went there in 2005... They had some low carb options on restaurant menus. And of course, ask the waiter how the food is prepared, no fast carbs, ask for a salad instead of potatoes, dressing on the side etc.
  • fangirlish
    fangirlish Posts: 100 Member
    Lucky, lucky you! I spent a week in NYC recently and found temptation on every side. I think if you primarily stick to simple foods, such as plain meats, steamed veggies and plain salads you'll do fine. Ask for extra butter and/or olive oil on the side and add it to your meals. Don't hesitate to ask questions about meals before ordering (NY is full of picky eaters.) You might even pack some coconut oil (or buy it once there) so you can add fats when needed. Make your morning coffee bulletproof. Watch your serving sizes.

    I confess I fell off the keto wagon while in NYC. Couldn't resist a fresh lox & cream cheese bagel or a couple of ethnic meals. My glucose levels (I'm diabetic) took a hit after the bagel but otherwise it wasn't too bad.

    New York is so awesome.Have a fabulous trip!.
  • Ninanator
    I had a FABULOUS time in NYC! Not only did I stick to my diet, but I learned a few tricks and came home weighing less than when I arrived. Wow. I learned I could drink gin and tonic and stay in ketosis. I had three one night lol. A very fun experiment. Also, I had dinner at a friends place, and I brought my own food. I was concerned with looking stuck up, or high maintenance. I'm Italian, and well, not eating what is being served is usually offensive. However, since most people seem to always be on a diet, everyone was impressed at my discipline and ability to be happy while "dieting". I had let my friend know I was doing this ahead of time, and was complimented quite a few times lol.

    I usually eat my way through a vacation, experiencing a new place with food. Since I have been to NYC so many times, I was able to use my eyes more, and better appreciate my surroundings. I was able to learn the history, and engineering marvels that make NYC so freaking cool; I had more time to since I wasn't worried about where I was going to eat.

    The real test for a vacation will come when I go somewhere new. However, by then I will be more confident in my ability to eat out. I'm sure by then I will have learned more by my trials and errors at home.

    Thank you all for your support :-)