Introduce yourself



  • joshD4e
    joshD4e Posts: 1
    Hey I'm a 23 yr old semi-neet(on and off)
    I used to wear XXXL t-shirts and close to 300lbs
    Got down to 219lbs 25(ish)%bf coasted and ended up 260 at 33% body fat
    Now I'm "cutting" again trying for 200lbs
    But mostly I'm looking for something to fill my time other than stuffing my face
  • 11 new members in one day, was there another thread?
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    11 new members in one day, was there another thread?

    Yesterday afternoon; I posted up the link to the group.
  • PRTAndre
    PRTAndre Posts: 1 Member
    I guess I forgot to introduce myself, huh.

    People just call me Dan.
    Been fat all my life, used to have asthma and I would get lots of breathing problems but puberty fixed that, Got fatter after being a NEET for too long. Going full normalfag mode now, got a job and with that, Gymoneyz.
    I'm pasty as **** and I'm a legit 5/10 because my dark circles make me look like a panda.
    Since I started working I've already lost 10 kilos, >sub-1000 calories masterrace
    Planing on losing the rest and getting fit as fuark. Also looking into joining the Portuguese Army and completing a marathon thanks to my mad cardiogainz.
    I'm gonna make it mangs.
  • hi im kek, I work 3rd shift as a lamp inspector for Honda. I weigh around 120 pounds and am 5'10, I keep hearing i am underweight. I have no energy and if I am not working I am asleep, I sleep around 10-15 hours a day. I have no friends and my family never visits me

    I am lonely and when I can't sleep I am bored. I feel miserable so I am trying to get into lifting to feel better

    nice to meet you all
  • Hey, I'm Andy. 19 year old college student studying music and computer science.
    I do a lot of running–around 30 miles a week, but still trying to slow bulk at around 300-400 kcal surplus.

    Thanks for having me, I'm glad to be here!
  • Hi everyone, I'm going to ****post my twitter in the hopes some will join me in conversation about DYELs trying to alpha up and fat people stories.

    and damn sidekek, chug a gains shake before you go to bed. You'll be out of hungry skeleton mode in no time.
  • Scoobeus, I have a hard time eating. I have been forcing myself to eat 2.8k calories the past week. I have read up on GOMAD and that sounds like it would kill me, so I'm hesitant to try it. What kind of shake do you suggest getting.

  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    Try cooking with bacon fat and/or coconut oil. Both have great flavors, have better lipid profiles than butter (and far better than man-made alternatives), and add calories like nobody's business,
  • Hey how's it going?

    6ft2 101-102 kilos here, have dropped from 130 kilos from around seven months ago.

    Pretty keen to track everything starting first of the moment I am doing my own tracking in my head throughout the day and not writing it down....but pretty keen to start hardcore tracking it come first of jan.

    I am australian and pretty keen to get fit, been lifting 4 months now roughly, loving it.
  • Hey guys

    18 y/o 6'1'' (185cm) and 67kg (148lbs)
    Doing SS and 3300kcal bulk at the moment.
    Trying to escape from Bergen-Belsen.

    Tracking calories has really helped me so far, if I don't think about what I eat I'll end up eating really little and in infrequent intervals.

    May the gains be with all of you.
  • wcp27
    wcp27 Posts: 1
    Hey /fit/izens,

    24 year old Film student getting my MFA in Ohio.
    Was fat and internally miserable in HS. 279lbs at my heaviest.

    Cleaned up my diet in College, got down to around 259.

    In grad school now, have just gotten serious about lifting/nutrition this past semester. Down to 225 at 5'9'' now and hoping to keep up the momentum.

    TL;DR recovering fatasfatass film nerd.
  • 28yo Electric Engineer
    1.70m (5'7" in freedom units) 77kg

    Unhappy with my life and how fat I became (105kg) I decided to make a change for the better and started cutting in january, and lifting since late August, currently doing SL.
  • Hello
    My names Pat. I'm a 23 year old Animation student from Galway.
    After a year of hard work I've gone from obese to overweight. Right now my goal is to run the London Marathon next year.
  • Been hanging around for a while.

    Basically I'm a med student that needed to lose about 13kg to be in the -81 weightclass in the sport of judo so I could keep studying medicine.

    And I made it by having about 4x300 kcal meals per day. I was so happy when I made it, I was ripped! Getting comments from the girls and such.

    Oh well, then I didn't knew how to make the shift from dieting to "lifestyle/stay lean all year 'round" diet and ended up gaining like 5 kg. I'm on my way to lose them again.

    Damn, I just want a qt3.14 intellectual, glasses wearing, hipster, lit babe gf to have black and white indie movie like sex...
  • xxdef1antxx
    xxdef1antxx Posts: 4 Member
    Sup brahs and ladybrahs, I am a recovering fat as fat *kitten*. Im trying to get below 15% BF so I can be a big guy.

    current stats:
    235lbs @ 5'9" 23% bf
    465 DL
    345 SQ
    275 BP
    155 Strict Military Press

    Started at 305lbs, was too embarrassed to get anything else checked.
  • bldfr5
    bldfr5 Posts: 1
    edited January 2015
    28y.o. Fat as here trying to fix it. Drank myself 130 lbs heavier in the first 5 years after I got back from Iraq, trying to fix it now that my head's straight. 6'3~4" 340lbs. Trained P.I. currently a water production operator.
  • Greetings fellow /fit/izens. I am an 18-year-old diabetic fatass. I'm down from 349 to 301 and I ain't slowing down anytime soon. Lately I've been feeling sucked up and weak so I'm definately gonna be hitting the gym as soon as I can sort out a membership and all that. Will be doing heavy bag workouts and bodyweight stuff until then.
  • Ayy lmao