Walking for the Dakota 38

This year our class has chosen to walk and track our mileage in recognition of the Dakota 38 and the events leading up to the mass executions in 1862. For 4 days now, a group of Dakota men, women and children are riding horseback along the same trail that the Dakota were forcibly moved from their homes into the prison of Fort Snelling. They are riding for healing and reconciliation.
Why is it important to you that our class recognizes this historical event?
Why are you walking and tracking mileage?
What do you hope to accomplish for yourself?


  • To go to the pain that theses people went to.Im walking track mileage to win the xbox 360.To win the xbox.
  • It is important because it was a murder of many men having to do with racism and it never should've happened. I'm walking to stay healthy, for some reason the prizes don't matter to me very much anymore. I want to stay healthy and be one of the native americans that don't get diabetes
  • im walking alot and working out to get points for the last day of the 5/10 class to get first pick in the prizes
  • It's important to me for our class recognizes historical event so the history would not repeat itself. I want to walk and do the tracking milage because, to do the same thing " healing and reconciliation." I hope to accomplish that i will be about to stay at current weight.
  • See the pain that dakota people went through and walk track.
  • It is important for our class to reconginize this event because our class goal is to indivually walk the same amount as the Dakotas did during the Daokota 38.
    The DETS class are walking and working hard in order to achieve their goal of earning points towards the x box kinect. Many of the students are working hard to benefit themsleves, either physically or mentally. I hope to become stronger from the fitness that we do twice a week and to also become more healthier .
  • Its important to know this event in history because its the massive killing of the dokota people. I'm doing this milage because i want to. What I hope to accomplish is to get more stamina to run and etc.
  • See what the dakota people went through.
  • It is important because the Dakota people were forced to walk that many days and many miles with just little food. It's also important because we choose it as our goal. WHy i'm doing the mileage thing is because I'm the type of person who don't like losing, me, Welly and Tuesa made a bet and the losers have to do push ups...and yeah...another reason is ...the prizes :P just wondering how great the prizes will be. WHat I hope to accomplish from this class is to be healthier and know what diabetes is which i already did .:)
  • this is important to me because i want us to learn and feel what Native Americans went through because a lot of people don't know. i am walking this mileage because its too cold to go and really walk the trail and i don't think my mom will let me.
  • TM9nh
    TM9nh Posts: 6
    I can feel the pain from running all these miles and this might be how the 38 dakota felt. what i hope to get from it is to be able run for a long time without stopping