Like Minded Lushes December 2013



  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Warmed up to 18 degrees today and I stayed in all day getting caught up on house things. The shopping is 80% done and I'll move on to wrapping. Going to send hubby out for the X-mas tree tonight. My daughter will be going to Arkansas with BF for Christmas. I will def miss the little ****.

    I decided today is the day to start my 3-day "fit on the fly" cleanse. Nothing special really - just some protein smoothies, chicken, tuna and veggies & low, low sodium for the next 3 days. We've been eating out way too much and drinking that goes along with it. Day 1 sucks!!

    I gave my girlfriend her muskrat wrist cuffs yesterday for X-mas and she loved them. She is about the only person I know who could pull them off. Crazy Celeste.

    I've completely lost count for December. But, today will be a zero for sure!!!
  • bgrune131
    bgrune131 Posts: 703 Member
    Well lushes, it looks like the little flu bug that my hubby had on Monday has decided to try to kick my butt today! But I'm loaded up on meds & Emergen-C I'm bound to kick its butt tonight before it kicks mine!! I will not have my weekend ruined with a sickness!!!!

    Keep your fingers crossed I bet it tonight! And I hope that everyone has a WONDERFUL Friday tomorrow! YAY for the weekend!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Feel better bgrune!

    Only intended to have one drink last night, it's what we call "Whiskey Wednesday" in our house (we try a new whiskey cocktail weekly) but this one was so good, and dangerous, I ended up having two. All it was was a 1.5 oz pour of Makers over ice, topped with ginger beer. SO GOOD.

    Happy almost Friday everyone :)
  • bgrune131
    bgrune131 Posts: 703 Member
    Thanks, Ram! I am actually feeling a lot better! I'm not sure if it is the ibprofen, sudefed, emergen-c OR the 3 blue moons I've had. LOL. But seriously, I think that drinking the blue moons have aided in my feeling better....however, that might change by morning. However, I'm of the thought that alcohol helps kill germs, right?? So, I think I've got the right idea! :drinker:
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Bridget hope you feel better...nothing worse than being sick right before the weekend!! AND yes alcohol definitely helps :wink:

    Last night 3 cocktails!!!

    Run down for the week:
    Tuesday-4 cocktails and a beer
    Thursday-3 cocktails
    Friday-WELL you all know I love to get the weekend going but if I want to consume my body weight in pizza tonight I have to go with a zero. OR I can eat moderately and have a glass of wine....we shall see how it plays out.
    Family pollyanna party tomorrow in South Jersey. Not sure if we are staying over or coming home but either way I am not DD so :drinker: all around :bigsmile:
    Sunday-we have no plans, maybe some brewskis but definitely some couch time!!!

    Ram-Whiskey wednesday, how much friggin fun!!!!!!!!!
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Well the tree went amazingly fantastic...we think a new record was achieved!

    Found the one I liked within about 10 it home and up..tookmabout an hour total. First time out in the stand was perfectly straight. It happened so smoothly that I didnt even drink! so I ended up with a zero even though I had planned on several whiskeys.
    It smells so great and makes me smile :smile: I'll get the lights on today...the ornaments on tonight when the son gets gome. Definite cocktails will be had!
    TGIF everyone...have a great weekend!:drinker: :drinker:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    A few things..... Feel better bgrune! I love putting up the tree. My husband is OCD too, but it works somehow. We're both designers....maybe that's it. :) And finally I want to be friends in real life with all of you. :drinker: Whiskey Wednesday?! Fun! Although I don't like whiskey or bourbon (and I'm from Kentucky!), but I'll have a cocktail of some sort.

    M - 0
    T - 1
    W - I'm going with like a 6 I guess. Work Christmas party and a drink after with my boss, wife, coworker and his fianace.
    R - Probably about another 6 wines and a cocktail before dinner at our first party. I pretty much feel like poo today. And I came home to one of my BFF's *****ing out my husband and I for being late (she was sitting). Like yelling and slamming the door. Yeah, we were @ssholes as she had her 4 year old with her and we didn't come home till 10:30, but seriously??!! Everything is fine now I guess.

    I don't think I'll drink tonight. I need to reel it in a bit.
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    I have been good this week trying to kick start some weight loss before the Christmas parties begin. Down a pound or two, but had to do it by racking up zeros since last Sunday. I know, it's a terrible way to loose weight- giving up the booze. Totally against our nature- but it works.

    Not sure if I will swim in the whiskey this weekend or not. I find having a clear head every day a bit disconcerting.

    Decorations are up and we are enjoying every day (other than the dry spell I am experiencing).

    Happy Friday my Lushy Friends!
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member

    Not sure if I will swim in the whiskey this weekend or not. I find having a clear head every day a bit disconcerting.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Happy Friday lushes. I am going to look for somehting fun to drink tonight. I am in a booze rut. I only had one little tiny drink last night. I was too freakin' mad at my Broncos to enjoy any alcohol. :grumble: Finalizing packing this weekend. and in one week I will be winging my way to warm tropical breezes:bigsmile:
  • bgrune131
    bgrune131 Posts: 703 Member
    Oh Mama Lush...I wish I could tell you I'm sorry the Broncos lost, but I just can't! I'm a KC Chiefs girl all the way! Forever & always!! :happy:

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful Friday! I am feeling soooo much better compared to how I felt yesterday afternoon at this time! I really think that (4) Blue Moons I had last night helped A LOT:laugh:

    Plan to have some wine tonight...and probably some beers too. Love Friday evenings! :drinker:
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    YAY CHARGERS!! *ducks from mama lush*
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    The SeaHawks are doing well, the family all meets at my folk's house to watch and visit. Good times!

    Just 15 minutes ago I was chopping up some cabbage for coleslaw. Cutting the tip of my ring finger while not serious, sure made a mess. Note to self, need more band-aids. Oh, I won't mention to our guest tonight about the extra protein in the slaw.

    Have a great weekend!
  • crazycat59
    crazycat59 Posts: 165 Member
    T - 2 big wines, maybe 3
    W - 4 Natural Lights
    Th - 6 Natural Lights
    F - 8 Natural Lights
    S - 4 and counting

    But have lost weight. I know this is water weight from the self imposed gorge a month ago. Glad it's going! I am eating gluten free in the food department. I really seem to have a problem with that the older I get. :huh: Oh well. Don't mind giving up crackers, my worse gluten thing. I don't do bread or any wheat products normally. But I do love Triscuits!!! Not even getting those. :ohwell:

    Kudos to you up North with all that snow and cold! I remember it well, now under a palm tree and enjoying the balmy temps. :bigsmile: Catch y'all later.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Oh Mama Lush...I wish I could tell you I'm sorry the Broncos lost, but I just can't! I'm a KC Chiefs girl all the way! Forever & always!! :happy:

    :angry: :tongue: :tongue:
    YAY CHARGERS!! *ducks from mama lush*

    :explode: :laugh: :laugh:

    I have been a die hard Broncos fan since I lived in Denver. That was back in 1979. I have hung on tight as a fan ever since then. And beleive me that hasn't always been easy. Doug is a Seahawks fan so sometimes it gets interesting here in the house regarding football.

    Today I will continue to sip red wine and prepare for our trip. Too bad I am back at max density in the weight department because I will look awful in bathings suits all week but I am old enough now to not really care that much. :ohwell:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I think I was still a little drunk on my last post. I LOATHE being that hungover at work.....

    M - 0
    T - 1
    W - 6ish
    R - 6ish
    F - 0 (WHAT?!)
    S - Miller Lite at birthday party (ew), I'm going to say 5 glasses of red over about 5 hours, so buzzed, but felt fine Sunday
    Su - glass of wine while putting up the tree. 2 beers while being a couch potato the rest of the day
    TOTAL = 22, no terrible

    Going for a 0 tonight and tomorrow. Christmass exchange with girlfriends Wednesday, husband's work party Friday, and another Christmas dinner Saturday night. So I should rack up some 0's while I have nothing going on......
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Friday 1 had one cocktail and all the pizza I wanted. I was a bit over calories but not too bad!!
    Saturday-wine and beer, how many is anyone's guess :wink:
    Nothing yesterday.
    Not sure what the week will bring. I got a bottle of wine that might get cracked at some point.
    SIL is coming in from houston thursday, so we are heading up to the in laws house friday night. Saturday we are doing christmas.
    Sunday I am sure I will feel like poo BUT I am looking forward to it :happy:
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Lots of vodka on Friday. 1 glass of wine on Saturday. Several yesterday but not feeling horrible this morning. I'm a happy mama. :smile:
  • crazycat59
    crazycat59 Posts: 165 Member
    Sat ended up 9 beers. at noon....small bottle done by 5...then 4 nat lights.

    Mon 6 nat lights

    I'm glad the new job is not drama and not crazy, stressful busy.

  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,419 Member
    Wed - 1 beer
    Fri - 4 drinks
    Sat - 5 drinks
    Sun - 4 beers