***Long Post Alert***

Hi everyone,
I've made the decision to dedicate myself to the EM2WL way of life in the hope I can become fit and heathy.
I'm having a few issues adjusting especially to the eating more. I'm finding it incredibly difficult to eat more than say 1500 cals a day (better choices) I'd have no issues if I could chuck in a few packets of crisps and a muffin here and there...

I realise this isn't a diet, more a way of life and it may take a while so should I just try and increase gradually my intake? And should I increase it to cut cals or TDEE. How do you know if you need to reset? I've never really dieted, ever. The few times I've thought about dieting, it was more along the lines of, just cut out the junk...which I did for lets say a few weeks at a time, very very infrequently. I've always loved my food and my philosophy was MOVE MORE to offset the cals. I never really counted the cals, but ate junk.. So although I've never dieted, I've certainly been malnourished. I have tried to exercise regularly, although have gone a few months at a time being lazy before getting back into it, cardio mostly. Been a regular gym goer for years, ( although not since I started running, last 4 years)I've run half marathons and one of my aims is to run a marathon in May 14.
Is this wise?
I've almost definitely lost lean muscle along the way due to extended cardio sessions and bad food choices. I've never had my body composition taken properly.

I'm 43 and weigh 146. I'm 5' 2. Work a desk job 3 days a week. Have a dog I walk twice a day, about 3 miles in total, sometimes a little more. I have used a goal weight of 120. I'm not sure if that's reasonable, but that was my weight for the longest time. I guess over the last 10 years I've put on steadily and slowly, 2 stone in 10 years. My rubbish offsetting skills and love of food sure caught up with me!

I've used the spreadsheet to figure out some numbers and it's suggested I up my cals here to 1784
My BMR is as 1306
TDEE is as 2129
Seems like a lot.

I've changed my settings from lightly active to very active and goals to maintain with cals as 1784 as suggested. Can I log exercise as done but put in zero cals so my numbers don't get messed with?

This last week when I've been consciously trying to eat differently my macro's over the week are around 50c 30p 20f. I have changed these to 60/20/20.
I'm snacking when I can and feel I'm constantly eating, and when I'm not eating I'm thinking about what I will be eating next.

So the metabolism as a fire: almost as long as I can remember I have often woken during the night and eaten a bowl of breakfast cereal in order to get me back to sleep. Is this a good or bad habit to continue?

Also what are your thoughts on me doing the insanity programme? I'm one week in, on average as per HRM 350 - 380cals burned 5 days and only 150 on the recovery workout day, one rest day a week. I've included these numbers in the spreadsheet calcs.

I was hoping that if I continue to exercise whilst I'm upping my cals in will hopefully maintain the weight I'm at, instead of putting on. What are your thoughts. One week in, I was 146.6 when I started, I'm still 146.6.

Do you think I should start doing a pump class to get me into lifting. I always liked body pump?

Anyway, I hope that covers it. Thanks for reading, appreciate any advice out there.

I've read some really motivating stories and you guys are so supportive and helpful, and a mine of knowledge, great knowledge.



  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    Hi! So glad you have joined the family!
    A reset is suggested IF you have been on Very low calorie diets over the years. You stated you have not really dieted, but just cut out junk, what did you eat in place of the junk?? Upping your calories with healthy foods can be easier than you think, by eating almonds, an handful of almonds is about 200 calories, greek yogurt about 140 calories, protein shakes about 160 calories depending of the brand and how much, plus all are packed with protein. We suggest you set your macros to 40% protein 30% Protein 30% Fat.
    And yes when using TDEE cut method, you would not eat back your exercise calories, UNLESS it is putting you below your bmr, then you would just eat the amount under your bmr.
    I have not done body pump, but I believe it is still considered cardio, but if thats what you enjoy, do it.
    But I will say, as a 49 year old, Lifting heavy has given me the shape that just dieting and cardio COULD NOT!

    Also you stated you wake in the middle of the night and eat cereal, are you hungry when you go to sleep?

    Lots of info in your post!! I hope this helped.
  • clanander
    clanander Posts: 7 Member
    Hi and thanks! I know I can go on some!
    Yes, very helpful, I will change my macros to 40/30/30 not too far off that now.
    I've started with the protein shakes, I thought I would have a hard time with them, but mixed up in the blender, tastes lovely!
    Also started with the Greek yoghurt too.
    I love nuts but have non, so they are now on the shopping list. That's what I needed, high calorie good food to get me up there in the numbers.

    Oh, and the eating through the night, I never went to bed hungry, I'm not sure if it's psychological now as I've done it for such a long time.

    Thanks for the welcome and the suggestions. Absolutely, most definitely helpful :)
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    Congrats on a great decision to commit to the EM2WL way of life - it is a decision you won't regret!

    First of all, the best piece of advice I can offer at this stage is to not focus on the scale. Rather than a "goal weight", focus on getting strong, fit, healthy and energized! Before you even get started, take pictures! On those days when you may be feeling like you are not making progress, those photos will often prove you wrong, providing motivation when you need it most.

    For me, the best decision I ever made was to incorporate strength training. Not only is it mentally empowering, but it will change your body in ways you never imagined. You might want to back off on that steady state cardio and concentrate on building muscle and get your cardio with some HIIT a few times a week. Try to throw out that idea of needing to burn off what you have eaten - instead concentrate on building muscle, which will in turn speed up your metabolism, allow you to eat more and make you look better - score!!

    It sounds like you know/feel like your diet *quality* needs to improve. Try cutting out processed foods (start slowly if you need to...) and replace them with whole foods. If you are having trouble getting in your calories, don't be afraid to eat full fat dairy, and stay away from anything labeled "low calorie". Also seeds and nuts are great sources of fat and protein, they can be quite high calorie, and can fill in those calorie voids quickly! Once you start eating "cleaner", you will most likely feel better and those cravings for carbs and "junk food" will decrease over time - another Win-Win!

    If you haven't come from a history of low calorie dieting, you probably don't "need" that reset, but personally, I think it is a great place for everybody to start. Think of it as "training" your body to know what is Maintenance or *normal*. Work up to your TDEE and stay there until your weight stabilizes (8 - 12 weeks is recommended) and *then* start your 10 - 15% cut. If you can, use this reset period to start doing some lifting - no better time than while eating at TDEE to try to make some muscle gains!

    Again, welcome and congrats on committing to a great way of life!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I'm 43 and weigh 146. I'm 5' 2. Work a desk job 3 days a week. Have a dog I walk twice a day, about 3 miles in total, sometimes a little more. I have used a goal weight of 120. I'm not sure if that's reasonable, but that was my weight for the longest time. I guess over the last 10 years I've put on steadily and slowly, 2 stone in 10 years. My rubbish offsetting skills and love of food sure caught up with me!

    I've used the spreadsheet to figure out some numbers and it's suggested I up my cals here to 1784
    My BMR is as 1306
    TDEE is as 2129
    Seems like a lot.

    I've changed my settings from lightly active to very active and goals to maintain with cals as 1784 as suggested. Can I log exercise as done but put in zero cals so my numbers don't get messed with?

    This last week when I've been consciously trying to eat differently my macro's over the week are around 50c 30p 20f. I have changed these to 60/20/20.
    I'm snacking when I can and feel I'm constantly eating, and when I'm not eating I'm thinking about what I will be eating next.

    So the metabolism as a fire: almost as long as I can remember I have often woken during the night and eaten a bowl of breakfast cereal in order to get me back to sleep. Is this a good or bad habit to continue?

    Also what are your thoughts on me doing the insanity programme? I'm one week in, on average as per HRM 350 - 380cals burned 5 days and only 150 on the recovery workout day, one rest day a week. I've included these numbers in the spreadsheet calcs.

    I was hoping that if I continue to exercise whilst I'm upping my cals in will hopefully maintain the weight I'm at, instead of putting on. What are your thoughts. One week in, I was 146.6 when I started, I'm still 146.6.

    Do you think I should start doing a pump class to get me into lifting. I always liked body pump?

    Reverse order.

    Body pump is resistance training, it will help retain muscle mass, with enough protein eaten. But since it is cardio and strength, it isn't asking the body to make the changes that require even more energy in recovery. But it is actually decent for getting an elevated TDEE right now and confirming joints and ligaments can take lifting motions, besides liking it, so bigger deficit with same deficit %.
    But you'll likely love the body improvements and want to move to focus on strength training. Well, maybe, some love the functional aspect, so may move to some Cathe videos.

    Since eating more now, your body should initially be making some improvements it's been trying to do, but due to lack of energy hasn't. May see slight weight increase, even as inches of fat drop. And no, not added muscle.

    Food in middle of night likely isn't helpful for you. All it's doing is spiking insulin which is turning off fat burning, and burning those carbs for required energy, which going back to sleep isn't much needed. Also topping off any glucose stores, but if you didn't do much after your last meal prior to bed, likely not much to top off anyway.
    BMR 1306 / 24 = 54 cal an hr, usually insulin stays elevated about 3-4 hr using whatever you ate as energy, so say 200 cal used as immediate energy needs. Figure about 10% of the food calories used to process it. Top off any glucose stores, if any, rest left over will be stored as fat. If that was 400 cal bowl of cereal, ya, not useful.

    So you have your range of macro %. From spreadsheet, it's based on recommended grams per weight LBM, so you have a safe range of protein available for you, can always eat more protein and fat getting to 40/30/30.

    You can log exercise with full calories as last thing after you meet daily goal - then it won't change anything that matters because you are done. Otherwise you have to use 1 calorie, 0 doesn't work.

    You must have a lot of planned exercise with a TDEE that high.
    I'll mention your HRM is going to inflate calories for Insanity if that is program you are planning to continue.
    First HRM is reporting resting calories and exercise together, gotta take 60 off per hr for what you burned above and beyond resting calories. Spreadsheet does that automatically on the TDEE Deficit tab I think you are using, so that's fine.
    Second, bigger problem, HRM formula tying HR to calorie burn is only valid for steady-state aerobic exercise, meaning same HR for 2-4 minutes aerobic. Insanity is self-proclaimed as intervals upside-down, and if done correctly anaerobic with short periods of rest, so not steady-state either, totally opposite of what HRM formula was designed for. Which means elevated calorie burn is reported.
    I'd suggest just using the Simple Setup tab, and count it as high cardio time.
    And that's even if the HRM is decently accurate for you used for correct activity, it might be up to the 30% off. Which makes it difficult to use to decide if your NET is above BMR too.
    I'll say to that, since you are exercising mostly every day, that will take care of that issue. That problem comes up if you had like 2 big exercise days and that was it. That burn averaged out through the week means each day contains just a small portion, so those 2 days would likely go below BMR by decent amount looking at net eating level.
    But with most days being exercise, that same average out is still very close to what you burned anyway.
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    Hi and thanks! I know I can go on some!
    Yes, very helpful, I will change my macros to 40/30/30 not too far off that now.
    I've started with the protein shakes, I thought I would have a hard time with them, but mixed up in the blender, tastes lovely!
    Also started with the Greek yoghurt too.
    I love nuts but have non, so they are now on the shopping list. That's what I needed, high calorie good food to get me up there in the numbers.

    Oh, and the eating through the night, I never went to bed hungry, I'm not sure if it's psychological now as I've done it for such a long time.

    Thanks for the welcome and the suggestions. Absolutely, most definitely helpful :)
    You are so welcome! Team EM2WL is here yo support you!! Feel free to ad me for support! Add Anitra also, if you haven't already!
  • clanander
    clanander Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks again, I shall add you both.
  • clanander
    clanander Posts: 7 Member
    Haybales, thank you so much for your reply.
    I thought it was quite a high TDEE too, but it came from the simple set up tab on the s/s. The activity I used was the timings for the cardio programme, 6 days a week and an occasional run here and there, also a little light activity, dog walking, walking to and from work, housework as light activity too.

    I've lost 2lbs in weight this week so I think I'll revisit and do it again because although I do want to lose weight, I want to lose the right kind of weight and I'm frightened to death, at my age, I'm losing what little lean muscle I have left. I'm no longer wearing my HRM, I've put my faith in the spreadsheet. I was thinking of upping my calorie intake this week but I'm sure the 2lb loss is probably water weight, I'll see how I go next week.

    I have the NROLFW heading my way. I have interchangeable weights, dumbells and barbell to get me started, but I think I'll ease in slowly and take at least a couple of pump classes, to get my muscles ready for it.

    Since I've been eating my head off (cleaner) i haven't felt the need to eat during the night, so that's progress. The way you have explained what's going on every time I ate during the night has absolutely gotten me to commit to never do that again!

    I'm still trying to get the macros sorted, it's coming, but my protein intake is up for sure.
    Think I may get RSI from all the logging!

    Anyway, thank you so much again for all your helpful input. I'm so glad I found this group!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Haybales, thank you so much for your reply.
    I thought it was quite a high TDEE too, but it came from the simple set up tab on the s/s. The activity I used was the timings for the cardio programme, 6 days a week and an occasional run here and there, also a little light activity, dog walking, walking to and from work, housework as light activity too.

    I've lost 2lbs in weight this week so I think I'll revisit and do it again because although I do want to lose weight, I want to lose the right kind of weight and I'm frightened to death, at my age, I'm losing what little lean muscle I have left. I'm no longer wearing my HRM, I've put my faith in the spreadsheet. I was thinking of upping my calorie intake this week but I'm sure the 2lb loss is probably water weight, I'll see how I go next week.

    Water weight was likely some of it, always is when you start a deficit again. But some likely fat too.

    I will mention on including housework, notice that the base sedentary level does include some active time daily already for walking for all the incidental, and the standing moving slowly too, for like cooking, cleaning. So average few times a week stuff is covered.
    Now, if you cleaned your house, parents house, grandparents house, ya, that would be some extra, or if you recently lost your housekeeper for 14 room mansion and clean for 2 hrs every day, sure.

    But extra to/from work and dogs is correct to include.