Dec 21 - final weigh in!

Final week and things have gotten tough for me here at the end. I think I have had a glass of wine or other libation every night this week. I am so pleased to have learned all about circuit training and to have fallen in love with Jillian. I am also beyond happy to report that I think I have ditched my "all or nothing" attitude for good.

Congrats to everyone who completed this challenge and stuck around the whole time. See you in the St. Patrick's Day challenge.

Sw: 184.2
Week1: 181.3
Week2: 180.4
Week 3: 180.2
Week 4: 179.8
Week 5: 178
Week 6: 177
Week 7: 174.8
Week 8: 175
Week 9: 170.5
Week 10: 169.8
Week 11: 170.5
Week 12: 170.3
Week 12: 170.4
Week 13: 169.8

Total loss: 14.4



    GRTFULDD1 Posts: 47 Member
    Happy Holidays to everyone and congrats to all of us who finished.!! Looking forward to seeing everyone in our next challenge.

    SW- 253

    CW - 222

    GW- 190

    Total loss 31 pounds !!!
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Week 0: 195.4
    Week 1: 194.6
    Week 2: 191.8
    Week 3: 191.0
    Week 4: 190.2
    Week 5: 187.8
    Week 6: 186.0
    Week 7: 185.4
    Week 8: 185.6
    Week 9: 183.8
    Week 10: 182.4
    Week 12: 179.8
    Week 13: 178.6
    Week 14: 176.8

    Final Total for challenge: 18.6

    Didn't quite make 20 but SO incredibly happy with my progress. I attribute so much of that success to the support and accountability of this group, thank you all so much!

    Jen, my "all or nothing" mindset is going to be tested as I try to maintain over this holiday week. I'll think of you when I feel tempted to be too strict on myself. Grtfldd1, you are an inspiration! Congratulations on your remarkable success!
  • Care76
    Care76 Posts: 556 Member
    Way to go, you both have rocked the challenge! I think that anybody that made it this far deserves a big applause, whether you reached your goal not.

    I didn't come close to the 20 lb goal, but I wasn't expecting to with only averaging 0.5 lb loss/week (which is safely recommended when breastfeeding). But I have lost a few inches and lost another couple inches this past week. I am happy I made it this far and don't plan on stopping. :-)

    Week 1 - 181
    Week 2 - 185 (started a new work out and I am retaining water)
    Week 3 - 182.6
    Week 4 - 181.4
    Week 5 - 181.2
    Week 6 - 181.0
    Week 7 - 179.6
    Week 8 - 179.2
    Week 9 - 178.6
    Week 10 - 176.8
    Week 11 - 179 (started lifting heavy)
    Week 12 - 178.8
    Week 13 - 176.6
    Week 14 - 174.8

    I have lost 6.2 pounds on this challenge and almost 15 inches all over my body. See you all next week in the St. Patty's challenge!
  • Sapphire1812
    Sapphire1812 Posts: 98 Member
    Didn't quite make 20lbs... but still so happy to be 16.3lbs lighter since the start of this challenge and look forward to continuing this journey in the St. Patty's challenge.

    Everyone has done so fantastic and seeing the commitment by others has been inspirational in helping keep going. So I just want to say thank you everyone for helping me keep that focus and for Jen especially for starting this group!

    Hope you all have a fab Christmas and Happy New Year! :drinker:

    SW: 183.7 lbs
    Wk1: 180.9 lbs (-2.8 lbs)
    Wk2: 179.7 lbs (-1.2 lbs)
    Wk3: 179.6 lbs (-0.6 lbs)
    Wk4: 178.8 lbs (-0.3 lbs)
    Wk5: 177.7 lbs (-1.1 lbs)
    Wk6: 176.8 lbs (-0.9 lbs)
    Wk7: 175.9 lbs (-0.9 lbs)
    Wk8: 173.4 lbs (-2.5 lbs)
    Wk9: 172.1 lbs (-1.3 lbs)
    Wk10: 171.5 lbs (-0.6 lbs)
    Wk11: 170.2 lbs (-1.3 lbs)
    Wk12: 169.0 lbs (-1.2 lbs)
    Wk13: 168.7 lbs (-0.3 lbs)
    Wk14: 167.4 lbs (-1.3 lbs)

    Total: -16.3 lbs :smile:
  • Siobhan3240
    Great job everyone. Whether or not you made it to this goal we are still making a lifesyle change and any and all losses should be celebrated.

    MFP SW 279.2
    Challenge SW 264.8
    CW 235.6
    loss this week .4
    Total loss this challenge 29.2
  • meowlymary
    meowlymary Posts: 84 Member
    Great job everyone! This was fun and very motivating.

    I started the challenge at 185, and today I weighed in at 167.2! That's only 2.2 pounds short of my 20 pound goal. I'll take it!

    I lost about 5 pounds this year before the fall when I joined this challenge and got serious about working out and changing my eating habits. Now I rarely go over my calories and work out at least three times a week- these days, it's usually running and weight lifting. I've never lost so much weight so quickly before and am now 37 pounds away from my goal. I started at 200 pounds in 2011 with some pipe dream of reaching 130 one day... now I can actually see the end in sight!

    Thanks everyone! It's been a blast, can't wait for the next challenge.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Week 0 - SW 186.6
    Week 1 184.8
    Week 2 185.8
    Week 3 185.6
    Week 4 184.4
    Week 5 Disaster week
    Week 6 186.2
    Week 7 188.2
    Week 8 186.2
    Week 9 187.4
    Week 10 186.6
    Week 11 didn't post
    Week 12 186.8
    Week 13 188.6
    Week 14 Not Posting

    This challenge was not what I wanted and the Christmas season coming I just caved with
    all the temptations. Not doing the final weigh in but thanks for letting me join anyway.

    Good Luck to everyone who stayed the whole 14 weeks and succeeded. :drinker:

    Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. When January comes its back to
    serious weight loss.
  • Cowgal23
    Cowgal23 Posts: 106 Member
    Hey everyone great job on making it to the final weigh in.

    SW 234 lbs
    Week 1: 228.8 lbs
    Week 2: 228.4 lbs
    Week 3: 226.0 lbs
    Week 4: 224.0 lbs
    Week 5: didn't weigh in
    Week 6: 222.6 lbs
    Week 7: 222.6 lbs
    Week 8: 222.6 lbs
    Week 9: 222.6 lbs
    Week 10: 221.6 lbs
    Week 11: 221.6 lbs
    Week 12: 221.6 lbs
    Week 13: 221.6 lbs
    Week 14: 219.8 lbs

    Total loss for the challenge is 14.2 lbs. I guess being sick half of this week has helped me stay out of all the treats at work and lose 1.8 lbs for the week. Good luck everyone on your next challenge. Happy Holidays!!! :)
  • charlottemilton
    charlottemilton Posts: 144 Member
    I started into this challenge after the start date. Since Sept. 18, 2013 I have lost 37 lbs. I think I made it and then some. Congratulations to everyone on their losses. Every loss is a win!
  • tugten
    tugten Posts: 73 Member
    SW 170 pounds
    CW 153 pounds

    Stayed the same this week and eventhough I strained my back muscle and couldn't walk for the last four days I think I would have stayed the same anyway. My family has way too many celebrations this December month, starting with 10 different birthdays . I am quite happy with the results so far and can't wait for the St Pattys Day challenge.

    Thanks to everyone for sticking with this group challenge and congratulations to all no matter how much you lost. I think everyone is a winner just for being here.

    This group inspired and helped me a great deal. Many motivated and kind folks. Have a safe and happy Christmas week.
  • magstaylor22
    SW 88.5 kg
    1W 87.5 kg
    2W 87 kg
    3W 86 kg
    4W 85.8 kg
    5W 85.8 kg
    6W 84.3 kg
    7W 84.3 kg
    8W 84.1 kg
    9W 83.5 kg
    10W 83.5 kg
    11W 82.8 kg
    12W 82.5kg
    13W 83.3 kg
    14W 83.1 kg

    Total lost over the challenge 5.4 kg. I am just pleased that it is going back down in the right direction again! Although I am surprised after I rediscovered my love of mulled wine:drinker:

    I have really enjoyed this challenge it has definitely kept me in line and accountable and I am looking forward to the next challenge. Bring it on!!!

    Congratulations to everyone who stayed the course and a big congratulations to those who successfully completed the challenge. Have a fabulous Christmas and New Year and I wish us all a Happy, Healthy and slim New Year!!

  • AnnaZimm70
    AnnaZimm70 Posts: 218 Member
    SW 183.5
    CW 167
    Gain this week: .6 lbs
    Total Challenge loss: 16.5 lbs

    I weighed in a day late as I knew I was retaining a ton of water yesterday (that time of month). Much better this morning, but still a gain from last week. On the other hand, the 2 lb. loss last week always seemed a bit optimistic as a permanent loss.

    I didn't make the full 20 lbs., but am happy to be 16.5 lbs. lighter and looking forward to keeping up the progress through St. Patrick's Day. I am grateful for the support and accountability this group provided! Congratulations to all who stayed through this whole challenge, and extra kudos to those that made their full goals (and more in some cases!). I am proud of you all.
  • lharri0209
    lharri0209 Posts: 128 Member
    Christmas is upon us! Stats as of beginning this challenge are:

    Sw-177 lbs
    Cw-142 lbs
    Ugw-130 lbs (at least)

    Total loss this WK: -1 lb
    Total challenge loss: -35 lbs

    I have enjoyed being apart of this challenge. It has help to keep me motivated each WK and have made some awesome friends along the way! I am joining the St. Patty's day challenge and hope to see you all there. Take care and Happy Holidays to you all!!
  • takerbrat
    takerbrat Posts: 81 Member
    Congratulations everyone and thanks for your encouragement and support along the way! Final numbers:
    Week 0 weigh-in 177.0
    Week 1 weigh-in 176.8 . . . 0.2 lb loss. Alas, the plateau continues . . . kind of . . .
    Week 2 weigh-in 173.0 . . . 3.8 lb loss. Take that plateau!
    Week 3 weigh-in 171.2 . . . 1.8 lb loss. Just about made my goal of 2 lbs/week.
    Week 4 weigh-in 171.2 . . . no loss this week, no excuses, next week will be different . . .
    Week 5 weigh-in 170.6 . . . 0.8 lb loss. Last week wasn't that much different, some nights I swear I hear that Nutella jar calling my name and I never even liked the damn stuff before I started to lose weight! Maybe it's hormonal?
    Week 6 weigh-in 166.6 . . . 4 lb loss, yup it was hormonal! So glad to be back in the 60s
    Week 7 weigh-in 166.0 . . . 0.6 lb loss. How do you eat an elephant . . . one bite at a time! .6 lb by .6 lb I WILL get there!
    Week 8 weigh-in 164.6 . . . 1.4 lb loss. Have added kickboxing to my weekly routine, fantastic cardio and aggressive enough to be quite therapeutic! Bonus!!
    Week 9 weigh-in 163.4 . . . 1.2 lb loss. My son has added another HIIT session to my week, my workout week now looks like this:
    Week 10 weigh-in 161.6 . . . 1.8 lb loss. So glad to have been able to stay on program (food and exercise) with travelling for work and volunteering for Grey Cup!
    Week 11 weigh-in 159.0 . . . 2.6 lb loss. Yeah!
    Week 12 weigh-in 160.0 . . . oh no!
    Week 13 weigh-in 158.6 . . . scale is moving in the right direction again!
    Week 14 weigh-in 156.4 . . . officially met goal for challenge with my son!

    total loss this challenge - 20.6 lbs . . . average loss/week 1.47 lbs
    total loss since starting the challenge with my son July 1st* - 46.6 lbs . . . average loss/week 1.94 lbs (24 weeks)

    * before and after photos posted on the challenge FB page -
  • health1971
    Hi y'all :heart:

    I would like to congratulate every single person that started on this challenge whether you reached your goal or not... Thanks for all your encouragements and support, couldn't have done it with you all :flowerforyou: ...

    MFP 09/06/2013 SW - 131.5 :explode:

    20lbs By Christmas Challenge - SW 128.5 :mad:

    W 1 - 127 :happy:
    W 2 - 126 :indifferent:
    W 3 - 126 :mad:
    W 5 - 125 :laugh:
    W 6 - 124 :laugh:
    W 7 - 123 :laugh:
    W 8 - 122 :laugh:
    W 9 - 122 :indifferent:
    W10- 122 :mad:
    W11- 119 :bigsmile:
    W12- 119 :indifferent:
    W13- 119 :mad:

    Total loss 9.5 lbs :laugh:

    Taking a step at a time to reach my goal always :flowerforyou: ...