OK, Who Got Knocked Out of Keto?

So far, two of my MFP friends were vanquished by wild, roaming hoards of Christmas sweets.

Aye, they fought valiantly, I am sure, but in the end their Food Diaries told the tale: Out. Of. Keto.

Did you eat something that kicked you out? No judgement. You know the old saying, "Let he who is without carb cravings cast the first fat bomb."

But let us know so we can offer some extra MFP keto support until you get back in.


  • KnitSewSpin
    KnitSewSpin Posts: 147 Member
    I am glad to say I made it through with a very full belly but I am still keto. I had one small nibble of my husbands cherry pie, but otherwise I was right on track. It helped that we stayed home this year and I planned lots of treats like bacon wrapped scallops, chicken wings, shrimp, meatballs, and artichoke dip with low carb veggies. My deal with myself was to not restrict calories if I stayed low carb high fat. I made my goal!
  • KnitSewSpin
    KnitSewSpin Posts: 147 Member
    Oh, and I made low carb chocolate ice cream. Yummy.
  • KayNowayJose
    KayNowayJose Posts: 138 Member
    I did get out, but only by approx 13 carbs.

    We ate at a one of my fiance's family's homes, and she is older and I ADORE her. I have cooked the past two holidays so she insisted that she was making everything, therefore I didn't want to offend her and be TOO choosy with her foods. I secretly logged as she made bathroom trips, or my fiance was working on her computer and she'd go ask him questions :-P....I chose the things I knew were exact, the closest, and the ones where there were too many options in the diary, I chose the most carb dense. :-P

    SO give or take 13, I'll take it. AND I have been satisfied and stuffed since we ate, but I must say...my head hurts. I begin again tomorrow.
  • Roze_Lintje
    Roze_Lintje Posts: 57 Member
    I don't measure if I'm in ketosis or not. But yesterday I ate approx. 9 net carbs, so I should be fine! But today it's second christmas day, so we'll see how that goes! But I'm not that worried :)
  • delta229
    delta229 Posts: 29 Member
    No carbs, no cheating! A happy, happy Christmas!
  • Dingeman1
    Dingeman1 Posts: 4 Member
    I don't measure ketones, but I am sure I am out, as i have lost the " taste in my mouth" .
    back on the wagon today
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I'm a big fan of cycling, so I don't think it's a big deal to come out of ketosis from time to time. My ancestors would wander up on some fruit from time to time and have a nice splurge until the fruit was back out of season or they had to move on for other reasons. Also, stressing about it is probably the worst thing you can do. Take your days as they come, do what you can, and let the rest go.
  • tanigrrrrr
    tanigrrrrr Posts: 137 Member
    it was my choice.. i had ONE piece of banoffee pie... i went for a huge cycle that night and then the next day swimming and cycling.. im sure that ill be fine and it wont have even happened by the time my weigh in comes along.
    I think the ham is going to be my issue.. i always retain so much water after ham... ah well.
    Im absolutely proud of myself that it didnt spark a frenzy.. one small piece and could walk away.. thats a far bigger achievement in my book :)
  • soxanderous
    soxanderous Posts: 9 Member
    If I was just using keto for weight loss I wouldn't care about taking a break, however I am trying to reap some other health benefits, so I am trying to stay keto all the time. Anyways, last night we did dinner at my mother-in-laws last night. She does a food separation diet, so I thought meat would be a separate dish from starch. Not the case! Shepard's pie! Everything else was sugar on starch on sugar. I thought all was lost, keto-wise, so I ate moderate portions of everything. Tested my blood ketones this morning, they were still 0.6! Down from 2.2 the previous morning, but I wasn't completely kicked out. The lesson I've taken from this is that all hope is never lost, and continue to try to minimize the damage. Who knows, I might have been able to save more precious ketones if I'd done things a little differently.
  • ddiestler
    ddiestler Posts: 353 Member
    I was still in this morning. We went to my wife's family for the holidays. I made a plan and I stuck to it. If there was something I wanted I allowed myself to have some and by that I mean a bite. I don't feel guilty and I didn't feel deprived.

    Christmas day it was just us and we had chicken and bacon. All and all I am happy with how the holidays ended up. For me it is a lifestyle not just a way to get thinner. In the real world it isn't always realistic to say you will NEVER eat a piece of pie. However; you don't have to eat a big piece:) Moderation and portion control is key!
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I've been knocked out a couple of times since Thanksgiving...get this...imbibing too much pistachios :angry:
    :frown: I had to give up cashews cause I over indulged in them too & couldn't control myself :grumble:

    Meh. It doesn't take much to knock me out though...126#'s and 6+ months in has me more carb sensitive than ever.
  • emmysusanne
    emmysusanne Posts: 34 Member
    I made the most delicious Black Forest Gateau and I think I would have been absolutely crazy not to have a bit. Not been in Ketosis since Xmas day and today I had a Chinese as a treat for losing 20 kg so I'm as far out of Ketosis as possible! Not gained any weight though and will be back in Ketosis in a few days for sure.. No worries here.
  • LatinaGordita
    LatinaGordita Posts: 377 Member
    I was knocked out of ketosis since Christmas eve (evening-had several little bites of sweets, a little bit of puerto rican rice and some rum). Weigh in was Friday and still lost 2 lbs.

    Took till this morning (verified by pee stick) that I am back in ketosis. Still have some leftovers, but only eating the left over pork. Yum Yum!
  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    I probably did, ate and drank lots of carb-laden things! but getting back on track today. Next challenge is the new year's foods here in Japan -- most have sugar added :/ Not to mention the sake!
  • LovePBandJ
    LovePBandJ Posts: 288 Member
    I hung in there! hooray. I was in charged of mashed potatoes. I brought both mashed potatoes and mashed cauliflower (full of cheese and butter) :) I had a nice scoop of cauliflower, fried turkey, and green beans. Probably hit the red wine more than I should have, but did steer clear of the desserts.

    I was the only one not feeling nauseated from over indulging at the end of the evening, yet I did not feel one bit deprived.
  • I am still SHOCKED that my ketostix said I stayed in ketosis. I allowed myself a bite or two of a couple carby foods, only had two glasses of wine... but then my family fed me cake and pie! Small portions, but I was still amazed every time the ketostix got darker. Before Christmas, I was measuring consistently in the dark purples. My readings since have moved around between "small" and I guess "moderate". I guess keeping my fat high helped balance things out.

    I didn't gain, but I didn't lose. I think it was a valuable lesson in "effectively cheating" when it is unavoidable. (Trust me, my grandma's lemon cake is not to be refused!)
  • b_ray_73
    b_ray_73 Posts: 110 Member
    I'm completely out of keto thanks to many potatoes, some champagne and some Christmas lava cake. I'm not stressing on it too much since I also managed to (hopefully for the last time) quit smoking. I've gained a few pounds but didn't hurt anyone through the withdrawls and hoping to be back in keto as soon as I can.
  • I basically had a week out of keto! I was travelling around with my family and friends and it was far too difficult, plus it's nice to realx a little every now and then :) being super strict with myself at the moment for the next 3 weeks before i let my self have a few more carbs etc!