Take a look at my diary for today?

Just looking for pointers! Would love some feedback on what I did for today so that I know I am doing it right. Also, is it fine that when I finish my entry for the day and it tells me that I will weigh <insert number here> 5 weeks from now that the number really isn't down from what it showed me yesterday or the day before? Does that little feature on the diary even apply to those on Keto?


  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member
    Looks good to me. I'd switch the cheese to one that won't contribute carbs, though. Your protein goal might be just slightly over what's ideal for keto, but I don't know your lean mass (and I know you haven't customized your macros yet). The range that's recommended is .7-.9 grams per pound of lean mass. For me, as an example, that's 80-102.

    ETA: Great job boosting your calories!
  • LoveSanrio
    Looks good to me. I'd switch the cheese to one that won't contribute carbs, though. Your protein goal might be just slightly over what's ideal for keto, but I don't know your lean mass (and I know you haven't customized your macros yet). The range that's recommended is .7-.9 grams per pound of lean mass. For me, as an example, that's 80-102.

    ETA: Great job boosting your calories!

    Told hubby to get full fat cheddar at the store, but he forgot LOL! Will be picking some up tomorrow or Tuesday. My protein is a bit high. My goal for protein is 100g. Spent my evening looking up good high fat, low protein foods. Trial and error right now I suppose. Also, how do I customize my macros? That would help me tremendously!

    Thanks about the calories :) I feel RIDICULOUSLY full right now!
  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    Go to this site to set your macros http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/.
    Then in MFP, go to Goals > Change Goals button > Customize and input the settings the keto calculator gave you. Then you should be set.
  • LoveSanrio
    Go to this site to set your macros http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/.
    Then in MFP, go to Goals > Change Goals button > Customize and input the settings the keto calculator gave you. Then you should be set.

    OMG thank you so much! That helps me tremendously!
  • LatinaGordita
    LatinaGordita Posts: 377 Member
    Why do your scramble eggs have carbs? Do you add milk to them? Also would be good for you to add the fiber column. Get rid of the sugar one or the other ones--unless you have to watch them for a medical reason. The critical ones to watch on keto is fat, carbs, protien and fiber.
  • DehydrationStation
    Quick Observations:

    In general, 1 egg has half a carb. Always double-check nutritional info after you post it; some listings on MFP are faulty.

    Typically, starting on keto, you want to keep your carbs below 24g, or (preferably) 20g.

    You can increase your sodium intake to at least 4,000 and remember to supplement with other electrolytes (magnesium, potassium) to reduce symptoms of keto flu.

    Old cheese has no carbs.

    If you find it hard to hit your fat target, make a batch of fat bombs.

    If you find it hard to hit your protein target, buy a tub of egg white powder drink mix.

    You don't need to track sugar. Track fiber instead.

    Remember those fresh veggies. Make garlic mashed cauliflower with tons of butter -- it's awesome!

    Post in this thread again when you've fixed your ratios using the above-mentioned Keto Calculator. We'll take another peek.

    EDIT: Almost forgot. New keto dieters should aim for a gallon of water a day. That's 16 cups.
  • LoveSanrio
    Quick Observations:

    In general, 1 egg has half a carb. Always double-check nutritional info after you post it; some listings on MFP are faulty.

    Typically, starting on keto, you want to keep your carbs below 24g, or (preferably) 20g.

    You can increase your sodium intake to at least 4,000 and remember to supplement with other electrolytes (magnesium, potassium) to reduce symptoms of keto flu.

    Old cheese has no carbs.

    If you find it hard to hit your fat target, make a batch of fat bombs.

    If you find it hard to hit your protein target, buy a tub of egg white powder drink mix.

    You don't need to track sugar. Track fiber instead.

    Remember those fresh veggies. Make garlic mashed cauliflower with tons of butter -- it's awesome!

    Post in this thread again when you've fixed your ratios using the above-mentioned Keto Calculator. We'll take another peek.

    EDIT: Almost forgot. New keto dieters should aim for a gallon of water a day. That's 16 cups.

    I was actually in Ketosis while I was pregnant. I would show ketones at my dr's appointments, and was just told to up my water intake. So, I guess with that included it would be around 18 weeks or so. I gained 20 pounds total, and most of that was before my diabetes diagnosis. So that said, is it okay for me to eat a little over 20g of carbs a day? Also, having high salt is okay? So adding salt to things is good?

    I am actually getting ready to make my very first batch of fat bombs and freeze them! Hope I get it right!

    Lastly, where can I get this egg white powder drink mix you speak of? LOL
  • DehydrationStation
    So that said, is it okay for me to eat a little over 20g of carbs a day?
    Sorry. Nope. Being "in keto" (showing ketones in your pee) and being "keto-adapted" are two very different things.
    Also, having high salt is okay? So adding salt to things is good?
    Salt is essential when following keto. http://youtu.be/WNV0GJcrqp4
    I am actually getting ready to make my very first batch of fat bombs and freeze them! Hope I get it right!
    I have a recipe here: http://redd.it/1tlwyb
    Lastly, where can I get this egg white powder drink mix you speak of?
    Musclehead shops. It's a good, cheap source of protein.

    Here's the kind I use: http://www.muscledynasty.com/shop/100-egg-protein-by-optimum-nutrition

    You can also use whey protein. Just check the carbs.
  • LoveSanrio
    So that said, is it okay for me to eat a little over 20g of carbs a day?
    Sorry. Nope. Being "in keto" (showing ketones in your pee) and being "keto-adapted" are two very different things.

    Okay, that makes sense. I am going to need to change my macros to reflect eating only 20g a day, right? Also, how long do I need to stay at or under 20g?
    Also, having high salt is okay? So adding salt to things is good?
    Salt is essential when following keto. http://youtu.be/WNV0GJcrqp4

    Okay, I will definitely up the salt. I thought maybe it might make me retain water.
    I am actually getting ready to make my very first batch of fat bombs and freeze them! Hope I get it right!
    I have a recipe here: http://redd.it/1tlwyb

    Lastly, where can I get this egg white powder drink mix you speak of?
    Musclehead shops. It's a good, cheap source of protein.

    Here's the kind I use: http://www.muscledynasty.com/shop/100-egg-protein-by-optimum-nutrition

    You can also use whey protein. Just check the carbs.

    Thanks again!

    (Sorry, somehow I replied to your statements IN the quote box up there!)
  • DehydrationStation
    Use the Keto Calculator to calculate ALL your ratios: http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/

    Trust the Keto Calculator. The Keto Calculator is wise.

    While you're there, look for the text box under "Post Your Question to /r/keto"

    Copy the contents when you're done, and paste them here. I'll look them over for you.
  • LoveSanrio
    Here's what I got:

    *Generated by [Keto Calculator](http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com) 6.16*

    31/F/5'3" | CW 293 | 37% BF | Lightly active

    * 2123 kcal Goal, a 23% deficit. (934 min, 2769 max)
    * 20g Carbohydrates
    * 146g Protein (119g min, 230g max)
    * 162g Fat (30g min, 233g max)

  • Roze_Lintje
    Roze_Lintje Posts: 57 Member
    I think your day looks pretty good! About the 20 grams of carbs a day, this is important for when you start and get keto-adapted (using fat as a fuel). There are actually people that stay in ketosis on 40 grams of carbs a day. Different bodies react to carbs in different ways. I personally stay under 20 grams because I don't measure if I'm in ketosis or not and want to make sure I am. But some people feel better when eating a bit more carbs!
  • DehydrationStation
    31/F/5'3" | CW 293 | 37% BF | Lightly active

    * 2123 kcal Goal, a 23% deficit. (934 min, 2769 max)
    * 20g Carbohydrates
    * 146g Protein (119g min, 230g max)
    * 162g Fat (30g min, 233g max)

    Your protein levels seem high.

    Remember, your protein target is based on your lean body mass (LBM).

    You're a five-foot-three woman, sooooo I'm guessing that your LBM is around 89 lbs. Is that what the KC said?

    THIS IS NOT A GOAL WEIGHT. This is what you weigh with zero fat, which would make you a very sick and malnourished individual, especially on keto.

    So... to calculate your daily protein target, consider:
    -- 0.64 grams of protein X 89 if you're sedentary.
    -- 1.2 grams of protein X 89 if you're a fricken Olympian in training.

    Your above-pasted recommendation works out to around 1.6 grams of protein per LBM pound.

    Unless you are a lumberjack in the far north, chopping down entire forests and fighting off grizzly bears, then you probably are eating more protein than your body can use. And this will kick you out of keto almost as fast as a spoonful of sugar.

    Maybe aim for 100 grams of protein?

    And recalculate your fat target again, using the KC.

    | Remember these are guidelines and that I am just
    | an Internet idiot; your physician should help you
    | determine the ideal weight and body fat for you.

    EDIT: For comparison, my protein target is 128 grams, and I'm a moderately-active, nearly-six-foot man.
  • LoveSanrio
    It says to go no lower than 119g of protein, and had put in the 146g or whatever it was, on it's own. Should I shoot more for the lower end of the spectrum?
  • DehydrationStation
    It says to go no lower than 119g of protein, and had put in the 146g or whatever it was, on it's own. Should I shoot more for the lower end of the spectrum?

    I can't say for sure without knowing what your Lean Body Mass is.

    I assumed it was 89 lbs in my previous post, but you need the KC to calculate it.
  • LoveSanrio
    My husbands lean body mass is 64kg, and mine is 84kg. My husband is on day 10 of Keto. Any info you can give from those numbers is appreciated, as always :)
  • DehydrationStation
    My husbands lean body mass is 64kg, and mine is 84kg. My husband is on day 10 of Keto. Any info you can give from those numbers is appreciated, as always
    You're getting your kilograms and your pounds confused.

    1. 84 kg = 185 pounds. That is NOT your Lean Body Mass. :)

    2. How can your husband's LBM be 25% lower than yours?
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    I think the reason it's giving a high protein level is tied to the BF% that you are using.

    You show a 37% body fat percentage being used in the keto calculator. The protein level is based on your lean body mass (LBM). A 37% BF, means you have 100-37= 63% LBM.

    63% x 293 lbs = 185 lbs. Thats a lot of muscle, and that's giving you the high protein target.

    Hon - are you super muscular? This is REALLY high. I am OK fitness (crossfit 3x per week), and my LBM is 105-110 lbs. You show 75 lbs more muscle mass. I think the reason it's giving a high protein level is tied to the BF% that you are showing.

    When I googled this, I'm seeing Typical LBM of 100-120 lbs for women. Let's go with the high end of that and use 120 lbs LBM. This would mean you have a BF% of 60, based on your current weight. If you plug that into the keto calculator the protein recommendation drops to about 76 g (I always use the minimum recommendation - you can increase if you do a lot of strength training).

    Hope that helps -- Good luck!
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    Just took a peek at your diary and noticed you eat country crock. Yikes, is that margarine? If so, stop eating it! Eat only REAL butter. Margarine is man made crap, not good for your body at all. Butter is much much healthier, and tastier too.
  • DehydrationStation
    There are bigger issues than Country Crock here, I think. ;)

    The Keto Calculator is only as accurate as the information you feed it, LoveSanrio. If you are unsure about what values you should be entering, maybe get on Skype with a keto expert and have them walk you through it.

    Working keto with incorrect amounts or ratios is just going to make it harder, and can even be harmful.