


  • Cinnamon45
    Started day one today! Cardio was great, had to do some modifiers,. I have been lazy the last few weeks, good food and wine! I will be paying for that for awhile. Good luck everyone!
  • lmjohns23
    lmjohns23 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi. I'm Latosha. I'm 27 and living in Texas. I've attempted Insanity and did about 2 months of P90X, but the length of the workouts was too long. I'm hoping these short ones will give me no excuses to get up and do them. Then I want to try P90X3! I already did my T25 workout this morning. Had to modify, but I also haven't really exercised in a couple of months...

    Let's Do This!
  • rjdunn87
    rjdunn87 Posts: 385 Member
    I did day one today also! Feels great.
  • kjesethkt79
    Hi Everyone,

    My name's Katie and started T25 today. I'm so excited to be apart of this group and see what changes I can make over the next ten weeks. Our honeymoon is in ten weeks as well. So there's a little added motivation. My goal this year would be to lose 35 lbs.

    Good luck everyone!!!
  • sandywerks
    sandywerks Posts: 94 Member
    Hello everyone! Just finished Day 1 Alpha Cardio! Thought about waiting until next week but decided to go for it! Feels good!
  • Amconley
    Amconley Posts: 9 Member
    Hello! I am planning on starting tomorrow with Day 1. Kind of nervous because I lack willpower and am hoping to squash those negative thoughts with the new year. Good luck, everyone :)
  • kamyers1289
    kamyers1289 Posts: 129 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm Kerry, 24 years old, and living in New Jersey, where, don't worry, we don't like you either ;)

    After debating whether or not I wanted to drop $140 bucks on workout DVDs, I did. I am still bathing in the sweat from Alpha Cardio as I type, and thank God for Tania because I would've died without a modifier. Looking forward to looking sexy :)
  • trytrt
    trytrt Posts: 1 Member
    Hi My name is Nancy. I became of first time mommy 2 months ago and am looking to get back into shape. Hoping focus T25 is the answer for this new mom thats short on time. I've done other beachbody workouts before turbojam, P90X, Insanity but I only did the workout part and not the nutrition part. I am hoping to do the nutrition part this time with the support of a group to guide me. :smile:
  • Cinnamon45
    Day two, speed 1.0 complete! I really liked the placement of this one, great moves with stretching in between.
  • joshthomas77
    Day two, speed 1.0 complete! I really liked the placement of this one, great moves with stretching in between.

    Good job! The speed workouts in (1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 in Gamma) are my favorites hands down.
  • zombiemomjo
    zombiemomjo Posts: 546 Member
    Hi, everyone! I'm Joey, 41 year old mama of 2 boys from Iowa. I got down to my lowest weight in 20 years in 2012, but a little over 10 lbs creeped back on in 2013. I was doing Insanity in October along with some personal training sessions and kickin' some butt, and suffered a kettle bell shoulder injury, so I had to stop Insanity right at the halfway mark. I'm back on track, but now I have an ouchie knee that I have to modify a bit for (fell ice skating and bruised it up pretty badly). Started T25 yesterday, and I'm sticking to the nutrition plan as well. Loved the format! I leave for my first ever cruise a few days after this program will finish, and I want to feel awesome in a little dress for some elegant meals with my hubby and great friends, not to mention when lounging around on the beach! :) Best of luck, everyone!
  • joshthomas77
    Hi, everyone! I'm Joey, 41 year old mama of 2 boys from Iowa. I got down to my lowest weight in 20 years in 2012, but a little over 10 lbs creeped back on in 2013. I was doing Insanity in October along with some personal training sessions and kickin' some butt, and suffered a kettle bell shoulder injury, so I had to stop Insanity right at the halfway mark. I'm back on track, but now I have an ouchie knee that I have to modify a bit for (fell ice skating and bruised it up pretty badly). Started T25 yesterday, and I'm sticking to the nutrition plan as well. Loved the format! I leave for my first ever cruise a few days after this program will finish, and I want to feel awesome in a little dress for some elegant meals with my hubby and great friends, not to mention when lounging around on the beach! :) Best of luck, everyone!

    Welcome Joey!
  • amvanwin
    amvanwin Posts: 13 Member
    I'm Amanda, 24, 260 lbs, in El Paso, TX. I just finished day 2 (Speed 1.0) and I'm barely making it even on modified but I'm glad its only 25 minutes! Since I have to cook for my husband and daughter I'm not really sticking to the meal plan but definitely watching portions and cooking healthy meals. I lost weight early in 2013 and then gained it all back and then some but I'm determined and committed to a lifestyle change at this point. My husband has even agreed to do the workouts with me. I did Insanity for a while almost 2 years ago but quit due to an unrelated back injury but I know the stuff works! Just joining for accountability so I'm less likely to quit!
  • lameangel
    lameangel Posts: 12 Member
    Hi - My name is Jessica and I started T25 on Sunday 12/29 (I couldn't wait until Monday!) I just finished Week 1, Day 3 (Total Body Circuit), and it kicked my butt. I'm super motivated to do this program, and do it right! I WILL do a burpee without modification, dammit!

    I'm always looking for more friends on MFP - so please add!
  • LivvieO
    LivvieO Posts: 164 Member
    Hi, I'm Olivia. 40 year old mom of twins from Toronto, Canada. I am starting T25 today. I only have about 5lbs to lose so I'm using the program more for tone and definition than for weigh loss. I started insanity a while ago but never completed the program (my DVD set was stolen from my home) so I'm really really really looking forward to completing t25.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,903 Member
    I am Shelley. I am 53. I have about an extra 15 pounds to lose. Mostly due to my poor eating habits. I work out regularly. Thought this looked fun. But I just ordered my set. So will not be receiving my set until Saturday at the earliest. I do HIIT workouts, body weight workouts and lots of others. I will catch up slowly.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,468 Member
    Hi I'm Chris. I have about 10 pounds to lose. I like that T25 is short and to the point. I'm really looking forward to this challenge.

  • Gaby_BV
    Gaby_BV Posts: 70
    almost done with week 3. Did horrible with food this week so getting back on track tomorrow... :sad: :grumble:

    still modifying some movements! planing to add something else since tomorrow...
  • Audica630
    Audica630 Posts: 1 Member
    I feel the same as those others wanting to stay motivated and to achieve lasting change!!! I am trying to get my husband to do the program as well, but he has refused so far. I am not following the nutrition plan 100% as I'm trying to get back to a paleo eating plan. I hope to meet new people on here as well!
  • 4Mamasloves
    4Mamasloves Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! My name is Jackie. I am so happy to have found this team. I created a myfp account a long time ago but did nothing with it as I already also havea Sparkpeople account and just find I had too many things going on and nothing really working.

    I ordered T25 when it came out and joined a FB challenge group. I am happy to say I completed all 10 yeeks, earned my "Nailed it shirt" and earned the most team points ; my coach awarded me the grand prize-the Gamma workout. There I stopped. Once the team stopped, I stopped. I still workout regularly at my gym with Bodypump, Sculpt (which is like T25 meet yoga) and Zumba etc. One of my goals for 2014 is to start and continue with T25 all the way through the Gamma round and keep going. I lost inches but not as many pounds (my other goal-refocus on clean eating).

    I will be starting on Monday Januaury 6th.

    Looking forward to this and thanks Josh.