How to do this? 26yo 5'5" 140 working for 120

thom2369 Posts: 271 Member
Hello ladies of this group,

Yes it is January 1st but that is not the reason that I decided to lose weight. I am on a long journey of trying to find a body weight I am comfortable with. I weight about 140 now and feel just as big as I was when I was close to 170 about three years ago. All through high school and college I would sit around 155-165 pounds. I never counted calories and usually got some exercise but not that much in college. One time I counted calories for a few months and got down to about 143. I felt great! But I just stopped and it all came back and I was at my usual 165 again.

I am just not happy with 140. But, I haven't been trying that hard to get that number lower. I haven't lost any weight in about two months. I really want to work on getting that number lower. I am wondering about you ladies who got down to the healthy and aesthetically pleasing physiques of 115 - 130 (medium height ladies). How do you feel now at 120 compared to your higher weights? What got you to a weight you are happy with?

Anyway, if there are any people that are going to give it another new start in 2014 feel free to add me!


  • billsk
    billsk Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I am 5'4" and my starting weight was 143. I got down to 119 and felt great. Since then, I've gained back to 126 and feel the same as I did at 143. The difference for me between 126 and 120 is huge. You'll know your comfortable weight when you reach it. The way I went from 143 to 120 in 10 weeks (Mar-May 2012) was completely thanks to MFP. I had never tracked calories beforehand so I had no idea how much I should be eating. I stuck to 1200 or less with one cheat meal per week (and even then, I stayed around around 1600-1800 for the day). I jogged or did the elliptical for 30 minutes 6 days per week. Feel free to add me as a friend! I'm starting back over at 126 and have a goal to get to 115 in 6 weeks (I have a small frame, so I think 115-120 is my natural goal point). Good luck to you! It sounds like we have very similar goals!
  • tayloryay
    tayloryay Posts: 378 Member
    I feel your pain! I've lost about 15 lbs this past year, but I still feel pretty much the same. The lowest I've ever been was about 115 in college (I'm 5'5"), and unfortunately I still felt the same then too, from what I can remember. Of course at that time my highest weight was like 138, so maybe it's a relative thing? I'm hoping this time will be different. Maybe focusing more on building some muscle will help, especially since I doubt I'll get that low again.
  • thom2369
    thom2369 Posts: 271 Member
    In a way I am glad that I could stay at 140 for as long as I have so I can get used to being this size rather than the 160's. I mean for a while I felt excited at my new thinner body. But I want to keep improving and get to a lower weight where I feel comfortable. It doesn't feel like enough and I am still on the bigger side when it comes to clothing size numbers.

    Wow I can't believe the difference between 120 and 126 was so dramatic for you. But the smaller you are I guess the more each pound makes a difference. I think my frame is on the small side. I tried both wrist tests and my fingers overlap a lot and my wrist measurement was just at 6 inches. I heard under 6 inches is small and over 6 inches is medium.

    I have never been 130 or 120 or 115 in my adult life or even high school, middle school I think. I really want to see what it would be like to be at a more comfortable weight and keep it there!

    Thanks for your replies! Let's use this amazing tool that is my fitness pal!
  • pteryndactyl
    pteryndactyl Posts: 303 Member
    At 5'6", I went from 135 to around 120 just by making healthier food choices and taking up running. I'm still not completely happy with my body (I still feel a little "squishy") but I'm definitely happier than I was at 135. Since I'm already at a low-ish healthy weight for my height, I decided to re-focus and try strength training this year. I started NROLFW this afternoon. I've seen people have some amazing results with lifting.

    What kind of exercises do you already do? Since you're already at a healthy BMI for your height, perhaps focus on strength training and building muscle. It can really transform the way your body looks.
  • I'm pretty much in the same boat. I was heavier about 160 and last year I lost 30 pounds so now I'm at 129. But I really wanna be 120 ish. I lost all those pounds by eating well cutting back on drinking kinda ha and lots of cardio but now since I've been doing strength training I'm starting to see a little six pack comin in and my legs are way more defined and smaller arms :) good luck and anyone feel free to add me I'm new to this and could use some friends :)
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    I am struggling too I am 39 just under 5'6 150 lbs would love to be 130 or less. My goal is to commit to logging on Mfp.
  • CariS001
    CariS001 Posts: 169 Member
    I can so relate!!! I got down to about 125, and was eager to go lower, as I knew it just wasn't where I wanted to be. That shift was soooo hard and took soooo long!!! I finally made it down to 116, but that didn't last long. Jumped back up to about 125-126. Worked my way (digging and crawling) back down to 119 and am working to 115 for Jan 31.

    It takes unbelievable dedication for those last few pounds, and to maintain! Lots of support needed for sure! Feel free to add me!
  • tayloryay
    tayloryay Posts: 378 Member
    Yeah it definitely gets harder the lower you get. 115 was basically impossible for me to maintain. I stayed around 125 for a while, but I was also several years younger so I don't know if I'll be able to do that again.
  • thom2369
    thom2369 Posts: 271 Member
    I can so relate!!! I got down to about 125, and was eager to go lower, as I knew it just wasn't where I wanted to be. That shift was soooo hard and took soooo long!!! I finally made it down to 116, but that didn't last long. Jumped back up to about 125-126. Worked my way (digging and crawling) back down to 119 and am working to 115 for Jan 31.

    It takes unbelievable dedication for those last few pounds, and to maintain! Lots of support needed for sure! Feel free to add me!

    Wow omg it sounds so hard! I guess I will just have to determine what weight I would be "happy enough" staying at at decide if it is worth digging and crawling to get to a lower number. For now I'll just take it 5 pounds at a time I think.

    Next goal: 135!!

    Oh, to mention what someone else said, yes 140 is still a "healthy" weight range but I can see on my body the extra body fat that is still here. I am going to work on managing my calories, 30 minutes cardio 30 minutes strength three times a week. Some goals I already have to work hard to achieve and maintain!
  • thom2369
    thom2369 Posts: 271 Member
    I have joined this group and there seems to be some nice people on there. So if anyone from this thread wants to keep in touch in this small group of about 77 people we are going to have bi monthly weigh ins until May.
  • tayloryay
    tayloryay Posts: 378 Member
    Awesome, I'll get in on that. :D
  • CDBechthold
    CDBechthold Posts: 3 Member
    Before my child was born I was 110 Ibs and after I was 147 Ibs. Now maybe it sounds dumb to people but it was hard to be that weight. I am down to 125, but still want to lose 5 Ibs and tone & tighten. I was doing okay but then I kind of "fell off the band wagon" and have had a hard time getting back on. I have found a free app. that I like, Nike Training Club. I am hoping it will keep me motivated. I am also looking for some friends to help encourage me and I can encourage.
  • tayloryay
    tayloryay Posts: 378 Member
    Sent ya a friend request! Texas represent!!
  • CDBechthold
    CDBechthold Posts: 3 Member
  • mandersgirl
    mandersgirl Posts: 2 Member
    I like to take part in the bi-monthly weigh-ins. I have struggled all of my life. I'm 5'5" and currently at 139. I really want to get to 120-125. I got down to 130 with a trainer a few years ago, but I haven't been exercising regularly or counting calories like I should. I am trying to commit to consistency in my health journey and other life goals. Love having the support of a group.
  • I'm in a similar situation - I'm the same height as you but I'm at 147, I'd like to get down into the 120's but honestly I just want to lose more fat. If I were to get to 145 pounds but have 18% body fat I'd be perfectly happy. It's so hard not relying on the scale!
  • thom2369
    thom2369 Posts: 271 Member
    I like to take part in the bi-monthly weigh-ins. I have struggled all of my life. I'm 5'5" and currently at 139. I really want to get to 120-125. I got down to 130 with a trainer a few years ago, but I haven't been exercising regularly or counting calories like I should. I am trying to commit to consistency in my health journey and other life goals. Love having the support of a group.

    I am just like this too. 5'5" and 139 pounds. Except...I have never been 130 and will be excited to get there and to 125 and maybe 120! Let's get down to our thin, strong and healthy goal weights!
  • avemaryama
    avemaryama Posts: 277 Member
    Hi, I'm 5'2" and 130lbs which just feels massive to me, I'm 27 and it's so much harder for me to lose weight. (I'm trying for 110) But I won't give up. I hope you reach your goals!
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Stop focussing on the number on the scale and take body measurements. Start lifting heavy weights to improve your appearance.
  • jenbob555
    jenbob555 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm with all of you. I'm 5'6" and my lowest weight was 119, but this was with barely eating and just being overall unhealthy. I'm 146 now and feel horrible, even though I know it's technically a "healthy weight." I hope to lose 15 lbs by March (trip to Vegas!) and 25 lbs by September (trip to Mexico! It's a busy year ;) ). I've done this countless times but obviously have given up and keep gaining weight. Hoping it sticks this time for both body image AND health! I'm definitely looking for people with similar goals to help motivate me and keep me accountable :)