
kelag297 Posts: 103 Member
Hey everyone! Welcome to the group :) Let's start this group off by everyone stating their goals for 2014 and why they want to either lose weight, tone up, or just make a lifestyle change!


  • sbecknc
    sbecknc Posts: 27 Member
    Hi! I'm trying to use 2014 to lose about 15 pounds (which hasn't happened in any of the last three years I've said that... darn stress!)

    I've made a lot of lifestyle changes in the last few years - mostly good, one or two bad, I'll admit it - and they don't keep up with my age/metabolism/scale. Tired of doing the work and adding pounds and getting frustrated and giving up.
  • forsuperA
    Hello all! My goal this year is to loose weight and maintain that healthy lifestyle. I am going to work towards loosing 6lbs a month until I reach my goal, although as long as I am loosing I will be happy even if I don't get that 6lbs each month ;) I look forward to sharing my journey with you all.
  • Dancer988
    Hey everyone! My goal is to continue losing weight to become lean and fit. My goal is to be about 120lbs. So I have around 49lbs to go! I want to lose weight and tone up so I can feel better about myself, gain confidence, and be healthy. I am also a dancer so one of my goals is to be chosen to be lifted. Hopefully I can be inspiration to others too (:
  • Jelly_Roll_Patrol
    Jelly_Roll_Patrol Posts: 30 Member
    Good Morning! My goal this year is to loose about 10lbs a month until June and then start my maintenance! Annnnddddd shop for my wedding dress! I get married in October and I would love to look and feel my best for my happily ever after! So these are my goals:

    Starting weight 192.2lbs
    Current: 188.4 lbs
    Jan 20: 182lbs
    Feb 22: 174lbs

    These are my current short term goals! We can do this together ! :bigsmile:
  • bpswife263
    bpswife263 Posts: 13 Member
    HI everyone!! Please feel free to add me as a friend so we can motivate each other daily!!!

    For 2014, I have set my goal for 40 pounds! I wish to tone up and gain strength.
  • saraewright
    saraewright Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everyone! I am happy to be here and looking for support/encouragement. I have been away from MFP for 4 months, before that I had lost 8 pounds. I have not weighed myself in at least that long and I am dreading stepping on the scale. I am determined to get back on track though. I got married in April and we are hoping to start a family this year, so before I actually get pregnant I would like to get my weight down. I'm not sure about a goal yet, I would love to get down to 185 but that's not realistic in a few months.
    Looking forward to getting to know you!
  • cliverman
    Hola! I'm excited to make life long changes this year. I need friend requests and all the support I can get. Currently am going to use and have used in the past Nike Training Club! Fantastic. That with tracking I know I will see results. Let's support each other because I know that can make or break.

    Current weight: 180
    Goal weight: 130

    Love the short term idea: think I'll go with loosing 10% of my weight. When ? I don't know but I'm buying myself Michael Kors as a reward;)
  • F1GHT4F1T
    F1GHT4F1T Posts: 66 Member
    Hi My name is Diamond. I'm 5'8 and currently weigh 159.4 lbs. I'm looking forward to finally reaching my goal weight (not sure but probs somewhere b/w 135-143 lbs) this year and getting my belly button pierced!!
  • lucy2021
    Happy New Year! My goal is health. I'm tired of not feeling well, my clothes not fitting and just being grumpy. (because I don't feel well and my clothes don't fit.) I would love to learn how to eat to support my body, not eat to quiet my mind. I want to find exercises that I enjoy and want to do. I am open to any and all suggestions. Friend me and we can support each other. My sister and i are helping each other but the more the merrier.
  • MissMom3
    MissMom3 Posts: 101 Member
    Hi!! My name is Missy and my weight loss goal for 2014 is 40 lbs!! My starting weight is 165 lbs. and I hope to be at my goal of 125 lbs. by the end of the year. Happy New Years to all you ladies and good luck!!
  • brajocol
    brajocol Posts: 24 Member
    Hi everyone, my goal for 2014 is to lose 50lbs and keep it off. I want to have more energy to keep up with my 3 children. Feel free to add me as a friend, need all the support I can get.
  • ashsweetie05
    Hello. My name is Amy and my goals for 2014 is to be healthy in all areas of my life. So I want to lose 50 lbs this year and be more active. I need as much support and encouragement as I can get!
  • krisnevers
    krisnevers Posts: 3 Member
    Good morning. I've joined this group because I need to get serious and make some changes.

    I've been very athletic most of my life, but that went down the tubes when I started a business 7 years ago. Now I'm 45, have gained 25 pounds and just don't feel good. I want more than anything to have "Runner's High" again, be fit and feel strong. I've realized that if I don't get back into and stay in shape, I'm risking my health.

    I think I have some reasonable goals. I'd like to lose a total of 15 pounds.
    I'd like to run 3 days a week, at least 30 minutes each time.
    I want to do Hot Yoga 1 time per week.
    Stop drinking beer during the week (Sun-Th).

    That's a total time commitment of about 3.5 hours/week including prep time. So that will be a big change and is my biggest risk for failure.

    I've signed up for Hot Yoga every Wednesday in January (except the last one when I'll be travelling). I ran today for the first time since June. It hurt but it's a good kick off.

    On the lifestyle side, I've decided to leave work each Wednesday at 3 to go to yoga and I've vowed not to return to the office that day. I In September I started leaving by 6 pm and for 2014, I want to push that to 5:30 pm. Then I can easily fit a run in before dinner.

    My favorite aunt used to say "You don't make a change until you get sick and tired of being sick and tired." I'm there! :glasses:
  • pinkkatie19
    pinkkatie19 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Ladies, My goal is to get down to a weight that I can maintain and make my lifestyle healthier. I just started phase one of the South Beach Diet and I just want this to be the beginning of a new start!
  • apark8
    apark8 Posts: 5
    Hi everyone!

    I thought I would join this group because I have been a mfp user for a while now on and off and have yet to utilize any groups or discussions. I'm also joining to stay inspired and take on a long term healthy lifestyle rather than for a month or two.

    For the past couple years I have been up and down with my weight, being 155 lbs at my heaviest about three years ago and 130 lbs at my smallest, and it is just not healthy for my weight to fluctuate so much! I was 150 a few months ago so, I've already lost 8 lbs but, have just started going to the gym and eating better on a constant basis and want to get down to 130 by the summer :) My ultimate goal weight would be 120 as I am pretty short at 5'4".

    Good luck and I hope we will all be able to maintain a healthier lifestyle for the new year!
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    Hi my goal is to eat clean be active everyday, some for of cardio or kettlebell training, drink 2-3 litres of water to reach my ultimate goal and lose 20 lbs.
  • crlygrl10
    Happy New Year! My goals for 2014 are to drink more water, eat more clean foods, work out most days per week and feel better by living a healthier lifestyle. All of that should add up to losing weight. I have a ways to go as far as a goal weight for my height, so my goals are geared toward making lifestyle changes that will end up in better overall health in 2014 for lasting results. I joined MFP last year and never really used it, feel free to add me so we can keep encouraging each other to stick to our goals!
  • lorriejharrell
    lorriejharrell Posts: 9 Member
    Happy New Year! I'm 47 & no stranger to exercise & healthy eating, but I find it becoming more difficult to maintain a routine & sometimes give in to the fact that I REALLY like to eat!! My goals this year are to keep myself accountable, by logging in & recording the things I eat/drink & do. I want to lose about 5 pounds or so, but really tone up! I want to change from only looking at the calorie content of foods, to looking at all the other things as well (sodium, sugars, fiber, etc) and to get away from artificial sweeteners (though I really don't like water). Looking for others to help keep me motivated & I will do so in return. Let's get this done! For life!
  • amycscott30
    Yay to 2014! I've been on a weight loss journey for about 15 months now. Had some highs and lows but have also learned what works for me. My ultimate goal is HEALTH! Feeling much better after losing 70 lbs, but I still have a bit to go. I'm also starting to train for my first 5k, and then we shall see after that! Thanks for the group! The support helps me stay motivated!
  • WestslopeCutty
    WestslopeCutty Posts: 30 Member
    Hi guys. Just like everyone, I'm looking to get back into shape and feel better. I felt my best when I was in the 150-155lb range (5' 6"), and hope to get back to that. I'm getting married in April, so hopefully I can get a good chunk of the weight off by then, but primarily, I want to make a marked improvement in my ability to keep up with my fiancée.

    My plan of attack is to 1) improve my eating: no more eating like a "man" 2) be more active, getting back into the habit of working out every day, be it yoga, swimming, or going for a bike ride

    Best wishes to everyone and let's do it!