Check In

kelag297 Posts: 103 Member
This is where we'll check in with each other and update each other on our progress. Feel free to post any workouts that you do, any changes you're noticing, any updates on your healthy lifestyles, etc here. Make sure to take a before picture and progress pictures (feel free to post them here, but its not mandatory that you do). Its amazing the difference you'll see in a picture that you don't see when looking at yourself in the mirror. Also weigh in and measure! Don't stress about the scale though, as long as progress is being made, everything is going as it should be!


  • SW - 182.2

    Today, I ate healthy and took an hour hike.
  • Stacy_Merrell
    Stacy_Merrell Posts: 35 Member
    Not the greatest "check in", but proud to say I am getting a jump start on my fitness goal for 2014 today, researching, reviewing, and menu planning. Sunday will be my start date.
  • Hi Ladies,

    Today is my day one and I walked on the treadmill for an hour between 2.0 and 3.0 with the incline between 12.0 and 15.0. I burned 781 calories! I don't walk very fast but the incline is super high so I burn a ton of cals Any faster and I probably wouldn't last for an hour. Anyways, I'm feeling pumped up! (hints all the exclamation points!!!) So next week I'm looking forward to posting my weight loss for the week! Yay me, yay you too :D
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    Yesterday i sabotaged my day by eating crap. So I am starting today not weighing in until tomorrow as we leave for home today and that will be the real scale i will use.

    Have to admit i really struggle at the end of the day with food choices.

    I don't have much to lose but am struggling. But I hate looking in the mirror. I am small chested so I hate me stomach being bigger than my chest.

    I am done with fad diets just want to eat healthy and exercise, but am impatient for results.
  • apark8
    apark8 Posts: 5
    To HoneyBee513-

    Isn't walking on the treadmill at an incline the best! I used to do this every once in a while, thinking that unless I was going at a 6.0 or above speed on an elliptical that I was not working hard enough or getting enough out of the gym but, I have found that if anything I burn more calories and can go longer which allows me to burn more calories which is great.

    I have also found that if I warm up on the elliptical for about ten minutes, or even less, to get my heart rate up I will then get on the treadmill at an incline and this allows me to burn more calories as well. I haven't yet had the patience to go for an hour, usually I only do 30 minutes at a time, so you've inspired me to give it a go this week and burn those calories!
  • Yesterday I started a couple 30 Day challanges. One is specifiaclly for arms and one is for abs, thighs, butt :) I am hoping I can tone up my arms and middle while I am loosing the weight. I am going to get these going for a week then add in JM 30 Day shred. I hope that these along with diet will help me loose my first 6lbs.
  • The past two days have been great. I have a 32 oz bottle that I fill and try to drink one at each meal. I am upping my exercise so I am upping my water too. My family and I just joined the y today. I want my whole family to be active and hopefully my girls will learn how to be fit and healthy all their lives. I plan to some morning fitness classes and then take then whole family 2-3 times a week. I plan to have weigh in on Wednesdays since that is when I really started. I also am doing Leslie Sansone Walk It Off in 30 days. I work at a school so we will see how this all works next week since I go back to work on Monday.
  • misa411
    misa411 Posts: 5 Member
    I did good today! I stayed in my calorie range and ran 3 miles! I am off to a good start!
  • Ok , so checking in. Have stuck to my eating plan and have done some Km's on my rowing machine (erg). Also have done some walking with the dog. Have been tempted to have some red wine. But that just makes me want to eat crap. So giving it a miss.
  • Okay so burning alot of calories on an inclined treadmill seems to be the way to go! Thanks for the tip guys. Will definitely be doing that in the gym from monday.
    My day wasnt too bad either. Had a low carb day, alot of fruits and water. So im pleased :)
  • misa411
    misa411 Posts: 5 Member
    I did good today! I was really grumpy this morning and would have loved to have a mocha, but I knew I couldn't fit it into my calorie alotment for the day, so I passed. I was so proud of myself! I knew it wouldn't make me feel better, so why have the extra calories? I am making good progress. :)
  • Stacy_Merrell
    Stacy_Merrell Posts: 35 Member
    I did good today...that is until "dinner" hit; daughter want to have a mommy/daughter night (she's 14 so those come far and few in between these days), so hard to say went to a chinese restaurant and tried to eat good...for the most part I stayed on target and stayed with the seafood...then came home and did the first day of JM 30 Day Shred and day 3 of my Squat challenge. I have been doing great on the water intake...have one of those 44 oz cups from a convenient store (that I put tea in, thankfully not a pop/soda drinker), but filled the cup 3 times (total of 132 oz.) then drank another 40 oz. in the evening. One thing I am usually very good about, drinking plenty of water.
  • df1982
    df1982 Posts: 147 Member
    So far, so good! Made it to the gym the last couple of days but took it really easy. I'm making a lot of changes to my diet right now so I don't want to stress my system out by trying to do a lot of intensive exercise on top of that. That is definitely my goal this year - not to overdo it on both diet and exercise, and go to such extremes that I inevitably burn out.
  • Garlicmushroom
    Garlicmushroom Posts: 51 Member
    I started back this year after a break from logging and my start weight is 152.2.
    i've gained 12lbs since October but i know about 5lbs was just in the last 3 weeks with all the christmas food.
    I'm not weighing myself till february as I'm getting back into logging and someone on my frinds list was doing the sameso afew of us are all waiting till feb.
    I'm hoping for good things
  • Modern_athena
    Modern_athena Posts: 81 Member
    Checking in. I'm so happy with my progress so far. I started (after a long period of overeating and regaining weight) on Jan 1, 2014. I've already lost 1 kg (2.2 lbs) and I didn't binge or exceed my goal calorie intake. Yesterday, I had a small piece of tart (with cream and strawberries) and felt so guilty about it but I managed to not overeat and I'm satisfied with that.
    My next check in will be when I'm no longer obese (3 kgs/ 7 lbs away!).

    Best of effort to all!
  • Hi all, checking in again :) So far things are going well. Staying a little under my calorie goal and getting a little workout in each day. I have been also been doing great with my water. I was a heavy diet dr pepper drinker, and have cut that back to one a day...though I think I have only had 3 in the past 5 days. Hopeing to cut it out completely by the end of the month!!

    Keep up the good work all. I love reading about everyone's journey!
  • Checking in. I will be away for a couple of weeks. My son and myself are going to New York for a holiday . Going to see some basketball. Go the heat. So will keep on track as best I can. We will do plenty of walking , weather permitting. It a long trip from here in New Zealand . Best can't wait to go , we leave tonight. Got the first fitness challenge and can do that while away. See you in two weeks.
  • To HoneyBee513-

    Isn't walking on the treadmill at an incline the best! I used to do this every once in a while, thinking that unless I was going at a 6.0 or above speed on an elliptical that I was not working hard enough or getting enough out of the gym but, I have found that if anything I burn more calories and can go longer which allows me to burn more calories which is great.

    I have also found that if I warm up on the elliptical for about ten minutes, or even less, to get my heart rate up I will then get on the treadmill at an incline and this allows me to burn more calories as well. I haven't yet had the patience to go for an hour, usually I only do 30 minutes at a time, so you've inspired me to give it a go this week and burn those calories!

    Hey! Just saw this today :) were you able to get to the hour? What I do is make sure I have some good beats pumping in my ears (Slacker Radio Hip Hop workout station) and move with the beat of the song. If it's going faster I move closer to the 3.0 and slower closer to 2.0. I also start out with it on 15 for the incline and if I'm getting drained, move it down but not under 12.0. Once I'm feeling good again, back up closer to the 15. I stay in those ranges and usually burn between 700 and 800 cals per hour. I leave feeling victorious everytime! Glad this technique works for you too. I'm gonna try the eliptical warm up tonight! Thanks for the tip :)
  • Oops, forgot to check in lol. So today I am at 223, down 3lbs since 1/1/14. Feeling pretty good about my start. I haven't been able to get into the gym since the first because of major snow storms :( But I'm hitting the treadmill tonight after work. Good luck everyone!
  • AIJ5812
    AIJ5812 Posts: 4 Member
    274. Down 7 lbs and feeling good!