gitnfit2 Posts: 203 Member
As we get closer to the end of 2013 I smile and look back on how I did this year. I am 15 or so pounds lighter and completed my first half marathon. I am also starting to look to the new year and the challenges I have already set for myself. I plan to complete my first full marathon in November of 2014 and 2 half marathons in 2014. I have also set forth the challenge to eat better this year reducing the processed foods I take in and just trying to eat cleaner. I am excited for what the changes shall bring and hope that everyone here is excited to what the new year will bring and are proud of their accomplishments of 2013. May we all have a safe and happy new years. What challenges have you set for yourself?


  • Guinivere
    Guinivere Posts: 357 Member
    I'm getting married in August so I need to drop to a UK 10/12 to get into my wedding dress.
    But will happy to maintain 12/14 after that.
    So I need to drop 4 inches off my waist in the next 7 months.
    I've bought some heavy-ish dumb bells 15kg x 2 for my 41st birthday so I can really top up my daily efforts.
    I'm also hoping to do Focus T25 in March. When I have saved the money.
    I've already started 30 day shred.

    I'm enjoying having my body back after losing 3stone in 6 months, will be even better with two stone less fat on it, and loads more muscle!
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    12 pull ups
    18% body fat
    Run a 10k
    Stick to low carb eating for more than 2 meals in a row. :laugh:
  • gitnfit2
    gitnfit2 Posts: 203 Member
    Congrats on the up coming wedding Guinivere!! I struggle with the low carb for more than 2 meals...Love my breads and pasta...
  • annfoster06
    annfoster06 Posts: 18 Member
    Struggling between a 10k and a half marathon...worried about overstretching although I have already done a 10k last year!...Maybe I've just answered my own query!

    2014 here I come!
  • CrazyKylie
    My goals for this year are to:
    Finally hit goal of 125.
    Be able to do as many push ups as my 9 year old can do, and have some definition in my arms.
    Ride my bike every Sunday morning.
    Maybe do some kind of fun 5K, like the Color Run? I don't know, I don't run at all, so that will be a stretch. But they look like so much fun. :)
  • gitnfit2
    gitnfit2 Posts: 203 Member
    Just thought of this one so had to add it to my challenge list for 2014, DRINK MORE WATER...
  • jamesadams3766952
    My goals are the following:

    1. Stick with MFP
    2. Reach my initial goal of 200lbs
    3. Restart participation in 5k runs
    4. Avoid crash/fad diets and not give up what makes me happy (just enjoy in moderation)
  • buckeyefan0426
    buckeyefan0426 Posts: 1 Member
    nice set of goals
  • Solar07
    Solar07 Posts: 83 Member
    Goals to complete before end of year:
    1. Lose 20lbs.
    2. Drink 64 oz. water daily.
    3. Walk 30 minutes/day, 6 days a week.
    4. Increase my protein intake and eat less carbs.
    5. Finish my wedding album (we'll be married 7 years in April).
  • Solar07
    Solar07 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm with you about the water. Really need to increase my fluid intake, but mostly need just plain water. Good luck with it!!:drinker:
  • Solar07
    Solar07 Posts: 83 Member
    Just thought of this one so had to add it to my challenge list for 2014, DRINK MORE WATER...

    I'm with you about the water. Really need to increase my fluid intake, but mostly need just plain water. Good luck with it!!drinker
  • willsmart70
    willsmart70 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone... New year Goal

    Say goodbye to processed foods

    Run 1st Half Marathon

    Keep on smiling... 40's are amazing...
  • orangequilt
    orangequilt Posts: 4,353 Member
    I'd like to lose 5kg (about 10lb), worry less,and use my time more productively! Drinking more water would be good too!!
  • lisaanne1369
    lisaanne1369 Posts: 377 Member
    I want to keep running and try a 10-k in May.
  • gitnfit2
    gitnfit2 Posts: 203 Member
    I want to keep running and try a 10-k in May.

    You can do it. put your mind to it and train for it and you can crush the 10k
  • gitnfit2
    gitnfit2 Posts: 203 Member
    Hi everyone... New year Goal

    Say goodbye to processed foods

    Run 1st Half Marathon

    Keep on smiling... 40's are amazing...

    I am fighting with the processed foods as well and it is a tough battle...
  • riasntx
    riasntx Posts: 25 Member
    Processed Foods...that's a good one! I've done very well with counting calories and portion control. Now I need to focus on eating cleaner.
  • Spambo16
    Spambo16 Posts: 223 Member
    I've got two: one is to get to goal weight. Second is to dig my bike out of the back of the garage and start riding again.
  • Link2Life
    Link2Life Posts: 102 Member
    My goals:

    Lose 10% by July 4th (or I will lose $$$ in my DietBet competition)
    Finish the Couch to 5K training plan.
    Participate in my 1st 5K by July and a 10k by October
    Ride my horse in 4 25-50 mile endurance ride (depending on his fitness)
    Strengthen my core (not sure how to measure this!)

    Oh...and every day...
    Be active doing something for minimum of 30 minutes
    Eat within calorie range
  • Dr0p15
    Dr0p15 Posts: 4
    My 2014 goals are to:
    -eat fewer sweets
    -increase water intake (and less 'adult' drinks)
    -keep up with MFP- the food journaling is really helping me see where my calories go.
    -compete in 2 sprint Triathalons
    -remember I'm in my 40s and so is my metabolism. Long gone are the days where I could eat anything and not gain a pound.

    For those of you looking for a great cardio regimen...training for a tri is great! It sounds hard, but doing all 3 sports instead of just running is incredible. I used to be a runner, but have found how much I love to ride and swim.