Week 1 Tips



  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,436 Member
    I got Day 2 - Speed 1.0 DONE!! I followed Shaun and kept up pretty much all the way until we got to the burpees...I think I was missing one or two...can't watch the TV and burpee at the same time. I have to modify burpees a bit. Yeah, I thought the last nine minutes are killer, but I got it done. Some of my moves weren't very pretty and it was very sweaty!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    Day 3 in the basket. It was tougher. The walking planks into push-ups are tough, I refuse to drop onto my knees, so I am sure I missed some. Spiderman pushups are tough. I have done them before recently. Still hard. The last five minutes were a blessing, only because I knew I was almost done. :) I will be glad when I can say I nailed it!

  • rjdunn87
    rjdunn87 Posts: 385 Member
    Awesome job you guys! I'm still following Tania's modification on burpees for now. I may try again tomorrow, but so far I just can't seem to get them down and I'm concerned about injury from doing them correctly. When I try to come back up, I can't quite jump so that my feet land flat on the floor, I'm always landing on my toes and then pushing myself up.

    Week 2 day 1 down for me! Cardio was good today, I feel like I really pushed myself a little harder and was able to do more and keep up better even than when I did it on Friday. Feels great!
  • afeinberg
    afeinberg Posts: 93 Member
    this is my last week of alpha phase and its much easier than in the beginning - but 3 total body circuits this week... well two more.. have MERCY...
  • Robin_Brown72
    Robin_Brown72 Posts: 104 Member
    this is my last week of alpha phase and its much easier than in the beginning - but 3 total body circuits this week... well two more.. have MERCY...

    Will you please share your Alpha Phase results? I'd like to know how many inches and pounds lost :). Great job!

    Have you been taking Saturday completely off and stretching on Sunday or are you supplementing other workouts? Just curious what everyone else is doing. Yesterday was the first Sunday in awhile that I didn't do some sort of cardio - just the T25 Stretch video. It actually felt awesome to stretch!
  • rjdunn87
    rjdunn87 Posts: 385 Member
    this is my last week of alpha phase and its much easier than in the beginning - but 3 total body circuits this week... well two more.. have MERCY...

    Will you please share your Alpha Phase results? I'd like to know how many inches and pounds lost :). Great job!

    Have you been taking Saturday completely off and stretching on Sunday or are you supplementing other workouts? Just curious what everyone else is doing. Yesterday was the first Sunday in awhile that I didn't do some sort of cardio - just the T25 Stretch video. It actually felt awesome to stretch!

    I took Saturday completely off, and Sunday I did Jillian Michaels's Ripped in 30 and then the stretch video, which I LOVED.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,436 Member
    Day 3 is DONE!! Not all Shaun but not all modified. I have knee issues and can't be on a hard surface like they are, so I have to have pads close by. I'll get quicker next time around. Parts of me are really sore...

  • Pang29pang
    Pang29pang Posts: 103 Member
    today was day 1 for me....alpha cardio...I got 197 calories burned in the 25 minutes....not that great of a result because I get more on 20 minutes of treadmill...however I did do mostly the modified...I find the lunges to be my worse area on the cardio...see what is next !!
  • afeinberg
    afeinberg Posts: 93 Member
    hi guys... i dont' weigh or measure - honestly i don't even own a scale b/c i would be way too obsessed with the numbers and get discouraged easily...

    i do know that i am tighter and my clothes fit looser and that my endurance is definitely up and two of my neighbors noticed that i looked a little leaner so that's something...i'm able to do much less modifying now than in the beginning but the jumping is still super hard for me on my joints...

    I am divorced mom of two with two full time jobs and full custody... this works for me with the time and the not having to think about what work out to do...

    i have ideally about 20-30 lbs to lose (30 may be pushing it) but I'm more about wanting to just LOOK better and to get into a bikini this summer (It doesn't have to be perfect.. just not laughable)

    I attribute the success to both regular exercise and a significant decrease in alcohol consumption and increase in water as well as being much more mindful about food

    I did take saturdays completely off.. its my complete personal opinion only that my body needs a rest... i usually do a yoga class sunday mornings so i don't do the stretch

    looking forward to and a little scared for beta phase...

    I don't use a heart rate monitor or body bugg but am curious as to whether i am estimating the calorie burn correcty using the MFP - i log it as 25 minutes aerobics high impact and get about 211 calories

    what are you guys getting?
  • elaine_des
    elaine_des Posts: 189 Member

    I don't use a heart rate monitor or body bugg but am curious as to whether i am estimating the calorie burn correcty using the MFP - i log it as 25 minutes aerobics high impact and get about 211 calories

    what are you guys getting?

    I have a bodymedia and I burn in between 185 and 230 cal depending on the workout. Cardio being the highest and abd the lowest. So your estimate is pretty good.
  • mpersun
    mpersun Posts: 22 Member
    I'm using the modifier a lot as well. My knees hurt no clicking though. I'm making my goal to no longer need to modify by the end of week 3.
    So, I finished the entire week of T25 (even with that terrible two workouts in one day bit!). I find myself having to do the modifier for almost every day. I am getting a weird sort of clicking noise in my knees. Ah! Does anyone else have this strange problem? I hope as I lose weight and get more flexible that it goes away....

    Other than that pesky problem, I feel great (read: sore)!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    Day four done. Much nicer to me than the other ones. :) I really like reading everything that all of you pot here. Thanks for all the information. :)

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,436 Member
    Day 4 - Ab Intervals - DONE! My body does not do pretty 'V' sits, and I'm lucky to get my feet 10 inches off the mat. But I got it done! I will be sore tomorrow.

    Hope everyone has a good Wednesday.

  • LivvieO
    LivvieO Posts: 164 Member
    Day 1-4 done with heavy panting and quite a bit of following the modifier but I got sick on day 5 so starting over with day 1 today.

    Starting measurements:

    Weight = 139lbs
    Waist = 29"
    Hips = 36"
    Arms = 12"
    Thighs= 23"
    Chest = 36"
  • Robin_Brown72
    Robin_Brown72 Posts: 104 Member
    Great job everyone! Just finished Week 2, Day 3 - Speed 1.0. I'm definitely not as quick as Shaun doing the burpees (well or anything else for that matter) - but I do give it my best effort!

    I'm logging my workouts as aerobic, high intensity or circuit training, general - depending on which workout I do. Today was aerobic, high intensity and I think I burned 226 calories. I have an HRM ordered and is on it's way. I'm a little worried I've totally over estimating my calorie burn.

    I hope by the time I'm in week 4 or 5 I can say "Nailed It" on at least a couple of the workouts!

    Happy Hump Day! Hope everyone has a great one!
  • kamyers1289
    kamyers1289 Posts: 129 Member
    Great job everyone! Just finished Week 2, Day 3 - Speed 1.0. I'm definitely not as quick as Shaun doing the burpees (well or anything else for that matter) - but I do give it my best effort!

    I'm logging my workouts as aerobic, high intensity or circuit training, general - depending on which workout I do. Today was aerobic, high intensity and I think I burned 226 calories. I have an HRM ordered and is on it's way. I'm a little worried I've totally over estimating my calorie burn.

    I hope by the time I'm in week 4 or 5 I can say "Nailed It" on at least a couple of the workouts!

    Happy Hump Day! Hope everyone has a great one!

    I'm right there too. I'm getting rid of a cold and the workout was really tough on me with all the hopping and whatnot, so I modified a good amount of the time. I keep reminding myself that I am doing more than I've ever done, which is what really matters in the end. Keep going guys!
  • kamyers1289
    kamyers1289 Posts: 129 Member
    this is my last week of alpha phase and its much easier than in the beginning - but 3 total body circuits this week... well two more.. have MERCY...

    Yeah not looking forward to this.
  • afeinberg
    afeinberg Posts: 93 Member
    it seems we are all SUPER hard on ourselves and we need to be kinder eh? this is REALLY hard and we are doing it! Pushing play every day and modifying or not, we have all committed to making changes that are amazing for our phsyical and emotional wellbeing.

    I'm proud of all us ... and I'll say it despite it being so hard to feel sometimes... I'm proud of me too!!

    In two days I'll have finsihed alpha phase.... it wasn't always pretty or perfect but I did it

    And that's HUGE!!

    So let's try to give ourselves permission to be less than perfect and to take credit for what we DO do.. show up, push play, give it the best we have and rinse, lather, repeat...

    Happy Wednesday!

  • Robin_Brown72
    Robin_Brown72 Posts: 104 Member
    So true Allison! We need to be patting ourselves on the back for what we DID do! Thank you for reminding all of us!!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,897 Member
    I worked late tonight. So I will have to do the cardio one tomorrow. This should have been day five of week one. But it ended up being 4.5! I did get the lower body DVD done. I have always had strong legs, and I was still crying like a teenager half way through. I pushed through my adolescent temper tantrum and finished strong. Great going team!
