Fit Test Stats

kbolton322 Posts: 358 Member
Everyone, lets all post our Fit Test Stats and motivate each other to be the best we can be.

Week 1
Switch Kicks -
Power Jacks -
Power Knees -
Power Jumps -
Globe Jumps -
Suicide Jumps -
Push-Up Jacks -
Low Plank Oblique -


  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    First Fit Test - 31 December 2013

    Switch Kicks - 130
    Power Jacks - 64
    Power Knees - 100
    Power Jumps - 35

    *had to stop for a dry retch break*

    Globe Jumps 10
    *2nd retch break*

    Suicide Jumps - 20
    *stopped for a break - lying on the floor*

    Push Up Jacks - 15
    *break - again, collapsed on the floor*

    Low Plank Oblique - 30
  • d3ck5
    d3ck5 Posts: 47
    1th Jan 14 :)

    fit test results
    switch kicks 150
    power jacks 65
    power knees 125
    power jumps 35
    globe jumps 12
    suicides 19
    push jacks 31
    low planks 73

    no breaks, straight through.

    more indicative of a final fit test and i doubt highly my numbers would improve too much at the end of it.

    rock on!
  • squid1979
    squid1979 Posts: 19 Member
    Here are the results from my first fit test on the 1st of Jan.

    Switch Kicks 103
    Power Jacks 46
    Power Knees 80
    Power Jumps 31
    Globe Jumps 25
    Suicide Jumps 13
    Push-Up Jacks 30
    Low Plank Oblique 53
  • kbolton322
    kbolton322 Posts: 358 Member
    Here's mine... I was at work when I posted this topic
    Jan 31 st fit test

    Switch kicks 60
    Power jacks 34
    Power knees 70
    Power jumps 20
    Globe jumps 7
    Suicide jumps 16
    Push up jacks 20
    Low plank obluques 50
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    SECOND FIT TEST (13 Jan 2014)

    Switch Kicks - 130 (- no change)

    Power Jacks - 70 (+6)

    Power Knees - 109 (+9)

    Power Jumps - 50 (+15)

    Globe Jumps 11 (+1)

    Suicide Jumps - 20 (-)

    Push Up Jacks - 20 (+5)

    Low Plan Oblique - 70 (+40)

    But this time - NO BREAKS to retch into my desk bin or lie on the floor panting. :)
  • Soritaia
    Soritaia Posts: 63 Member
    Jan 1st results

    Switch Kicks 60
    Power Jacks 30
    Power Knees 65
    Power Jumps 38
    Globe Jumps 6
    Suicide Jumps 13
    Push-Up Jacks 16
    Low Plank Oblique 40

    I'll post the second test in 3 days O.O
  • squid1979
    squid1979 Posts: 19 Member
    OK. Here are the results from my second fit test.

    1. Switch Kicks - 146 (+43)
    2. Power Jacks - 53 (+7)
    3. Power Knees - 97 (+17)
    4. Power Jumps - 45 (+14)
    5. Globe Jumps - 30 (+5)
    6. Suicide Jumps - 18 (+5)
    7. Push-Up Jacks - 36 (+6)
    8. Low Plank Oblique - 61 (+8)
  • Soritaia
    Soritaia Posts: 63 Member
    jan 16th fit test
    1. Switch Kicks - 90 (+30)
    2. Power Jacks - 40 (+10)
    3. Power Knees - 84 (+19)
    4. Power Jumps - 49 (+11)
    5. Globe Jumps - 8 (+2)
    6. Suicide Jumps - 17(+4)
    7. Push-Up Jacks - 22 (+6)
    8. Low Plank Oblique - 57 (+17)
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    THIRD Fit Test results.

    Switch Kicks - 135 (+5)

    Power Jacks - 75 (+5)

    Power Knees - 115 (+4)

    Felt like retching

    Power Jumps - 61 (+11 )

    Paused DVD until I got my breath back

    Globe Jumps 11 (-)

    Suicide Jumps - 21 (-)

    Push Up Jacks - 25 (+5)

    Low Plan Oblique - 85 (+15)

    Pretty impressed with the results.

    Have started the Month 2 workouts.

    Wow, it is like the first week again!
  • squid1979
    squid1979 Posts: 19 Member
    OK. Here are the results from my third fit test.

    1. Switch Kicks - 143 (-3)
    2. Power Jacks - 61 (+8)
    3. Power Knees - 101 (+4)
    4. Power Jumps - 61 (+16)
    5. Globe Jumps - 34 (+4)
    6. Suicide Jumps - 19 (+1)
    7. Push-Up Jacks - 40 (+4)
    8. Low Plank Oblique - 65 (+4)

    Not quite sure what happened with the switch kicks. Musn't have warmed up enough.

    Also, should have mention that my globe jumps aren't proper globe jumps because I didn't have enough room when I did the first fit test. I stuck with my modified version so I could track improvement.
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    First Fit Test - 31 December 2013

    Switch Kicks - 130
    Power Jacks - 64
    Power Knees - 100
    Power Jumps - 35

    *had to stop for a dry retch break*

    Globe Jumps 10
    *2nd retch break*

    Suicide Jumps - 20
    *stopped for a break - lying on the floor*

    Push Up Jacks - 15
    *break - again, collapsed on the floor*

    Low Plank Oblique - 30

    4th Fit Test results

    Switch Kicks - 150

    Power Jacks - 75

    Power Knees - 120

    Power Jumps - 70

    Globe Jumps 12

    Suicide Jumps - 22

    paused video for a few minutes

    Push Up Jacks - 30

    Low Plan Oblique - 95

    These Month 2 workouts are a bit long for my liking - I am looking forward to finishing this bstard off!