One week check-ins

Icebureau Posts: 7 Member
One week into the new year, how are things going?

For me, it's been a little tough with travel woes (stuck in Minnesota!), but I've taken it as an opportunity to practice not stress-eating. I don't have a scale to weigh myself here, but hopefully I can report some positive results from my gym this week!

How are the rest of you doing?


  • mividasaludable
    mividasaludable Posts: 8 Member
    The snow business is not helping, but I managed to make it to the gym and the grocery store and got lots of fruits and veggies before it hit. I've been stuck at home most of the weekend but at least I have healthy food here and did a couple yoga routines :) I guess that would be a NSV! Glad you've been successful too!
  • I've done pretty well at exercising and remaining under calories. Not seeing it yet on the scale, but it will come. Gotta keep plugging along. Thanks for the encouragement!
  • hawkeyehoulihan
    hawkeyehoulihan Posts: 2 Member
    I've been tracking every day! I feel like that's the even bigger victory for me. Yes, I have also been on track with my goals, but just the fact that I am really paying attention, I feel the difference mentally and it's awesome. I feel so much more in control and like I have a plan. I also got a fitbit and can see my steps-- it's great motivation too, to make sure I am really staying active throughout the day.

    good luck everyone! Keep going!!!!
  • TurtleHana
    TurtleHana Posts: 5 Member
    I've been tracking my calories for 10 days now. The only problem I was having was craving Ice Cream or more specifically a dipped vanilla cone, interestingly I do not eat ice cream all that often.

    Regardless my husband and I found Carb Smart vanilla bars with a chocolate coating. They fit into my carb intake and I'm doing well with not going over my calories.

    Now I feel like everything is going smoothly. I've lost 5.2lbs and my husband has lost 10lbs.
  • cocoabean287
    cocoabean287 Posts: 4 Member
    This week is going great. I've managed to not stress eat at work (I'm a 911 operator/dispatcher) so that's alone makes it great! I've also managed to stay within my calorie intake and make it to the gym every day this week. Haven't weighed in just yet, that'll be Saturday. :)
  • Dandelionesss
    Dandelionesss Posts: 9 Member
    It sounds like everyone is doing really well! Woo hoo.
    I'm doing well, I'm on track. Weigh in is tomorrow because I forgot to do it this morning. I didn't really take an accurate weight when I started this, I rounded a number I had a few days previous. I am kind of regretting it, but we'll see how it looks tomorrow.

    I am cooking a lot more again, which I am really enjoying. Another positive coming out of this journey.
  • 805surf
    805surf Posts: 5 Member
    Broke my 3-week plateau and 4 pounds dropped off of me this week alone. My max bench press went up 10 lbs too which makes me happy, it worries me when I lose weight too fast and get weak. The surf also picked up and made me work harder so I didn't have to hit the elliptical so much this week, that's always a bonus. 60 minutes of surfing feels like 5 minutes and 60 minutes of elliptical feels like a MONTH.

  • mumblesbot
    mumblesbot Posts: 5 Member
    Glad to see everyone is kicking *kitten*! I started a diet bet this week and I'm so ****ing nervous for it. Basically, you have to take a full length picture of yourself on a scale, then a picture of the scale. The pot is about 200 bucks, which makes me a taaad more competitive than I was when I first signed up for it, lol.

    Health wise, I'm doing DDP yoga every other day with some gym time thrown in there. I've been eating pretty okay, too, but I still get hungry once and while which SUCKS. I need to work on healthy snackin.