
jack1925 Posts: 186 Member
Hi everyone! Please take the time to introduce yourselves to me as well as the other members! I'll start! I'm 27 year old and I live in North Dakota. I've been married for 18 months and we have 3 cats. We plan on having a baby, after I lose the rest of my weight. I've been on my weight loss journey since March 1st, 2010. To date I've lost 75 pounds. I still need to lose another 75 pounds!


  • l_clc
    l_clc Posts: 126 Member
    Good morning everyone! (or evening ;)...). I'm from Prince Edward Island, Canada (29 years young) and I'm working to lose my last 11 pounds! I just finished up Jillian's Ripped in 30 program (that's a lie, TODAY is my last day :P!!!) and I'm psyched about getting started with Body Revolution on Tuesday! (I take 2 days of rest each week). Is everyone else waiting until the New Year to start?

    Jack1925: HUGE congrats on your weight loss thus far!!
  • jessjphillips
    jessjphillips Posts: 72 Member
    Hey all! I'm Jess from Australia. I'm 22 and a big Jillian fan, although 2013 has been a lazy one for me so I've lost a lot of fitness. I've tried body revolution before and got through Phase 1, and half of Phase 2 - it's a good program! I'm hoping to start at the start again on Jan 1 and actually complete it this time :)

    These groups are so good for accountability - go team!
  • candicelh79
    candicelh79 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm from Southern California! I live it here! On Christmas it was 80 degrees. Here you never really put your summer clothes away because you never know when warm weather is coming. I want to tone up for the sleeveless days and want to be ready for bathing suit season. Hopefully Jillian comes through for me (and I hope I come through for me too). I started BR a little earlier than Jan 1st, I started Friday, Dec. 27th. Can't wait to see results!
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member

    I am a 46 year old married (25 years soon) mom of two teen boys who are competitive swimmers (in other words they rarely stop eating!). I started Body Revolution on January 30, so I just completed week 1 today (looking forward to a rest day tomorrow!!). I am a fitness runner (in other words I am not into races! I just enjoy running), and I have twice completed Jillian's 30 day shred and Ripped in 30, and I have completed 6week six pack and extreme shed and shred one time each. I am at a healthy weight, but I am up about 8 lbs from what I feel is ideal. Plus I can't seem to get rid of the muffin top, even though I have toned legs and arms with very little fat on them. It seems sometimes that my legs and arms will disappear before I lose the belly fat! So that is why I am doing revolution. I wanted a comprehensive full body plan, and I felt like I didn't get that with the other workouts, since you do the same workout several times in a week. I would love to add some muscle. (I actually think I added a bit of thigh muscle this fall re doing Shred and Ripped-my pants seem a bit more snug in the leg. Hope it is not fat!)

    So far I like the Revolution workouts. I have been able to do many of the advanced modifications so far! (That made me feel strong until I moved furniture with my 15 year old--he kept saying, "mom, why aren't you picking up your end?"!!). This week, since the weather has been nice here in the mid south,I have run for my cardio workouts. (Btw, I did not do the kickstart since I am close to goal weight.). I may not be so lucky with the weather next week, so probably I will try the cardio DVD!

    I am not following her diet plan strictly. I am continuing to eat at a 10-15% deficit instead. I am constantly trying to improve the quality of my diet for myself and for my family, though. I do pretty well, except for snacking too much. But I do almost always stay under my calorie goal.

    Here is my biggest frustration--I have been losing and re-gaining the same two or three pounds for a year now. I would really like to say goodbye to them for good. I am open to suggestions, and my diary is open as well. Just for reference, I weigh 124 lbs, I am 5'2.5",and I am 46. MyBMR, based on tracking my food and weight over the past year is about 1150-1250. I wear a Bodymedia, and it measures my TDEE between 1500 and 1800 most days.

    Looking forward to getting to know you guys!
  • astronut96
    astronut96 Posts: 73 Member
    I'd like to join ... I started on 12/30 so today is my rest day. I'm 44 and live in southeast Texas. This is the second time I've done JMBR but the first round (March 2013) was prior to rotator cuff repair surgery so I wasn't able to fully do all of the exercises. I'm only 5 months post surgery now so I'll still have to take it a bit easy but I'm very curious to see the difference between then and now.

    I'm not following the diet plan but I eat pretty healthy already. I just joined MFP and in the short time I've used it I have learned so much about portions and macronutrients.

    I look forward to participating in this group and sharing encouragement, frustration and pride.
  • kri1977
    kri1977 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi there!

    I am 36 and living in Europe. Started BR a few days ago. Am planning to modify it a bit as follows:

    Monday: rest
    Tuesday: Workout
    Wed: Workout
    Thursday: Pilates
    Friday: Workout
    Sat: workout
    Sun: Cardio

    Have already done 30DS and RI30D so am a fan of Jillian :)

    First 2 times I was in pain, now am loving the feeling. Need to get rid of all the xmas excesses!

  • yujinclara

    I'm Yujin, age 39 and new here.
    I'm a Korean via Canada via Australia.
    I currently live in Singapore and have been for the last 5 years already.

    I have been at various fitness states throughout my life but lately I guess I'd call myself skinny fat.
    I wanted to change that before my 40th birthday comes around next year. Plus I was inspired by my spouse who lost 28KG's last year.

    I embarked on a journey with JM inspired by the results from MFP members and started with 30DS.
    I am 5,7 (170cm) was at 56KG to start with at around 29% body fat.
    I finished 30DS, enjoyed it so much that I started and completed RI30.
    I was midway through 6W6P but Christmas got in the way.
    Instead of completing it, I thought I would begin BR in time for the new year and pick up 6W6P once I complete BR.
    I'd gained a bit over the week of Christmas so I turbocharged the W1 of BR with additional cycling cardio as per JM's Kickstart recommendation.
    My current stats are: 59KG at 20.8% body fat. (I should post pics from 29%!!)
    My goal is to complete BR and get to about 17-8% body fat. Something I never even imagined was even possible for me but I think it's doable.

    So... that's me! :-D
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    Just wondering--what is everyone's plan when you finish the program? Will you find a new program, or just repeat your favorite body revolution DVDs?

    I am being optimistic--I plan on finishing!! And looking great!
  • yujinclara
    I was thinking of completing 6Week 6Pack but a few people on the site were talking about T25. I thought it warrants further investigation.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    Hmm hadn't thought of 6-pack. That might be a good idea. Especially since so far BR is lighter on the abs.

    I am looking forward to weigh in tomorrow. I weigh daily, and haven't seen a lot of movement, but It will be interesting after a rest day. Need to watch the sodium today too;).
  • jack1925
    jack1925 Posts: 186 Member
    I am planning on doing completeing many JM dvds throughout this year and ending 2014 with a 2nd round od body revolution!