
lightinfl Posts: 229 Member
Since this is a public group, I suspect there are some lurking out there, trying to get a feel as to what this group is all about. The core group of us have posted together for a number of years but there's always room for more. Right now the group is transitioning from one site to another so it looks like it's just me but the rest should follow before too long :)

To give you a little feel for the group, I'd like all of us to introduce ourselves.
I'll start :)

I'm light, I started my weight loss journey at 198 lbs, with a lot of hard work and diligence, went down to 154 lbs. Life intervened, and I found it hard to log in and even harder to find time to exercise. Not hard to imagine how I went back up to 188 lbs over 2 years so I am fighting to get it off again, and this time around, I am planning to keep it off. The key for me is logging the food and getting regular exercise. I can't slack off on one or the other. I am 59 yrs old, have the metabolism of a slug and work a very sedentary job. Some days I am lucky and can get out for a walk during my lunch break, other days I am limited to what I can do between getting off work (late) and falling into bed. It's a fight but I'm not a quitter.
SW: 198
CW: 183
GW: 125 , which is still a little pudgy for someone who is only 4ft 11 but I'll reevaluate it when the time comes that I get close to that goal. I've got a long ways to go, but at least I didn't gain it all back...

Hopefully the rest will be along in a little while and I won't be talking to myself, LOL


  • Hi all!
    Thank you Lightnfl for inviting me to your group!
    I just started MFP 20 something days ago and already lost 6 Pounds!
    I am very excited about that and want to continue losing weight the "right " way!
    Slow and steady. I am thinking about buying a Fitbit Flex how are you guys liking it?
    Would love to hear your reviews!
  • PS!!!!............
    I just got the fitbit one!!! I am sooooooo excited!!!
  • lightinfl
    lightinfl Posts: 229 Member
    Good to see you here :) Hopefully the others will be here soon.

    I use a Fitbit and like it, especially for the price and no monthly fees. I like how it slips in my bra and find that the calorie burn estimate it provides is pretty close to what I was getting while using the bodybugg. I liked the bodybugg a lot but when mine wore out, I decided to switch due to the arm irritation I was experiencing with it. I miss the bb's notification of when I met my step goal and wish the Fb would incorporate that little feature but otherwise, I like the fb just fine :)
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    Hello, all. SarahM here. I am so glad that the Short N Sassy Team that started four years ago on the Apex message boards as support for people who are short in stature and thus share some weight-loss challenges will live on. Thank you again, Light for picking up the reins. I was honored to take over as team captain on the Apex message board several years ago when Ziggymoon reached her goal and moved on.

    I need to start work now, but will be back later to put in some info about myself for members and potential members who don't know me. I'm looking forward to sharing things that work for me to get healthier, pick up tips, and just share what is going on, because you guys keep me honest and help me deal with the frustrations that make if tempting to give up. Because of this team, I've lost weight, have successfully kept some of it off, plan to re-lose the pounds I gained back, and more important--maintain my goal weight.
  • lightinfl
    lightinfl Posts: 229 Member
    So good to see you made it over here today, Sarah :) I've missed your chatter :)

    Hopefully Lastchance will make it over here soon, too. I know how hard it must be for her to check in right now.

    I'm finding it a bit easier to log my foods over here and it's easier to add a little note, too, since I'm here already here. Food logging is going well and I'm getting more intentional exercise. Weight is moving down in response, too... whooo hooo!~
  • chesire78
    chesire78 Posts: 2 Member
    hi my name is Laura
    i am using a bodybugg V3 and the watch. Yesterday was my 1st day. I had a V1 when they 1st came out , was on the apex boards and loved it. Almost got down to goal within 10 pounds and everything just kind of stopped for me. Really I began to focus on other things in life and my weight slipped. Now that I have a bit more balance in my life, and understand health in a bigger way, I am super excited to be able to lose weight and get healthy. so far I am loving the food logging here.
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    Welcome Laura,

    I'm also a Bodybugg V3 user. I bought mine in February 2010. I'm 5'2" and started at 155 pouunds. I reached my goal of 130 in October of that year, losing about a half pound a week. At first, I planned to lose to 125, but something happened. I felt comfortable at 130 and relaxed. Long story short, my hubby developed back problems and could no longer walk with me very much, so dropped from two 3-mile walks a day to one, became less vigilant at weighing and measuring food, so now I'm at back at 142, and am trying hard to get the scale moving back downward again.

    My V3 is acting up a bit, but I hope it will hang in here a little while longer. I almost typed in, "until the BodyMedia Core 2 comes out," but goodness--I don't use any of the bells and whistles, so that shouldn't be a consideration. :smile:

    I do like the bugg, and I'm getting used to the BodyMedia site. Hope we can exchange good ideas and help keep each motivated. The Short N Sassy team has been a big part of my healthier lifestyle, first on the Apex site, then on an independent site, and hopefully here, too. (We keep moving as our host sites close.)

    Again, welcome!

  • Lastchancelj
    Lastchancelj Posts: 1,341 Member
    Hellllloooooo Ladies (and any gents that may pop on) - I made it!!!

    Light - Thanks so much for setting this up... I really appreciate it.

    I was a BBr for about 4 years and have been on the FitBit for about a year now. I was successful in attaining 174 about 2 years ago and had been maintaining mid 180-192 for the past year, until during one our fun mud runs (Rogue Runner), someone fell on me and severed my ACL. This has been the hardest injury to come back from. I don't get it, but I'm not giving up. My hubby and I (we think it's our midlife crisis) have discovered and really enjoy the new fad of the mud obstacle runs. Our initial experience was the Warrior Dash three years ago. Warrior Dash was my rotator cuff repair six month post op goal. It was a blast. We have since participated in Mud Factor, Rogue Runner, Warrior Dash, Spartan Sprint, Rugged Maniac and the mother of all races, the 13 miler - Tough Mudder (we worked hard for our orange We both have a goal to participate in the Tough Mudder 2014 on April 6 - new hip and new ACL, we're quite the pair. I also love to hike and train with my trainer.

    I made that scary step and jumped on the scale on Monday...after a week of hospital cafeteria food, I wanted to see where I was headed and my new starting point.

    Highest Weight: 238
    Current Weight: 204

    Cheryl should be checking in soon and I believe Sheesh is in Grandbabyland.

    Sarah - I have my google chrome set to open certain pages when I launch the app and my bbforum tab is so sad. I must update my settings. But at least we're all gathering here and hopefully gain more friends on our journey.

    Laura - welcome to our group.

    Light - your FB does give your goal accomplishment. But if you wear it between the girls strapped to the inside of your bra as I do, it's hard to see. However, I have it linked to my iPhone and it does give me a notification there as well. Be sure you give it approval on your phone under notifications. Anytime I want an update, I just click on my little icon and I see that I have to get up off the tush and get moving.

    Since I was unable to train or do therapy last week, and I was just plum exhausted last night, I did go to therapy this morning. OMG, the knee and groin were soooo tight and icky. Survived 60 minutes of hands on pushing and kneading, but I felt great relief. Had nothing left for any activity (attempted side shuffles and karaokes without success). I will resume my workout tomorrow night with my trainer and back to my regular routine.

    Though I may not have gotten in any exercise, I was successful on Sunday in preparing and grilling chicken breasts and pork loins. I also made a tasty batch of ratatouille in my crockpot. Now we have other meals headed in from other families during hubby's recovery. We have such an awesome community of friends and students.

    This week's goal is to get back to my routine, continue to make healthy choices. Next week - back to logging food daily =))

    Happy Reducing
  • iquiltoo
    iquiltoo Posts: 246 Member

    Saw lightinfl's post on my newsfeed, and thought I would like to join this group. I am short, 5'3", not sure how sassy I am!

    I am pretty much retired, though not that old, only 54. I was hospitalized last year due to a hernia that strangled my bowel, so yeah, pretty bad. At about the same time my boss's business hit a rough patch, so I pretty much got laid off. Fortunately I had worked for a large company in my past, and was drawing pension from there. It's not a lot, but it's liveable, and is allowing me time to get myself in order! I decided earlier this year that my job for this year was to lose weight and get in some sort of good shape. Ideally that means getting off all the meds I am on for high bp, diabetes, and cholesterol. So far I have reduced the bp med, and I am hoping after my dr's appointment in a couple of weeks I will lose one of the diabetes meds and the cholesterol!

    Anyway, at the hospital they weighed me at about 350. Yikes. I think part of that was fluid retention (I have lymphedema and had ballooned up quite a bit while lying there for several days!) but nonetheless it wasn't too far from reality. I had complications after the surgery (not life-threatening) that took a while to heal, and somehow managed to lose 50 lbs. I was able to maintain that for nearly a year when my dr got me into an exercise program through our health care (I am in Canada. It wasn't free, but I didn't have to pay as I am on a pension!) Then I found MFP and started to really try to lose, since I bought a year's membership at the gym and I knew I would have to do more than that (I had only lost a couple pounds in the 9 weeks.)

    Then I heard about Fitbit, ordered one, and found it did help to motivate me. Plus it gives me a much better idea, especially on non-gym days, what my intake and burn is. I am pretty sedentary, so it does get me up and walking around my house if I see I am not going to have at least the MFP goal calories for the day! I have osteoarthritis in my knee, so that slows me down, but since exercising I am amazed at how much further and longer I can go. Not that much, compared to most, but way more than I ever though I would be able to!

    So my ticker shows only 53 lbs lost, that's just since starting on MFP. I think when I hit 100, I will add the other 50. My goal shows 160 to lose, that takes me to 140 at which point I will re-evaluate. I am thinking 130 for my ultimate goal, but we'll see.

    Well, hope that's not TMI!! I have not had much success finding a smaller, more focused group until now so it's nice to meet you all!

  • lightinfl
    lightinfl Posts: 229 Member
    Andrea, welcome to the group and thanks for introducing yourself :) You've had quite the year and it's good to see how far you've come since you first sat in that doctor's chair and decided to take action. I look forward to watching your success :)
  • deannac11
    deannac11 Posts: 4 Member
    Helllloooooo my friends! It's been awhile! So glad to see everybody here. Took me awhile to figure out to get onto the community because I couldn't from my phone. On the iPad, it was a snap.

    Anyhow, most of you will remember me from the old site, though I hadn't been active very much. I started crossfit in August, and I am LOVING it! It pushes me challenges me and gives me a great group of people to support me. My goal is to focus on fitness and fueling my workouts with good food vs focusing on the scale. That being said my first goals for the year are to get a handstand push-up and an unassisted pull up. I would also like to start running again... Which would help with my step count, lol!

    Anyhow, good to see you all here!
  • wiredkell
    wiredkell Posts: 690 Member
    Nice to see you back Deanna :)
  • lightinfl
    lightinfl Posts: 229 Member
    Really good to see you made it to the forums :) It's nice to have you back with us again. I'm not that familiar with crossfit but if it's making you do handstand pushups and pull ups, it sounds pretty physical :) I really need to get back into some of my fitness tapes again, though I am a far cry from doing the stuff I suspect you are doing. Anyways, good to see you again :)
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,128 Member
    Deanna, goo to see you here, and on the FitBit leaderboard. ????

    My trainer did Crossfit, and has incorporated it into our weight training workouts. It's tough! I can do the pull-ups with the elastic band on one foot thingy. I've done the box jump ups, dead lifts, and push-ups. Kicks my butt! I think that resistance training is so important! We women need to be STRONG, not just thin. We need to do it even though it doesn't give us much credit on the FitBit???? Of course, we need do get our steps done too. Keep it up!
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,128 Member
    Deanna, good to see you here, and on the FitBit leaderboard. ????

    My trainer did Crossfit, and has incorporated it into our weight training workouts. It's tough! I can do the pull-ups with the elastic band on one foot thingy. I've done the box jump ups, dead lifts, and push-ups. Kicks my butt! I think that resistance training is so important! We women need to be STRONG, not just thin. We need to do it even though it doesn't give us much credit on the FitBit???? Of course, we need do get our steps done too. Keep it up!
  • katiethedetermined1
    katiethedetermined1 Posts: 68 Member
    Hello everyone!!!

    My name is Katie and I am truly in need of some helpful motivating friends! I am 5'0', 37 years told, 43 children, and work in HR sitting pretty much all day. I am ready to get this done. I am currently going through a lot in life but really need to focus on myself. I have got down to 133 lbs before getting married and having children via csection. I am now up to way too much and everything always hurts or I am getting injured all the time. I am great at motivating everyone but myself! I would love to do CrossFit one day but that is just not happening with tiny humans. Any help would be so appreciated. My current stats are the following:

    SW 176 (largest I have ever been)
    CW 176
    GW 135 (given I have huge boobs and butt)

    I have a fitbit also to add me to challenges on there and motivation: Katie B (photo of me running with green tank top and black pants).

    I look forward to this journey with new friends and more motivation/accountability. :)
  • SarahMaxx
    SarahMaxx Posts: 1,972 Member
    Welcome, Katie. We would be very glad to have to join in. We typically weigh-in on Wednesdays, but we're flexible. I'm sure the others will, too, but I promise to give you some background about me and my journey from the bodybugg in 2010 until today (now use a Fitbit) when I weigh in tomorrow. As you can see, we also log if we can throughout the week just to share how we're doing. And you will fit right in with us short, large-busted ladies! :smile:
  • GaGasheesh
    GaGasheesh Posts: 1,128 Member
    Welcome @katiethedetermined1 ! We are happy to have you. My family's nickname for me (believe it or not) is Sheesh. The grand babies call me Gaga . . thus my name here. Post in our weekly thread anytime. We provide support, ideas, encouragement, and hopefully motivation. Sometimes we just chat. There's no requirement to log weekly weight, but the accountability helps me a lot. I'll post more personal info on our weekly thread.