Weight question

Hi all,

I've been on MFP for about 2 and a half weeks now and most days I come in under my kilojoule goal (set to sedentary). The first two weeks I didn't do much exercise but did try and keep my Christmas/NYs to a sensible food level. When I got back home I found I'd lost 1.8kg with body fat at 49.3.

But then I weighed myself two days later and it was 1.7kg back on again with body fat of 48.6. I felt pretty dejected. I was under my kilojoules those days and I had started exercising too.

Is this a normal thing? I have been trying hard to curb my eating and am pretty proud of my lack of binge eating since I started. I thought I got a good result and for seemingly no reason, put it back on in 2 days?


  • Titanuim
    Titanuim Posts: 331 Member
    Have patience would be my advice. It is pretty early days and if you have just started exercising your muscles will hang onto water so your weight will be fluctuating for a while.

    Consistent logging and a reasonable amount of exercise is the consistent formula for most of the success stories on MFP.
  • allen_ac
    allen_ac Posts: 64 Member
    Try not to dwell on it too much, If you can continue some consistency and discipline with your nutrition you will be absolutely fine.

    If you want to accurately track your weight for progressive weight loss, you can either weigh in once a week (in the morning, after bathroom if possible) to see if there's any change, or you can weigh in everyday and take the average weight of that week and compare it to the average of the upcoming week / previous week.

    If you notice minimal changes, switch a couple things up, It may be that possibly your MFP calculations are a bit off, because they are not anywhere near perfect estimations, they give you a possible range that you can follow, but in the end you need to experiment with your body and your progress to see how it reacts. That process takes 1-2 weeks if you understand what you're looking for.

    Keep going, 2 weeks is a great start, take it one step at a time, another 2 weeks...and another, you will build great habits and momentum, especially once you see more results. You'll thank yourself for not giving up, head up, chest up!
  • schmendy78
    schmendy78 Posts: 1 Member
    My weight can fluctuate nearly 2kg in a day, so I try to weigh on the same day a week at the same time. I'm just looking for a general downward trend. Don't worry, you're doing really positive things for yourself :)
  • motormouse81
    motormouse81 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks everyone for your comments. I can't tell you how much MFP has helped me already. I haven't seen much movement yet in my weight but I am feeling better and more active. I think the exercise and the lack of binge eating is making the difference. I just have to hold onto that for now and trust in time it will make a difference.

    I think I might stick to a once a week weigh in, less likely to mess with my head that way I hope. Thanks for the advice
  • sarahslim100
    sarahslim100 Posts: 485 Member
    i didnt see anything for 2 weeks