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  • amyjpage
    amyjpage Posts: 97 Member
    Suzanne - how are you doing? Have you been able to overcome the emotional spells at work?

    This past week has been tough for me :( not only have I had the WORST acid reflux all day, every day, but my back is starting to ache too - I feel like I'm in first trimester again!

    I'm not going to lie - I am not really enjoying being pregnant (yet).

    On one hand, it still doesn't fully feel real to me ... but my husband assures me that will change next week when we learn the gender and start preparing for baby. I have felt baby moving a bit here and there, but nothing consistent or regular, which I think once that happens, it will also help me to really make it feel real and start getting excited about it!
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    Amy- could have written that myself!! I don't understand women who "love being pregnant!" so far, it's been horrible for the most part. Sick as crap for 14-15 weeks, and then when I started feeling NOT sick, I got crushed with horrible headahces and sinus crap. Now, i'm feeling much better, but my back is already hurting and i'm constantly hungry. It's the most annoying thing in the world to me. I've even had to get up out of bed at night and eat (sometimes 2-3x)

    i also think that once I know the gender and can pick a name it will be a bit more realisitic!
  • Sorry ladies, I'm just seeing your post now! Yes, things are working out so far. I'm realizing that I need a lot more sleep than I had thought I would. I'm keeping it together as long as no angry clients yell at me. :) Thanks for asking!

    My first trimester was probably a dream first trimester. I felt great considering I was "supposed" to be feeling awful. But the second trimester... I can't even TALK in the morning if I don't want to feel nauseous. I'm super tired all the time, I wake up multiple times in the middle of the night, have a low sex drive, feel like I'm PMSing all the time, and my acne has reappeared. I'm not really enjoying this whole pregnancy thing either. I can't wait until it's all done so I can feel normal again and have this little girl in my arms. :)

    It is more fun once you know what you're having. I'll admit to that! :) All the best ladies!
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Okay, super embarrassing question but I think the internet is probably the best place for this question cause there is no way I would ask anyone this IRL....

    Sex is painful! Like really hurts. Is this common? Is there anyone else experiencing this?
    With my first I never had sex when I was pregnant (wasn't with the ex anymore) and now with this one I am married and dont want my sex life/love life to totally suffer but can't just keep doing it even though it hurts either. What do I do?!
  • I find myself not wanting it as much as before, but I attribute that to hormones and no longer ovulating. But it's not painful...

    Definitely talk to your doctor/midwife/obgyn about that!
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    Symptoms at 19 weeks:
    Back pain
    Sinus pressure/Bad headaches
    Not sleeping very well.

    All in all, not too bad. Still am not STARVING and no cravings.. I eat when i'm hungry, and that's about it.
  • Nike13
    Nike13 Posts: 122 Member
    I'm having issues sleeping too at 19weeks. I just can't stay comfortable. Since Friday I was getting sleep in 2 hour spurts cause I would wake up with my hip either in pain or asleep and then have to do a whole production to switch sides. Last night was a little better though, I changed one pillow from between my knees/ankles to under my belly and knees and then put a small throw pillow from the couch against my lower back so I could sort of lean against it to take pressure off my hip without switching sides or laying on my back. Either all that helped or I was just too exhausted to care cause I slept a whole 4 hours straight through before I started getting antsy.

    Course I've got no idea what to do if this begins to not work short of trying my husband's armchair.
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    I'm having issues sleeping too at 19weeks. I just can't stay comfortable. Since Friday I was getting sleep in 2 hour spurts cause I would wake up with my hip either in pain or asleep and then have to do a whole production to switch sides. Last night was a little better though, I changed one pillow from between my knees/ankles to under my belly and knees and then put a small throw pillow from the couch against my lower back so I could sort of lean against it to take pressure off my hip without switching sides or laying on my back. Either all that helped or I was just too exhausted to care cause I slept a whole 4 hours straight through before I started getting antsy.

    Course I've got no idea what to do if this begins to not work short of trying my husband's armchair.

    Have you tried a body pillow? I love mine and don't think I could attempt to sleep without it. I didn't go out and buy a $50 pregnacy pillow.. this thing was $13 bucks. it's amazing!
  • Nike13
    Nike13 Posts: 122 Member
    Have you tried a body pillow? I love mine and don't think I could attempt to sleep without it. I didn't go out and buy a $50 pregnacy pillow.. this thing was $13 bucks. it's amazing!

    It wasn't a body pillow but I was using a longer pillow to put between my knees and ankles but that seemed to stop working last week. I mean, it's longer than the normal pillows I use for my head anyway ^^;
  • rhye
    rhye Posts: 104 Member
    I have a new symptom, I cannot ever stop being hungry. This has just been today but ALL DAY LONG I am STARVING. I'm at 20 weeks and have only gained about 2 pounds but I'm eating today WAY above my daily calorie allowance of about 2800 calories. Do you think it's okay to do this? I just want this hunger to GO AWAY.
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    Rhye- I had the same thing for a couple days righta at 20 weeks but it seems to have died off a litle bit now. Maybe it's a growth spurt. I've read that baby nearly doubles it's size between week 20 and 21, so that could very well be causing the extreme hunger!
  • I had extreme hunger during those weeks too! I say to just eat. Sure, you might gain a lot in a week, but your body is craving food because baby needs it. :)

    (Don't worry, it wore off!)
  • I'll have to confirm this with my midwife, but I think I may be having Braxton Hicks going on.... not sure. It feels like the mini cramps I would get a couple days before my period. (They don't hurt, and are very random so I'm not really concerned about it.) At first I thought the baby was kicking me in some weird place, but now I'm not so sure.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Will talk to my doctor on Monday. Sex is still painful. Sciatic nerve has been a real problem.

    New symptom, wondering if anyone else feels the same ... I am tired and sore from head to toe all the time. Kinda feels like when you havent gone put running in a long time, then suddenly go running long and hard one day, then the next day you wake up just hurting everywhere. That is how I feel. I just ache all over.
  • usernameMAMA
    usernameMAMA Posts: 681 Member
    I ache all over too. I never had a pain with my first but this one is a totally different ballgame. Even my boobs have grown much more with this one and they hurt all the time. My hips, my back, my shoulder (from sleeping on my left side), my legs, I feel like I'm falling apart!
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    I hurt too!! My feet have really been hurting,but I read on one of my "baby apps" that your feet can grow almost a WHOLE size! Maybe my feet are stretching out. Either way, i'm tired of it. I'm also suffering from killer headaches again.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Well, just got back from doctor appt. Doctor says he believes the reason that sex hurts is because my spouse is hitting my cervix and that 'depth' needs to be controlled and that should solve the problem. He says the overall body ache may be because of my low iron and protein levels. Both aren't critically low, just a little bit low, but still low enough to contribute to muscle aches. Also, the sharp pains in my lower abdomen are nerves, due to my prior Csection he believes there is some pulling and twinging in the nerves around where they were cut. Absolutely nothing I can do about that one, it will probably continue throughout pregnancy.
    For now, more protein and more iron, hopefully it helps.
  • @Tigger I'm glad you were able to sort out some of the pain! I hope everything eases with your prior Csection cut!

    My left hand goes numb/falls asleep/gets pins and needles (or whatever you'd like to call it) when I'm sleeping on my left side. I'm finding it difficult to lay on my left side all the time too. Sometimes I wake up on my right side and when I do, my right hand is asleep.

    Does anyone else get the prickly hands in the middle of the night? I don't sleep with them at an odd angle or anything....
  • I really, really, really hope that my feet don't grow a full size... I'm already a size 10!
  • I got my first (and hopefully last) leg cramp the other night... ouch!
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I dont have leg cramps or growing feet but my hands do fall asleep, its actually usually when I am only slightly on my side. Like, lying mostly on my back but leaning to one side, the hand on that side will fall asleep.
    From what I understand, and I may be wrong, it is a blood pressure thing and supposedly cayenne pepper is supposed to help a ton. I am not going to find out though, cayenne pepper does not go over well with my stomach.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    My aunt, the massage therapist, came over again last night and worked on me awhile. She says that my sciatica has gotten much worse and she has low hopes of it healing anytime soon. Because of the pressure the baby puts on it, it will not heal completely and properly until after he is born. She says the ligaments in my stomach have eased up a little though and aren't really tight anymore.
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    I get the tingly hands when I wake up from sleeping! So strange!! My feet also hurt so bad most of the time. I work in a business casual work enviroment, so I wear a lot of flats and shoes that don't really support my feet well. Wish I could talk them into letting me wear sneakers!
  • usernameMAMA
    usernameMAMA Posts: 681 Member
    I've got a new symptom. I'm constantly misjudging my girth. I will try to slide by my husband or through a door and boom, my belly hits. No fun.
  • I've got a new symptom. I'm constantly misjudging my girth. I will try to slide by my husband or through a door and boom, my belly hits. No fun.

    Hahahaha! Me too! It's incredibly awkward.
  • So when I wake up in the morning both of my hands are numb and I can't lift my left arm over my head to turn off my alarm clock. (Which is extremely annoying because my alarm clock is on the right side of the bed. I'm sleeping on my sides, but this isn't unusual for me as I used to always sleep on my side.

    Anyone else have anything like this?
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I've got a new symptom. I'm constantly misjudging my girth. I will try to slide by my husband or through a door and boom, my belly hits. No fun.

    Hahahaha! Me too! It's incredibly awkward.

    lol, we just dont fit where we used to :p
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    So when I wake up in the morning both of my hands are numb and I can't lift my left arm over my head to turn off my alarm clock. (Which is extremely annoying because my alarm clock is on the right side of the bed. I'm sleeping on my sides, but this isn't unusual for me as I used to always sleep on my side.

    Anyone else have anything like this?

    My husband has this.
    Are you diabetic?
    My husband has only found relief by lying flat on his back and his hands flat to his sides.
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    I'm getting the numb arms in the morning but I think it's because I keep my arms curled up around my body pillow while DH is in bed. When he gets up for work (3am) i stretch out and it seems to help.
  • I have shocking bladder control -like need to pee all the time but alot of the time not much comes out and its not a uti. Tired as hell and stomach feels so full like theres no room in there. No back pain though and have only had swollen feet if I stand for long periods of time
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