Day 4

Just a little sweat today. Don't be fooled though, you will have to work to keep good form and push through some of the longer holds and pulses. This was a good workout for me today, considering I did not want to get out of bed at 0530. This group is a great motivation. I can't slack on day 4 while the rest of you are kicking butt and digging deeper. Thanks everyone! Have a great recovery day and come back strong tomorrow.


  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    I'm pretty much glad is a "recovery" day. Although, unforuntately, I found the stretching in the other two videos to be almost as hard as the actual workouts (sad, right?). But my knee is not doing so well today after the last two days so I'm grateful to go lower impact.
  • Never2EZ
    Lol I would prefer to skip the recovery day :P But had to press on with it. I hattttteeeeeee the pulses. You might not get your HR up real crazy during day 4, but your quads get a good butt kicking.
  • terrea1
    terrea1 Posts: 21 Member
    this was a nice needed stretch day!!!!!!