What's your goal for 2014?

My goal is to leave all my excuses in 2013. It was a rough year for me filled with emotional eating :( So, for 2014 my goal is to put the fork down and pick up the pieces of me! (Even the itty bitty ones) I want to be fit! I want to be fierce! I want to be free! I had to put in a goal weight, but ideally, I have a goal size. I hope that with a lot of hard work I can be a size 12 by summer. What about you sistah?


  • shaunayj
    shaunayj Posts: 8 Member
    My goal is to stick with it. So often I start this weight loss journey lose 20-30 pounds and go back to my old ways. I plan on sticking with it this time and hopefully be an example for my daughter.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    My goal is to get my muscles off of lay away! I plan to start working with weights via a trainer :wink:
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Get ripped and maintain.
  • TeamAliyah
    TeamAliyah Posts: 22 Member
    Find more about myself (cravings, etc.) and then I will be able to combat the problems!
  • missjones513
    missjones513 Posts: 345 Member
    Lose 70 pounds by being consistent with eating healthier and exercising.
  • My goal for the year is to lose 65 pounds, push myself to try different exercises (already doing this by doing Insanity), be consistent with eating better, inspire others to get healthy! Happy New Years everyone!
  • jaw783
    jaw783 Posts: 40 Member
    My goal is to get back on track. no excuses!! Just do it
  • Cburton4587
    Cburton4587 Posts: 1 Member
    My goal is lots of more excercise, I dont want to vow to dieting because it never lasts so I will say better eating habits / portion control and lose 30 lbs by the end of the summer.
  • MrsSmiley103
    MrsSmiley103 Posts: 20 Member

    My goal is to stay on track even on the bad days. 2013 with much exercise (even days I did not want to) eating better and trying to let much of the stress go, let me leave 27 pounds in 2013!!! This year I am trying to leave about another 20 pounds in 2014 and tone tone tone!!! I am looking for new friends who log almost daily at least and who have diaries visible. This to me is very important. When I am having bad eat days I have had my MFP friends inbox me and check in on what is going on. There are days that was enough to turn it all around and get me back on track.

    God bless everyone and praying we all get to goals with hard work and eating right.

    Add me so we can do this together.

  • FitNurseLex
    FitNurseLex Posts: 66 Member
    My goal is to lose the remaining weight in the first 6 months of the yr and to focus on sculpting my body in the last half of the yr. I am determined!!!
  • motivatedx10
    motivatedx10 Posts: 7 Member
    Goal 1: % body fat under 40
    Goal 2: incorporate weight training

    Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • deeforever
    deeforever Posts: 8 Member
    Hello Everyone! My goal for the year is to lose 75 pounds and get strong. I started going to the gym and working with a trainer so I can learn about proper weight training. I want to be able to wear a swimsuit without a cover-up this summer and shed the low self-esteem.
  • kelcity
    kelcity Posts: 27 Member
    My goal is to make myself a priority. In 2014 I will be more active and be aware of what I am eating. I know I won't be perfect, but I plan on doing better than I did last year.
  • 2CABetterMe
    2CABetterMe Posts: 119 Member
    My goal is to lose 67 lbs and be more active and eat healthier. I haven't been taking care of me like I need to and need to get back to that.
  • My main goal is to tone up my body and lose 10 pounds. I another goal is to workout for at least 30-40 minutes 6 times a week for the rest of the year.
  • Gemini24K83
    Gemini24K83 Posts: 18 Member
    My fitness goal for 2014 is to do a bootcamp! I want to build up to that so in a few months I will complete one. My short term goal is to lose 25 pounds by March 2 (that's a weigh in day)! My overall goal is to make all these changes permanent.
  • Applegondi69
    Applegondi69 Posts: 54 Member
    My fitness journey is to stay with it no matter what!!!!! I have did my research, now the "old excuses"to stay consistent will be conquered once and for ALL!
    Blessings to all on our new found capabilities...
  • My goals are to eat healthy, walk 3 days a week, and yoga on Saturday. I almost forgot to stick to 1500 cal per day.
  • rhispect
    rhispect Posts: 9 Member
    New here. :) My 2014 goal is to eat better/cleaner. I've been a fast food junky my entire life. So far, I'm 1 month in. It's been tough because I don't really know how to cook. So, I've been eating the same 5 recipes and I'm looking for new ideas. Happy Friday, Ladies!
  • My goals are: lose 77 pounds, continue to eat clean and run at least one 5K race. Hopefully, putting this out to the universe will inspire me.
