Day 5

ramsx1991 Posts: 142 Member
Wow! That was a tough one for me. During the last set of squat jumps I felt like giving up.. Just keep pushing! Today is hard but complete it and give it your all, you won't regret it!

Also, is anybody else itching to weigh themselves! I normally weigh myself daily but I'm going to hold off until the 15 day mark. I think I will be happy with the results if I keep this hard work up.

Have a nice weekend everybody :)


  • MartaAnna84
    MartaAnna84 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm doing Day 5 after work and thanks for the heads up. I need some really good music to go along with the workout today then. And no, I normally NEVER weight myself so not itching to do it. Get someone to hide the scale haha
  • jaylas_mom21
    jaylas_mom21 Posts: 311 Member
    Yeah today about killed me! I definitely had to do a few modifications to get through it! I don't know if I'll be able to wait that long to weigh myself bc I usually weigh quite often too.
  • MartaAnna84
    MartaAnna84 Posts: 20 Member
    I had a burst of energy today... totally surprised with that. Hate those burpees though.